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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2009, 09:03:55 PM »
Hey....I have the perfect a Pit Bull from someone and stake him by the pond. 

NO!!! {nono}

That's the last thing they should do. Pit bulls are not guard dogs and they don't belong chained or tied up. No dog should be chained or tied up. That just causes problems and is part of the reason that we responsible pit bull owners are having trouble keeping our dogs. Bad owners are destroying the breed and our ability to keep our dogs as more communities are adopting breed bans. >:( {nono}
A true-blue kiddie pool, whiskey barrel & stock tank  ponder! :yes:
If it can hold's a watergarden!

Offline Freddie Peepers

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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2009, 06:19:19 AM »
We have a "watch dog"
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Offline Mikey

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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #32 on: July 27, 2009, 08:34:59 AM »
 lol  And I see your watch dog is on duty keeping its ear to the ground listening for intruders.....  O0
« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 01:51:46 PM by Mikey »
American Ponders Watergardening
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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #33 on: July 27, 2009, 08:49:59 AM »
LOL! That's so cute. :) I love bassets. They have great personalities. :)
A true-blue kiddie pool, whiskey barrel & stock tank  ponder! :yes:
If it can hold's a watergarden!

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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2009, 04:24:38 PM »
I agree that it's important to not alienate or hurt the feelings of your neighbors.

Remember to avoid "you" statements ("You are making us uncomfortable when you pop in uninvited."  and stick with "I" statements ("I feel uncomfortable when I unexpectedly realize I'm not alone in my own backyard.")  One thing you can do is to "blame it on someone else" ... will explain in a minute....

I had a similar situation to Freedie Peepers's, with my neighbors tinkering with my landscaping along our common boundary.  I was BOILING mad over the latest incident, where they actually dug in my ligustrum trees and stuck a stupid looking potted plant at their base. 

I waited a week 'til I cooled down.

I bought the wife a bonsai tree, and called it a "peace offering" - even though it was THEM who needed to make peace with ME.  A little psychology.  I wrote them a letter telling them how I felt, way cooled down, to be sure, and tried very hard to not antagonize or put them on the defensive, just stuck with how I felt, plus a few explanations of how what they did was wrong (damaging my trees, it was my property, their potted plant wasn't suited for that sunny site, etc.) and put it in a card that I delivered with the bonsai.

What might work in your situation is to "blame it on someone else," meaning, say something like, "My wife feels self-conscious when she steps outside in the mornings to enjoy her coffee and discoveres someone in her backyard."  That way, you're not attacking them, but you are trying to help your poor wife.  Or say that you fear liability if someone falls in and drowns... most municipalities have laws about fencing ponds / pools, and you could use this as a reason to forbid any non-family member from visiting uninvited.  You're not the bad guy because it's out of your hands - it's the LAW! 

You will, somewhere in here, need to set definate limits of when they can visit, and under what circumstances (like they must call first, or you must invite them first).  But do it NICELY and TACTFULLY. 

Perhaps you'd be willing to have a certain time that is "open pond day"... the 2nd Sunday of the month, from after church until 7:00pm.  Any other time or day is off limits.

I agree with building a fence, too.  And also with offering to help them build their own pond.  But don't invite them to come pitch in with the maintenance - that will cause them to feel they have "ownership" of the pond, and all the more rights to come over and sit around it.

Offline Freddie Peepers

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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2009, 03:12:42 PM »
Well it finally came to a head... The final straw came last Wednesday.
I went out to do our weekly grocery shopping and upon returning, saw the neighbor
 as I was backing my car into the drive and into the garage.
We made eye contact and basically acknowledged each other
no words were spoken.
 I went in the house and put the food away. I went down
into the basement to log on the computer to check e-mail and get laundry started.
I hear a knock on our back door and knowing it was the neighbor decided to ignore it
Next my cell phone starts ringing and i check it and see it is the neighbor calling.
I am not in the mood to talk to them so I turn the "ringer " off and go back to my e-mail.
 Next it's the front doorbell... ring...ring....ring....ring....then my cell again.....
now I'm getting upset and figure that there is no way I'm going up to answer the door
 cause I am thinking that nothing good is gonna come from this
Next thing I hear is a voice INSIDE my house, they let themselves in and were looking for me
I scream up the stairs that I am down here and I am fine and I don't want company today so they left
 Fast forward to the next day:  in the afternoon I am outside working in the garden and messing with the pond
when they come strolling over into my backyard with their beer cooler.
 Before they could actually get on our property, I put up my hand as a stop sign and told them
I don't want any company today. They were still heading for the chairs by the pond when I said that I don't want anyone
in our yard today. They wanted to talk and I just said that I'm busy and REALLY want to be left alone
They acted like they were put out by my comments,
The good thing is they haven't really spoken to me since, and I haven't seen them in my yard at all.
It wasn't the way I wanted it to go,but
a new chapter in our lives has begun

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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #36 on: August 08, 2009, 04:12:43 PM »
I had a pond in Florida an a really nice neighbor that we would share dinners and drinks on occasion. If everyone was outside we would gt to talking and end up in each others yard. This I think is what neighbors should do. Then after my son was born we saved a dog from a friend that had to gt rid of it. We actually put him in the garage the first night. We were going to go to home depot or the like and puppy proof the house so he could be inside and coexist with my son. The second night we tied him outside to the big oak. He had water and food. I went out and checked on him at night and in the morning. When I got home from work he was gone. I had all the supplies that would have allowed him to stay in the house that night. The collar was undone.

