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Messages - nancyB

Pages: [1]
Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / wanted: yerba mensa
« on: July 02, 2008, 03:46:48 AM »
looking for this plant for postage or ?? not too many water plant to trade but I have good day lilies and some herbs..

nancyB in MD

I would love to have clover...

Pond Chat / Re: Pink Ribbon lilies on eBay
« on: June 15, 2007, 05:15:10 AM »
plese post a link to the auction.. I could not find info when I did a search this am...

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: More Clemmies
« on: June 07, 2007, 06:29:37 PM »
your plants are lovely.. I have just been gifted with a purple one in a 1 qt pot with a small trellis..
I know nothing about clematis.. is the small trellis adequate for this year of should we plant it where we can install something bigger?  I notice one of yours seems to have a short support system..

thanks for any suggestions you may offer.
take care, nancyB

Pond Chat / Re: Planting Baskets
« on: June 06, 2007, 01:36:21 PM »
I have used the black plastic oil pans from W-M with good results.  we have a Dollar tree $$$ store in the same center.. they have round plastic dish pans for $1.00 which is cheaper than the pans from W-M.. 3 seasons and no difference in performance between them and the more expensive oil pans..

When I use anything with a hole, I use a plastic shopping bag or several layers of newspaper or brown craft paper to line the pot and then  fill with good soil, layer of sand on top seems to help hold the soil andmay help with a bit of extra warmth.. it is still cool here in MD!
 hope this helps,.

Chit Chat / Re: My oldest son just called
« on: May 21, 2007, 08:41:44 AM »
 I am glad that you had such a good visit and that Braedon seems to be handling all of this so well. Young children seem to do so much better than the adults around them at times..

If one has not been offered, please ask for a Linus blanket for both Braedon and hopefully his sister... The blanket is his to keep and they seems to help  a lot as a specila "woobie' to hold during scary moments.. If there are no Linus blankets at this hosp. let me know and I will contact someone  in the pipeline...

anyone can make a blanket easily whether or not one can sew, knit or corchet or volunteer to cut squares, deliver to area hospitals or even donate fabric and other supplies...

nancyB in MD

I live near Manchester! I would love to have a lilly! I have lots of daylillies to trade and may actually have some pond things..

thanks, nancyB

Technology Talk / Re: How do I change my password?
« on: August 16, 2006, 03:37:43 AM »
re-registerd with new pass word

thanks, nancyB

Pages: [1]
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