World Wide WaterGardeners Trader System - Detailed Feedback
Detailed Comment Please read the comments below. I sent them out to him in good faith All I was asking for is my shipping money back. He was the only person that had a problem with what I sent them...

04/04\11 Thank you ive been wanting baby doll lotus for a couple years now  I will mail you your money when i get them



I would not call them tubers they were runners I will send you the shipping plus a little extra but there not worth 8 dollars a peice they would have been if they were fat tubers
Ill get the money on its way


yep went and got the money order this morning i have misplaced your address can you pm me  you address again im sorry its taking so long Ive really had alot going on the past week



Could you please not panic I have alot going on right now personally with my family im not going to go into detail cause frankly its none of your business I have a perfect reputation here ask anyone I cant see anyone hurting that bad for 8 dollars I already have your money order I just havent had the time to fill it out and send it please give me a lil bit let things slow down a bit for me youll get it


do what you feel you have to do they werent what i was expecting anyways  neg feedback goes both ways so stop the threats im tired of getting messages from you as well but like i said i got the money order just havent had the time to fill it out but whatever man
Comment by: Pond Boy
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