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Messages - donduck

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Pond Chat / Re: The raccoon is back!
« on: August 09, 2008, 05:30:33 AM »
Personally I keep a pellet gun handy for them little thieves! If I didn't live in a residential. it'd be something bigger. Which I did have to use fora rabid woodchuck last year. I do worry some about my loud little pain in the butt granddogs. They go in and out as they please through the dog door. And they bark their fool heads off at birds, squirrels, grasshoppers, just about anything that moves.  Luckily, I've only dealt with one of them doing a tango with a skunk once. Pheeeewww! By the way, tomato juice, baking soda and summer's eve douche did the trick! I am quite sure that an electric wire is the way to go, but because of the dogs, I can't do that. I've seen coons take on dogs twice as big as mine. They sure are toughies! I actually smacked one with a baseball bat in my mothers garage a few years ago. She did not like me or anyone else in that garage! One smack and she never came back. I think she was looking to set up a nest in there.
 I have trapped and relocated at least a dozen skunks from my house and neighbors, using a have-a-heart. Peanut butter on a slice of bread did the trick everytime. They work great! I have caught a couple coons too. Remember to be calm and use common sense when you retrieve the trap. Coons have very, very sharp claws, so don't hold it too close to your side when you pick it up. If it's a really ticked off female, open with caution, and stay to the side (I prefer with the company of a baseball bat)! With all the skunks I've caught I have never had one spray as it came out. They can't lift their tail inside the trap so you're safe there. Skunks and ratcoons have a totally different temperment though. The skunk will most likely calmly walk out the trap and sca-daddle on his/her way. The ratcoon will run out and turn around and look, maybe even hiss. If he/she does, just yell at it. I jsut play a recording of my mother in law's singing and they all run away!

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