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Messages - knix

Pages: [1]
citrinila oil from torches out of my pond? or will it hurt my fish? My plants are about done for this year except my grasses.  I had a tiki torch
blow over in the wind and about 8oz of citrinila oil is sitting in my water on the top of my skimmer well. main  pond is about 300 gallons, with a higher pond with about another 200 gallons, we have a skippy up top that it all filters thru-and over the edge of the lower pond to my skimmer/pump well.   However I have about 20 3 inch koi.

anyone have any experiance with spilling oil?



floating lettuce and striped grass.  what should i do to get it out, its floating in my prefilter skimming vault.  There is water lettuce stopping it from contaminating the rest of the pond. but how do I get it out? any ideas?



Hi, I am new here but I would love some lillies for my new pond,  I dont have any good thing to trade.  I would be more than happy to send postage plus for a lillie or two, my pond surface is about 15 sqft.  I have a paypal account is that how you sent postage?

thankyou  o( :-\  Knix from near Portland Oregon

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