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Messages - Jane C

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Pond Chat / Re: Transporting BIIIIIGGG Koi
« on: February 29, 2016, 09:23:46 AM »
Not a problem with how long the first koi will be in the bag/cooler, each koi will require a separate trip.  I thought the bag idea you mentioned was a good way to get a koi from the pond into the cooler? 

The people are not only taking the 4 koi, but, also several fancy goldfish.  They will be here shortly for the gf.  They'll come for the koi another day. So glad to find homes for many of our fish.  :)

Thanks again, I'll let you know how it all worked out when it's all done.

Pond Chat / Re: Transporting BIIIIIGGG Koi
« on: February 27, 2016, 04:30:18 PM »
Thank you so much.

They'll only be transported approximately 15 minutes by car to their new home.  I'm thinking we can do the bag procedure and then, after placing the bag in a large enough cooler or container we can leave the bag open and the cooler open so we won't need the oxygen? I was even thinking of sticking a battery operated aerator into the bag in the cooler that people use to keep bait alive when they go fishing?

Thank you again, I hate having to discontinue my ponds, it's been a great 15 years and I've only been able to do it successfully with the help of the good people on this forum.
Oh, P.S. Always gin clear water and no chemicals ever except chlorine remover!  O0

Pond Chat / Transporting BIIIIIGGG Koi
« on: February 27, 2016, 07:26:18 AM »
Hi All,
It's been years since I've been on the forum so not sure if you remember me, but, I have a question about my koi and need advice and I know you people are the ones to get good answers from!   :)
I have 4 large butterfly koi, each is about 3' long. 3 of them are about 15 years old and the fourth, Ol' Yeller,  I received from Griff (he was a member then) about 15 years ago and was already close to 2'.  The time has come when I must end my fish keeping since we're moving and we need to downsize.

Our temps here on the eastern coast of NC are in the 40's so the fish aren't being fed since the water temp is below 50.  How do I transport these big boys?  What type of container, massive coolers? What type of net?  The people that I'm giving them to only have small koi so they have no clue on transporting either.

I would appreciate any help you can give me. 

"Nothing could be finer then a pond in Carolina......"

Pond Construction & Filtration / Re: Matala Filter Medium
« on: May 05, 2013, 07:30:39 AM »
Thank you so much for your reply.  I saw it in a local nursery the other day and thought it was a great idea to replace the bags of scrubbies.  After 10 years the lingerie bags are getting a bit tattered and torn and it's so hard to clean them, even with a pressure washer. I checked the prices at drsfostersmith and thought the prices were better then most and I've had only good experiences with them.

"Nothing could be finer then a pond in Carolina..........."

Pond Construction & Filtration / Matala Filter Medium
« on: May 04, 2013, 01:11:47 PM »
Hi all,
I've been on this forum many moons ago (I think my user name back there was Jane S) and it's great to recognize several member names. My 2500 gal pond with beautiful large koi and goldfish has been up and running since 2000 with no problems (other then the occasional egret  >:(). My present filtration (hasn't changed for the last 10 years) and consists of lingerie bags filled with dollar store scrubbies, filter material sold in pond stores, waxing machine pads and fiber floss sewn into net-like cases in a 250 gal trough.  I recently came across the filter medium, Matala and it appears to be a great way to go, light, easy  to clean and efficient.  I did a search here and didn't seem to see any negative remarks concerning Matala? Is there anything more, pro or con, that I should know about the product?
I also saw a member that is selling it, Joes Ponds.  His prices seemed very competitive.
Thanks for any info you can provide me.

"Nothing can be finer then a pond in Carolina......"[/[/i]font]

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