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Messages - Kingang

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Well you are comparing to how other business run their NBA 2K21 MT games this is what's reality. First of all they were probably working on 2k21 for its ps4 since it was simultaneously helping them for the ps5 variant. Second, many men and women love to despise 2k, but it is hard to create another basketball game as great as 2k has made. Nobody takes into consideration and everyone uses this bs excuse stating"they dont have contest so that they do what they need" reality test , they dont have competition because creating a basketball game thats as good as 2k would be nearly impossible.

Ill gladly spend some cash to acquire the best basketball game on earth, if you think that you can find better go ahead matches cost money and that has never changed, if you dont wanna pay visit the"free to play" section.It's hard to be hopeful after what we have gotten the past few years.

Each COD game introduced annually is created by a different studio which they"paid" for. Hence the shxtty quantity of microtransactions they induce in their participant.2K on the other hand employs the same game then just add new features by simply tweaking some of these codes in the previous game, launch it as a $60 game then call it a day.

Does the webpage ever work?

Since 2k is trying to finesse ppl to spend extra cash for a sport that is gonna be just like 2k20... I would rather stick wit my elite 2k20 account another gen with gym rat and all my maxed builds rather than start over at rookie for 4 months and then simply begin at novice again on next gen lol. Also maybe if they see their sales are shit they'll fix up (even tho this won't be true cuZ many ppl will still buy it), but unless they do something drastic I am not paying extra for a match I will barely even perform for several months after I already have pretty much the EXACT same game

The lack of new ports, options, and construct design are my qualms. I do not care too much how the How to buy mt in nba 2k21 game looks graphically. Take out pro two spam, post scoring cheese on 100% contested shots, godly displays where pickdodger will nothing. So many simple things could be added and taken away to impress me but nope.

Hybridizing How To's... / It Honestly Compares To Overdue Xbox/Early
« on: November 01, 2020, 04:50:02 PM »
The Madden 21 coins criticism that surfaced has nothing to do along with your remark. Its a growing group of people who want to play a fantastic football game, but Ea keeps promoting them exactly the same game without updating the engine. This group needs the nfl to give out several instances of likeness rights or offer them exclusively to another firm that would hopefully create a much better match. Not surprising. That is the reason why EA doesn't need to bother ever improving anything in most of their modes or repairing any bugs which have been there for several years. People will get it regardless and whales will dump tons of money into MUT. 2k has similar troubles and the microtransaction material is gross but in the very least that's good gameplay and top tier demonstration and they still put in a bit more effort. Sports game just have an entirely different demographics to games like Witcher 3 and CIV.

If anything this shows you why they published a broken product. The men and women who buy do not read/care what the web thinks. Disappointed in the sports community but honestly. . .where else could they go if this is their sole alternative? The majority of the sports enthusiast don't read reviews before they buy. A lot of them literally only play that game for the whole calendar year. It is the Exact Same for FIFA. Imagine if Fromsoftware made a half-baked Souls game. The fans would still purchase it since it's still a Souls match. Makes sense if you think of it like that. It's like three hours long and nothing about it is distinctive from all the other New Super Mario Bros. games. Yet, I bought it, and so did not millions of different players.

Maximum Football 2020 releases later this month. It honestly compares to late Xbox/early 360 graphically but it really has depth and customization unlike Madden. Honstely when your only game in town it's not like anybody has a choice only I am just glad madden did not need to stick around and see his name butchered. Regrettably Madden & FIFA are matches that are review-immune due to combination of licensing / casual marketplace reach. I get the feeling Avengers will fall into this category. The NFL & FIFA respectively don't take enough flak with this. They must see that their audience isn't happy but do not change to non-exclusive licensing anyhow. Last year's I stopped playing per month in I'd the EA pro left before yesterday I did not reup.

It's a logical decision by EA. Even if they're only after political factors. The Mut 21 coins for sale and Madden have a sizable African American fandom, along with being essentially a US exclusive product with minimal international appeal. Perhaps not the ideal time to drop info when one of your largest demographics & only market is on literal fire. From an advertising/marketing point, theyve done this quite a few times (smaller scale) for Battlefront 2. The CM said theyre seeking to make the maximum spalsh as you can. If folks are outside protesting = less audiences. And furthermore, lower internet engagement. On most social media it's impossible to discuss anything but the protests at the moment. They want people talking about the reveal but that could be spelled out by the much larger news at the moment.

Pond Chat / There Are Two Signs Of Intelligence
« on: November 01, 2020, 04:42:58 PM »
There are two signs of intelligence, focus and endurance. It is inflexible in how it's been rammning updates through, and its concentration is on bucks not people. In the heart the RuneScape gold forums are the core of the matter. Maybe Jagex believes that adapting itself to replicate all other MMOs will keep Runescape out of perishing. A spin on adapt or perish. But the actual answer is that Jmods are limited to how and who they talk to. It is an issue of time, they could only speak with a couple people per day. Many Jmods will have a small selection of players they talk to, if any. Those relationships will have been established over time and basically be"Yes!" Groups to whatever the Jmod suggests. With Fmods (a few of them masked Jmods) stamping out any dissent on forums.

It's gotta change, Jagex has to accommodate its own forums. First, drop the Fmod program entirely, create Fmods a paid occupation with Jagex, with professional standards required. No longer Fmods referring to gamers since"you lot" and so on. Seriously some Fmods are murdering sections of the forums. Secondly, upgrade forums, with more voice and more option. Let players ignore others and have other tools and build networks from the forums. Give the RS forums that the flexibility of Facebook, a rather straightforward method of grouping. But participant driven, not all of these key forums that Jagex has polluting the turning and forums the forums to rigid areas.

Receive a player council upward, let players vote for 12 players who have power to decide updates from a budget. A little one, few hundred k per year or thereabouts. If you have to use Facebook and Twitter, use them to feed conversation involving the forums. This installment will discourage years such as 2012 occurring , where Jagex refused to listen to gamers. For instance, 90% of players adore SoF and 80% love EoC, which were just plain stupid things for Jagex to state. Adapt or perish, emotive crap. Talking does a much better job, but instances running out. Tick Tock Jagex.

I'm an EOC supporter, a significant one. The thing with Buy old school rs gold games, in addition to all technologies, is that they are continuously advancing. Think back to when runescape was first launched 13-ish years back - consider how technology and gaming as a whole have advanced in the previous thirteen years. Consider how many runescape players (myself included) left for additional MMORPGs that use a similar action bar system. Now I am not saying runescape should be like WOW, maybe not at all, but many moos now follow the EOC-style HCI. Why do 99 percent do this?

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