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Messages - tammie

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Hi Jerry!  I did contact them directly - no response yet.

 Hi! I went to your website and choose the option of $299+ shipping because I live in Hawaii.  The price in the cart shows at $326 with free shipping, and doesn't change when I put in my address info.  The price of $326 (including shipping) would be perfectly fine with me {:-P;; but I have a feeling that shipping is going to be a bit more...  Could you quote me what it would really cost me? (Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795)
Thank you!
Tammie Ryan

Chit Chat / Re: I can't stop crying
« on: May 17, 2011, 08:59:31 AM »
Oh I'm so sorry!   :'(

Pond Chat / Re: Are my ponds too small to put this many plants?
« on: February 23, 2011, 01:27:08 PM »
I agree with Lawanna.  The cover especially will take over, really quick!

Chit Chat / Re: our amazing web master is home and recovering.
« on: January 27, 2011, 02:47:00 PM »
Boy, that's a bit more then just appendicitis!  You poor baby... But really Sean, that's a very extreme way to get a paid vacation!  ;)

Hi Craig - Yep, them lilies roots would grow down that far.  But!  If your lily jumps the pot it's time to repot.  You can cut off the new lilies and either repot those (as well as the original lily) or you can share your "extra" lilies!  Here's a short story about me and hardy lilies - I started with ONE Joey Tomocik hardy lily.  Within 3 years I had either sold or gave away over 200 lilies!  I don't think you'll have that many, I live in Hawaii and that darn lily was very happy..

Hi Craig - I have a bunch of unfiltered "ponds" - they're 10 and 15' intex pools that I raise lilies in.  I do have goldfish in all of them for mosquito control.  The bottom of the pools are really icky... and get completely emptied twice a year.  Just a couple of suggestions, okay? Don't use chemicals to control mosquitos - use guppies or those little fish they call "mosquito fish".  And I don't believe there is any lily safe algicide.  Algea is a plant... if the chemical you're using will kill the algea, it's gonna set back your lilies.  All of my lily ponds have clear water as soon as the lilies grow big enough to shade more then 1/2 the water surface.  One last one, okay?  Please keep a really close eye on those lilies.  If they jump the pot they will root in that dirt on the bottom of your pond and I'd bet the roots could go thru your 6ml plastic.

I think you'll have a problem with filtering with a 1" of dirt on the bottom.  Especially if you have the pump on the bottom of the pond. Any type of filter you use is going to get clogged with that dirt - that's what the filter is suppose to do - filter out the dirt in the pond.   I think you should concrete the bottom and thoroseal it.  Then you can do whatever filtering/skimming setup you want.

Chit Chat / Re: Remember to keep Esther in your thoughts
« on: December 01, 2010, 02:11:13 PM »
I'm so sorry Esther...Please take care of yourself too.

Chit Chat / Re: HELP if you can please....
« on: September 05, 2010, 11:51:59 AM »
You are so right Frank! 

Chit Chat / Re: HELP if you can please....
« on: September 05, 2010, 10:04:35 AM »
Bump - to keep it up front

Pond Chat / Re: Some blooms in the pond today
« on: August 17, 2010, 02:50:56 PM »
Great pictures of the lilies... but I want to see the water blaster ones! ;D

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Opinions on mulch. Mulch or no mulch?
« on: June 01, 2010, 02:52:26 PM »
Bart - here are a couple of links to pre emergents available in Canada.  That's what Preen is - a pre emergent herbicide.  I use Ronstar.  I didn't read thru the links to see if you have to have a licence to buy them...

Pond Chat / Re: Any idea what these water plants are in Florida?
« on: May 22, 2010, 04:58:17 PM »
I think so...

Pond Chat / Re: Any idea what these water plants are in Florida?
« on: May 22, 2010, 04:13:27 PM »
First one is Spadderdock (I'm sure I spelled that wrong..) Second one looks like Bladderwort.  The third is a un-named hardy water lily.

Chit Chat / Re: Horse question
« on: April 26, 2010, 09:09:39 AM »
Yep, two.

Pond Chat / Re: What's eating my lily pad?
« on: March 10, 2010, 01:38:09 PM »
Nightbloomers do want warmer water and air temps.  Guess you don't have anything to lose by repotting it?  Are you sure it's a nightbloomer?  The pads don't look right to me... usually nightbloomers have "wavy", "toothy" edges to the pads...

Chit Chat / Re: RIP Lena's Babycakes
« on: March 09, 2010, 01:35:24 PM »
Oh!  I meant to ask you if Lena was out of Sweet Little Lena?

Chit Chat / Re: RIP Lena's Babycakes
« on: March 09, 2010, 01:34:19 PM »
I'm sorry Sunbeam, I do know how you feel.  Getting close to having to make a desition on Chewy.  He has andihidrosis (unable to sweat) and Cushings.  The oldest horse I ever had was Peacock - a lepord appy that faded to a flea bitten grey... he was 38 years old.  I had his reg. papers so I was very sure of his age.  No matter the age, it's hard, really hard.

Chit Chat / Re: Be safe Hawaii, Alaska, California (everyone)
« on: February 28, 2010, 08:36:27 AM »
Thank you all!  I think things would have been alot worse had we not had a extreme low tide yesterday morning...

