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Bog filter question (pictures added)
« on: August 28, 2007, 04:57:22 PM »
We're building a smaller pond (about 900 gal) at the main house and it will only have a bog garden as a filter.  I have 2 matala mats left over from re-doing the skippy at the big pond and I'm wondering if I should put them in the bog area under the gravel or maybe over the gravel?  One is the very fine mat and the other is the medium. 

900 gal probably doesn't sound like a small pond really, but it is only 4' x 4' but it is almost 4' deep.  We have a large channel from a home made skimmer that goes into a spot for the uw pump.  I could also add some of the matala as a mechanical filter in the basket before the pump.  The water then returns to the bottom of the bog above the pond and through 2 tpr's on the sides.  The bog above will overflow into the pond through 2 or 3 flared copper pipes.  The pond is concrete but has carpeting and liner over most of it, the bog part will be partly painted with pond liner.  There was no room for a bottom drain, we will just vacuum the bottom when needed.  The skimmer, TPR's and the water flow from the bog will keep the water moving and remove floating debris.   It will have 5 to 10 of the Wakin from the big pond moved into it along with bog plants and maybe one hardy lily. 

I'll take some pictures of it as it is now and post later.

Offline Jonna

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Re: Bog filter question (pictures added)
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2007, 05:36:34 PM »
Here's where we are so far.  The water level will be about a foot higher than it is now.  The tiles sitting on the side will be around the 2 high sides of the pond to just below the water line.  So, they will be on the blocks but extend over the liner a few inches.  They will have slate edging and there will also be slate on the lip of the pond on the 2 low sides.  The bog is behind the red brick and will be about 6" higher than it is now. 

Here's the bog area.  We have another row of half height brick going around it but we will space it so the returns come through just under the top of the bog.  They will be copper pipe, splayed out at the end to make a wider flow, we'll play with the sound and splash of the flow.

This shows the outline of the skimmer opening, it will have slate or something to reduce the opening, going into the pump trough where I have to put together some kind of pvc leaf catcher + maybe matala mat filter and then to the pump.  You can also see one of the TPR's at the right corner of the pond about half way down.  The other one is deeper and on the other side.

So, any ideas on whether to put the matala mats inside the bog or not?  We do have a way to backwash the bog.

Offline miguynmkoi

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Re: Bog filter question (pictures added)
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2007, 08:14:35 PM »
I like what you're doing! 

Technically it sounds fine to use your mats in the bog, but I would think that with plants growing in there the mats will become a root mess and possibly unsalvageable.  Matala as a mechanical filter in the basket before the pump sounds better.

The bog against the house wall:  will there be any protection used to keep the water from getting into the walls or foundation?  Beware!  My neighbors built a planter wall against their house and all the watering over the years have damaged their wall, framing + insulation, and the foundation ($$$$ for repairs).

Love the tiles you chose  O0  Seems like you like a challenge.   Is your main pond all done?

Offline Jonna

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Re: Bog filter question (pictures added)
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2007, 08:36:28 PM »
Yes, the liner for the bog will go up the side of the house to above where the water is and then have a stone edging cemented half over the liner and half to a brace on the wall.  Something along those lines, haven't gotten it exactly figured out yet.  We do these things kind of 'seat of the pants' and don't have drawings or anything.  We do know though that no water should come in contact with the wall or the base of the wall.

I think you're right about the matala.  I am trying to figure out the skimmer basket set up now.  You know they make you buy the matala 2 sheets at a time and I only needed one of each  >:(-   I just have to remember that I'll have a use for it later, I don't have to use it all now.  We're getting the smoother pebbles, I remember the sharp, cheaper ones rubbed a hole in someones liner. 

Here's a pic with the tiles on.  I really like how they look.  They are concrete tiles that we got at the factory in the Yucatan, they are the same type (called pasta)that we have on the floors in our old house down there.  They've been making them with the same molds for hundreds of years.

I put some pics of the big pond on Pond Chat, I'm done with it for this year. 

