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Messages - wagtail

Pages: [1]
HARDIES (wintered tubers in peat moss in sealed fish bag. new foilage and/or indicator leaves peaking through in nearly all of them)
• Chromatella
 •Laydekeri alba
 •Pink Beauty (Luciana)
 •Red Pygmy
 •N. stellata (aquarium-stored with foliage)
 •St. Louis Gold (aquarium-stored potted with some foilage)
 •Colorata (small korms with leaf growth)
HARDY POND PLANTS (overwintered moist in styro box, most now sprouting)
  •Dwarf Pickeral (blue) - does great in shade too
 •Typha Laxmanni (my fav. needle leaf and stays small. Incredible filter)
 •Thalia Dealbata (Hardy Canna)
 •Lizard Tail - white flower red stem variety (versatile: full shade to bright sun, various depths )
 •Native Phragmites (gets 8 feet if you let it)
 •Bloody Dock (great for shady tubs. Bright red foilage when Spring arrives)
WISH LIST: open to ANYTHING!... but have my eye on Vips, Marsh Marigold, Margaret Mary, August Koch, Wanvisa, Chubby, Clyde Itkins, Perry's Baby Red, Arc-En-Ciel, Emily Grant Hutchings, Texas Dawn. Been searching for DOLL HOUSE for years.

I ship within the USA only.

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