Chit Chat / Re: Be safe Hawaii, Alaska, California (everyone)
« on: February 27, 2010, 03:16:52 PM »
I am on the main island - Oahu, but I'm high up - I think I'm 500' above sea level.  It wasn't as bad as they feared it would be, and pretty much over now.  It sure was impressive watching the live video of Hilo bay emptying out and then the water rushing back in.  That happened 3 or 4 times.  I heard on the news that the water level dropped about 10' and then came rushing back in.  Saw some trees that were about 4' above the normal tide line that had water up about 3' on their trunks.  Hilo is on the Big Island, not the island I'm on.  The water here did recede, and come back in, but not bad and didn't look like the water came over the normal tide lines.  Sure did pull out tho.  I tell you, as fast as that water was coming in there is no way a person could have stayed on their feet.  And it was going out even faster.  As kids we were always taught to never turn your back on the ocean...
The roads are all still closed here, we haven't gotten the all clear yet.
Scary way to wake up in the morning - with the warning sirens going off!

This was posted on another forum - there is no doubt that Craig knows what he's talking about:
New Regs for Water Hyacinths


When I visited MoBot last summer there was some discussion over the status of water hyacinth, mainly as to whether this amendment had passed.

Well, here is the abstract and sure reads to me as though Eichhoria crassipes is now banned from interstate transport:

# Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 3, Section 46- Transportation of Water Hyacinths

(a) Whoever knowingly delivers or receives for transportation, or transports, in interstate commerce, alligator grass (alternanthera philoxeroides), or water chestnut plants (trapa natans) or water hyacinth plants (eichhornia crassipes) or the seeds of such grass or plants; or
(b) Whoever knowingly sells, purchases, barters, exchanges, gives, or receives any grass, plant, or seed which has been transported in violation of subsection (a); or
(c) Whoever knowingly delivers or receives for transportation, or transports, in interstate commerce, an advertisement, to sell, purchase, barter, exchange, give, or receive alligator grass or water chestnut plants or water hyacinth plants or the seeds of such grass or plants - Shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.


Chit Chat / Re: Coyote sighting and my idiot neighbor. Rant of the day!
« on: December 31, 2009, 08:41:30 AM »
For about 10 years we would hardly ever see a mongoose.  Then a couple of years ago we started seeing more of them again.  I kinda like them, they eat the eggs of the feral chickens and peacocks... guess if I kept chickens or wanted the HUGE herd of peacocks I'd not like the mongoose.  The peacock population is getting out of control!  Kinda funny to see a peacock fighting with it's reflection in your car bumper - not to funny when your bumper gets scratched!

Chit Chat / Re: I now remember why I live in SoCal....
« on: December 20, 2009, 08:31:59 AM »
I don't know Mikey, your temp gauge says 53*... Even tho I'm not happy with the rain, and 66* right now I think I'll stay here - or maybe move in with Jonna!

Pond Chat / Re: Preparing for battle!
« on: December 20, 2009, 08:29:19 AM »
Mikey make sure you wear eye protection, and a gas mask when you spray that stuff!  lol No, really, it won't be funny if it blows back in your eyes!

Pond Chat / Re: Pond fleas?
« on: December 15, 2009, 12:29:54 PM »
Daphina - fresh water "shrimp".  They're a good thing, they indicate that the water is well balanced.

Chit Chat / Re: First set back after our fire
« on: November 13, 2009, 02:45:23 PM »
I would have walked out.  The guy is darn luck to have a job right now... Isn't it amazing tho how these jerks attitudes change when your husband is there with you?  Expecially when he's 6'7"  lol
I hope the rest of your birthday went better!  Happy Birthday!

Chit Chat / Re: Hi all - I need some advice on cat smells...
« on: November 12, 2009, 08:25:18 AM »
Yeah, I've had the leaky bathroom faucet the ruined the bathroom cabinet.  I replaced it with a pedistal sink.  These people in there now broke it, he's trying to tell me it was broken when they moved in... no, it was brand new when they moved in.  Also the leaky kitchen faucet that ruined the cabinet... Why can't they call to let you know about it so it can get fixxed before it causes more damage?  And yes it seems like they all ways leave their trash! 
The latest is he called me yesterday and accused me of unplugging his refrigerator!  Yeah right, I unplugged the refrigerator so I could smell rotten food as well as the wonderful cat odors! 

Pond Chat / Re: Interesting Raccoon Article
« on: November 12, 2009, 08:13:05 AM »
Jonna - your centipedsare only a couple of inches long?  Are you sure  it's not a miliped?  Millipeds don't bite but they get into your plants and do something to the roots that kills, or stunts the plant.  The centipeds we have here are in the 5-12" range...  We also have the blue ones, they're smaller, about 3" but they're more toxic then the red/brown ones. 
Yes, geckos are cute  {:-P;;  but it sure is hard to get the gecko poop off of everything!  Try getting if off of textured walls...  We had the house tented for termites a few years ago and I was looking forward to cutting down on the gecko population.  No such luck - tenting with those super toxic chemicals doesn't kill them, they go into "suspended animation" according to the pest control guys.  Are the bats that you have the kind that eat mosquitos?  I think I'd tolerate them it they are.  Like you have a choice, right?   lol

Pond Chat / Re: Interesting Raccoon Article
« on: November 11, 2009, 01:44:04 PM »
I guess centipedes eat bugs... as far as I'm concerned they don't eat enough.  The bite is unbelievably painfull!  And they're icky - ever had one stand up and wave itself at you?  No I wasn't smoking any wacky tabacky either!  Just a couple of weeks ago we had to take a lady to the er because she got bit - twice on the foot.  Within 10 minutes her foot swelled up so bad I thought it would pop!  The er gave her morphine for the pain, it was that bad.  Nope, sorry, centipedes and scorpions die here.  Geckos eat bugs too, and they're cute, sort of.

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