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Messages - karenskoipond

Pages: [1]
Pond Chat / Re: BIG NEWS!!!
« on: July 31, 2008, 07:43:33 AM »
More big news.... we've netted another 30 baby  o(  most are no bigger then the size of  a sharp pencil tip.  So now the nursery is up in full swing, I saw more babies out in the pond this morning but I'll leave that to Frankie to catch them he seems to have lightening fast reflexes. lol  I'll post pics as soon as they're big enough to actually look like baby  o(
Enjoy your thursday

Pond Chat / Re: BIG NEWS!!!
« on: July 28, 2008, 04:03:13 PM »
Baby koi day 2... they're doing wonderful and eating a nice diet of boiled egg yolk and ground meal.  I tried pics but they're still to small.  Will keep everyone posted  @O@

Pond Chat / BIG NEWS!!!
« on: July 27, 2008, 09:48:57 AM »
We went out this morning to do our Sunday "thing" coffee and feeding  :) when Frank saw a lil  o( swimming around near the bottom.  Upon closer inspection it's a baby 3/4 inch long koi baby.  So out came the nets and a I ran in the house to set up a nursery aquarium. 2 hours later and 3 exciting live catches we've added 3 new babies to our nursery tank.  I've also removed some hornwort that had several lil egg sacs attached to them.  I'll post pics.... We're both so very excited.

Karen and Frank

Pond Chat / Re: help please - green water
« on: July 24, 2008, 09:15:19 PM »
I've recently added hornwort and parrot feather and noticed a dramatic difference in my non-shaded slightly off color pond in just a week!  I'm a aquatic plant believer.
Good luck with your water

Pond Chat / Re: icky water after a week of the 90's
« on: July 20, 2008, 09:27:13 AM »
Pond last tuesday before the icky water began.  The fish are happy and gorgeous.

Pond Chat / Re: icky water after a week of the 90's
« on: July 20, 2008, 09:25:56 AM »
Yay!!!!!!!! ok here it is

Pond Chat / icky water after a week of the 90's
« on: July 19, 2008, 04:38:05 PM »
Hi there...
New to posting here but I've been mulling around reading just about everything that's been posted.  My hubby and I put in our first pond that is just over 2500 gallons.  After a wickedly hot week of 98* or more I'm having cloudy water issues.  We're using a bio filter a UV clarifyer, the attached pond was transformed into a fully planted bog garden that is making e-gads worth of fresh oxygen.  But the main pond area is in full sun.  I've got spitters and pumps and waterfalls all over the place with 2 large air bubbler stones.  Hubby is a bit overwhelmed as for what to do next.  I've tried both algefix and the barley peat extract route and they were keeping it extremely clear with just a maintenance dose up until this week.  Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance.
Karen in Hot Chicago lol

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