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Messages - kntry

Pages: [1]
Chit Chat / Re: A week after the storm
« on: September 28, 2008, 06:36:23 AM »
Thanks for the stories, Sav.

Catastrophes bring out the best and worst in people. 

Even though the stupid stories of the city are really stupid, they didnt' cause massive destruction.  When Jefferson Parish flooded in Katrina, it was solely due to the fact that the Parish President sent the personnel that controlled the water pumping stations to higher ground.  The problem with that is, he didn't tell them to turn the pumps on before they left. >:(- >:(- >:(- >:(- >:(- >:(-    My parents and in-laws were two of the thousands of houses that had several feet of water in them that would have otherwise been dry.

How are the horses and cows?  Did the birds survive?

Photo Album / Re: pond pics
« on: September 21, 2008, 11:59:58 AM »
Your pond and fish are very nice.

What part of La are you in?  I'm in Covington.

Photo Album / Re: Pond in Olympia, Wa.
« on: September 21, 2008, 11:57:20 AM »
Your yard and pond are beautiful.  The plants really set everything off. ;)

Pond Construction & Filtration / Re: Help me select a new pump
« on: September 21, 2008, 11:54:34 AM »
Is your pump in line or submersible?  How many gallons is your pond? 

Pond Chat / Re: Will you purchase the Speichert's newest release?
« on: September 20, 2008, 02:36:39 PM »
Bonnie, I have to agree with you.  It was a great forum and I made a lot of friends there.  I tried to email Sue several times also, with no reply.

Although the rocks give more surface area for beneficial bacteria to grow, that surface area does not help the anaerobic bacteria growing beneath the rocks.

If you drain the water in a rock lined pond and move the rocks, the smell of decaying organic matter will literally make you gag.

The larger the koi grow, the more waste they put off.  The more waste they put off, the more organic matter beneath the rocks to decay.

The fish will be fine for a year or so but they'll eventually begin to get bacterial infections, ulcers and die.  Unless the muck is removed from under the rocks.

I'm not trying to be negative as the pond truly is gorgeous.  But in 3 months, the rocks will be covered with algae so you really won't be able to see them.  They are a detriment to the fish and I definitely wouldn't let my kids swim in there after they've been in the pond a couple of months.  Anaerobic bacteria is not something you want your fish to be in contact with and especially not your children.

As for browsing the web and looking at rock lined ponds with large koi, ask how old the pond is and/or how much time and effort are spent cleaning under the rocks if the pond is a couple of years old.

Although still not an ideal situation, a rock lined pond is much better suited to goldfish since they don't get large and don't put out as much waste.

Chit Chat / Re: Hurricane Winds On Sunday, power finally restored
« on: September 20, 2008, 06:55:43 AM »
Bonnie, when are you moving into the new house?  Do you have any updated pics?

The pond is gorgeous and you'll get a lot of enjoyment out of it for about a year.

I know you're not going to be happy about this but the rocks really need to be removed.  By the end of next summer, there will be a large layer of muck under and between the rocks that will be anaerobic (no oxygen).  Bad bacteria that is harmful to the fish will grow there.  It will also give parasites a place to breed. 

Everything from fish waste and uneaten food to leaves and dirt that blow into the pond will settle in the rocks and rot there.  Once that happens, if you move the rocks with the fish in the pond, the gases that are released will kill them. 

It is possible to keep the rocks but you'll need to remove the fish every year, move the rocks around and clean the muck out of the pond.  You'll be amazed at how thick the layer will be under there in just a year.  It's like having your fish live in an unflushed toilet.

If you want the healthiest environment for your koi, the best thing to do is remove the rocks and use them in the landscape.

Chit Chat / Re: Hurricane Winds On Sunday, power finally restored
« on: September 19, 2008, 05:52:32 PM »
Patience without a/c is a thing I haven't yet mastered. {nono}

Chit Chat / Re: Hurricane Winds On Sunday, power finally restored
« on: September 17, 2008, 04:39:24 PM »
Ya'll got worse weather than we did.  Luckily, we were just outside the bad weather bands in Louisiana. 

I hope ya'll recover soon.  It's not any fun.

Chit Chat / Re: SAVANNAH!
« on: September 16, 2008, 08:00:08 PM »
Great!  I was going to send Mike or one of the boys over to check on ya'll when they get there if I hadn't heard from you.

I knew you'd be "feeding the masses"!  Wish I was there.

Chit Chat / Re: SAVANNAH!
« on: September 16, 2008, 06:18:51 PM »
Thanks for the update, Sav.  I'm so glad everyone survived. 

How did the office pond and fish make out?

Tell Jeff he's a sweetheart.  People helping people is what it's all about especially in a disaster.

What are you cooking? @O@

Chit Chat / Re: Waiting for the hurricane, AGAIN!
« on: September 15, 2008, 04:42:39 PM »
I'm glad they're ok.  The barn can be rebuilt.

Pond Water Quality / Re: Green water
« on: September 14, 2008, 04:54:16 PM »
How many koi do you have in the pond and how big are they?  If your pond stayed clear for a couple of years and nothing else has changed, your fish load is probably too heavy.  The fish have grown and they're overloading the filter system. 

You also need to test the water for pH, alkalinity and hardness.

Chit Chat / Re: Waiting for the hurricane, AGAIN!
« on: September 14, 2008, 04:40:58 PM »
I'm happy to hear Marilyn and her hubby are ok.  I haven't talked to her in years.  I lost track of her and didn't know she was still posting on the Boards after the watergardening Board closed.

Sav went to McAllen, Tx.  I'm worried sick about her horses and cows.

Chit Chat / Re: Waiting for the hurricane, AGAIN!
« on: September 12, 2008, 07:14:03 PM »
Sav, I'm glad ya'll made it.  I've been worried about ya'll, the horses and cows all day.  I wish ya'll would have come here.
You could have brought the trailer with the horses. 

Praying that everyone in Texas stays safe.  Things can be replaced.


The Shack is down now. >:(

I'm so sorry this happened.  I sure hope you catch who ever did this and hang them out to dry for the world to see. lmO dob

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