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Messages - galap01

Pages: [1]
Pond Chat / Re: Dividing or getting rid of yellow flag
« on: October 02, 2011, 07:38:24 PM »
Thanks for all those who replied.  I may have found my own solution.   :D  I was in the pond this glorious weekend in MN doing some pond shutdown.  I started pulling at the roots with my hands.  While not easy, just pulling and digging with my hands, I was able to make progress on 1 of my 3 big issues.   I thought it would be easiest getting rid of the roots where no water was with them.  Turns out, while fully wet..and maybe hard to see...just pulling with my hands and digging out those blasted roots...was very successful.  Not fun mind you, but it works. 

Pond Chat / Re: Dividing or getting rid of yellow flag
« on: September 21, 2011, 03:11:14 PM »
Thanks for the advice so far.  The plants are not in pots so it sounds like I'm in for a boat load of fun :(  Guess I should have asked this question years ago, but at the time I was wanting my pond to grow-up BIG! The sawzall sounds interesting.  Still totally afraid I will cut the liner and have a bigger problem on my hands.  The guy who recommended the Round up says it does indeed breakdown when it comes into contact with water.  Guess I don't know how it works so well on garden weeds once it rains and they are soaked.  Looking like I have 3 choices.  1. Use roundup, potentially kill the fish. (*BTW carefully brushing on sounds like a great idea)  2.  Manually try and cut/rip them out - which could take days as I have 3 very large clumps(additionally will need to drain at least 1/3 off the top of pond).  3.  Do nothing and bulldoze the entire pond in 5 years?   Thanks for all your help.  If I can figure out how, I'll post some pics.  would love to share.   My 3 clumps have got to be at least the size of that picture.  Ugh, I'll be in bed with back pain for days. 

Pond Chat / Dividing or getting rid of yellow flag
« on: September 19, 2011, 01:09:29 PM »
My pond is 10 years old now and my yellow flag iris are in desperate need of dividing.  I have a rubber liner.  I tried cutting some of the narly roots out in the spring and didn't get too far.   What is the best time of year to do this and the best approach?  A local nursery /pond expert told me this weekend I can use Round Up(I have fish).  He took me out back to their 'breeder pond' and showed me where he sprayed all his overgrown cattails and brush in the pond.   He recommended spraying now, and then in spring when I do clean-up I could remove the dead roots.   Is this the best/only approach?

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