My neighbor saw me outside looking for the puppy and said. "I don't know where your dog went but at least we can all sleep tonight for the barking is gone." I wanted to kill them but had no proof.
Month or so goes by and I had found some nice palms at a jobsite that I had in a damp area for planting soon. I had to go out of town that night and the next day for work. I was excited to come home and plant my new palms. When I got home my neighbor had 3 new palms planted and mine were gone. I asked where he got them and he said they just blew into his yard from somewhere and thought they needed to be planted. I walked to each one and pulled them saying they must have blew into your yard from my yard in those pots from where my dog was taken. I told him I did not want him in my yard when I wasn't outside. I also put the house up for sale soon after.

Just a crazy story not a solution to your fiasco.

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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #37 on: August 08, 2009, 06:39:45 PM »
RedDad:  Wow!

Freddie:  I'm glad the message got across, but I hope you can find a way to get back on friendly terms at some point.  Solving the Pond Prowler Problem is good, but I'm sure you want to have a pleasant atmosphere with this neighbor, for the length of time you will both continue to live  there.

Two suggestions:

1.  Next time you see him, just talk like nothing bad ever happened.  He'll have to go along, and eventually you'll get past the awkwark feeling.  You may never be best buds again, but at least you can live next door and go to church and all that, and not have tension.

2.  Make some kind of joke about it, or laugh at your "rudeness" or "bad day wishing to be alone."  But at the same time, make it clear that the pond, and your yard, are off-limits unless you invite them in.

Oh, P.S.... that part about coming prepared with his own beer cooler - that had me  lol

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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #38 on: August 08, 2009, 10:33:34 PM »
Freddie P.:  The gall of your neighbor is amazing.  I cannot imagine any neighbor walking into our house uninvited. 
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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2009, 04:39:23 AM »
I think Steve's wife and I would get along fabulously.  O0

At this point, I would not care if I upset the dammm nextdoor idiots.  ::)
After all they've put you through, they need a bit of their own tactless medicine.
I like to give what I get.  :)

You can also put up a sign saying ...
'Private Property.
Trespassers will be prosecuted.'
We had to do that at work to both of the ponds because of the next door winery.
City-its would just walk over, wineglass in hand, drunk and disorderly, and mess around in the ponds, even trying to catch fish.
I come into the office every weekend, almost every day to check email and faxes...and I always shoo the city-its off the property.
Now we have 1 x 2' red signs with white lettering saying ...
'Private Property.
Trespassers will be prosecuted.'
Peace to all  ... Joyce

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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #40 on: August 09, 2009, 05:36:34 AM »
I feel the same way Mike does. You don't need to be on friendly terms with rude people. You have taken a strong stance and that's what you needed to do with people like this. Stand your ground, be friendly but make it plain that the beer joint/pond is closed. Good job.

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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #41 on: August 09, 2009, 05:45:45 AM »
Wow, Freddie.  I think that happened exactly as it should have.  People like that seem to need to be beat over the head since they don't get the obvious.  It would be nice if you could remain friends, but really, who cares?  THen the whole process would probably start over again.....

I'm thinking a beautiful privacy fence would be nice too.   ;)

There are things you do because they feel right & they may make no sense & they may make no money & it may be the real reason we are here:  to love each other & to eat each other's cooking & say it was good.  ~  Brian Andreas 

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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #42 on: August 09, 2009, 06:32:49 AM »
Amen to that Kittyzee!  O0
Peace to all  ... Joyce

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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #43 on: August 10, 2009, 06:52:19 AM »
Joyce, you and my wife must be kept apart!!!

Freddie, I wonder what type of person will walk into someone's house.  I guess if you had a known heart condition or were in an age competition with Methusalah, but jeez!  They likely would have been confronted with me and my shotgun!  I think I would just leave things on simmer for a few more weeks.  This one may be one you do not want to repair!  Wow!   >:(-


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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #44 on: August 10, 2009, 09:59:07 AM »
I have had people come in my yard to look at my ponds. People I don't even know.  I am uncomfortable with going outside and people are in my yard. I worry about people falling and suing me. I cannot fence it right now it would cost me too much money. A policeman came buy one day and asked me if I could sell him plants for his new water garden. He told me to put up a no trespasing sign. I am thinking about doing it. I have bought it but just not posted it yet.

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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #45 on: August 10, 2009, 11:12:22 AM »
Oddly enough, Family Circle Magazine has, in its current issue, an article dealing with pretty much this exact topic. 

I admit to being too lazy to walking down one flight of stairs to get the magazine, but if I log on again today, I'll try to post some of their advice. 

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Re: How would you handle this one
« Reply #46 on: August 10, 2009, 11:25:29 AM »
I would be so upset if I went out to my pond with coffee and found the neighbors already there. I would really be upset if they left their garbage too. And, walking into your house??? my sister in law does that and it still makes me crazy after twenty years.

Unless one lives in a rural area almost all backyards are fenced here and in Phoenix where I grew up.

I see neighborhoods with no fences on HGTV's House Hunters all the time and I am always floored. I can't imagine gardening or BBQing etc. with everyone watching me. Bob and I say that the first thing we'd do is build a fence. I just can't imagine having an open back yard. I have enough trouble feeling like I am in a fishbowl with the front and sides being sort of open.


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