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Re: Bog filter question (pictures added)
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2007, 08:03:52 AM »
WOW!  The tiles look fantastic!  Great job!

Offline Cedric

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Re: Bog filter question (pictures added)
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2008, 09:29:42 PM »
I love those tiles too. I found some beautiful ones in Morocco as well. Have them stashed, just know one day I will find the perfect use for them.

Jonna it's looking cool, that pond. Those tiles will go nicely with some bright green Cyperus papyrus. I found a mini one growing in a ditch in Botswana, very nice it is, about a meter tall with much thinner stems and smaller heads, but just as robust in growth.

Offline Jonna

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Re: Bog filter question (more pictures added)
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2008, 12:19:42 PM »
I think I posted these here somewhere but here they are again.  These are the finished pics from that pond.  They were taken in Nov08 by my friend and the one who does the hard work, I just do the designs.   They had just put the plants in the bog filter, I left some ginger, and told them to take anything they liked from the skippy of the big pond next door.   I have a hard time getting them to send me pics, they just aren't much into computers, so I don't have any more recent ones.

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Re: Bog filter question (pictures added)
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2008, 05:42:20 PM »
Jonna it's an interesting mix of the more formal tiles with the casual stone work. I know I would have been tempted to edge in tiles as well.

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Re: Bog filter question (pictures added)
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2008, 08:18:41 PM »
I wanted it to look rather like a half ruin, mainly because I wanted it much higher on one side for the bog filter. 

I love the tile work in that picture.

Offline Cedric

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Re: Bog filter question (pictures added)
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2008, 12:31:37 AM »
It looks like a grotto, those follies built in large splendid palace gardens in Europe. I think it really works, you will need some voluminous trailing plants from up on high to bring it down a little maybe, especially in the corner?
« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 12:33:57 AM by Cedric »

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Re: Bog filter question (pictures added)
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2008, 09:56:26 AM »
It is at a friend's house. She has a huge vine that is under that trellis and has probably covered it by now.  These were taken right after Diane finished the rock work.  I can't get them to email me recent pictures, it just overwhelms them.  Anyway, some of the plants were already there from a preform pond we removed, like this vine.  I can't remember what it is now.  She wanted to keep that and an azalea so there are spots for them.  We moved them into pots and then they replanted them. 

She has 3 very large dogs and they always drink from the pond whether it's designed for it or not so we have a spot that is strong enough for them and discourages them from getting in.   She wrote me that they did manage to catch 4 or 5 of the Wakin from the big pond and they are happy in their new home, they spawned immediately.  The channel in the front is a home-made skimmer and the piece that comes off covers the pump and filter.  The valves for the bog are inside the storage bin under the window.  There are 3 TPR type outlets at different levels designed to keep the water going to the skimmer and to eliminate any dead spots.  I decided not to put a bottom drain as there wasn't a lot of room and the rules were that I couldn't disturb the concrete patio.  She was willing to shop vac the pond several times a year and it is pretty small.

I don't get pictures but I do get phone calls and she says that the water is still very clear and the fish and plants are happy and, most importantly, she loves the pond.

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Re: Bog filter question (pictures added)
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2008, 06:09:40 PM »
I really like the way this project turned out Jonna!


Offline Jonna

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Re: Bog filter question (pictures added)
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2008, 10:01:03 PM »
Thanks emm, still no new pictures but on the last phone call she said the water was clear, the fish were healthy and the bog plants were growing.  She still loves it and that's good.  I hope to get back up there this fall or next spring, I can't wait to see it myself. 

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Re: Bog filter question (pictures added)
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2008, 04:16:59 PM »
How does one view photos if they are available?

Offline Jonna

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Re: Bog filter question (pictures added)
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2008, 08:14:11 PM »
If you mean Cedric's from his Flickr account, it looks like he has taken it down so there wouldn't be an easy way to view it.  You might find a copy on one of the way-back sites that keep cached pages but it would take some time and search skill. 

The pics I posted should still show up, if you are on a slow connection you might have to wait awhile for it all to load.   Try hitting Reload if they don't all come up. 

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