Author Topic: Aggravated with the School System x's 2, I still don't understand it.  (Read 1226 times)

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Offline Ky Kim

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My 9 year daughters awards day was today.  I knew that she had went to school everyday.  However, she was signed out about 30 minutes early one day to go to the dentist and one day I signed her out 15 minutes before early dismissal due to snow.  I was just a few minutes before they let out to be ahead of the school buses.  That kept her from getting her award for perfect attendence.  It said .22 days absent, yes POINT 22 and .33. They said they have went to a point system. 

They let one child in the class because she was so very close, she was sick and stuck it out in the office except for .27 of the day.  Why did she get it, and my daughter didn't.  I called the board of
education when I got home and told them just what I thought, and that it wasn't fair to let that one child that had almost and not mine.  My daughter had perfect attendence in Pre-K, Kindergarten and 2nd grade.  Its a big deal to them. 

I told the pricipal that I thought that stunk.  That she had came every single day, and had to go to the dentist one afternoon, and it wasn't her fault that it snowed.  I also told the principal that next year, I don't care if she only sneezes wrong she'll miss that day!

I talked to dh and he said that is a bunch of bull, and he's stopping by the school on the way home.  I told him to tell them I called the Board of Education and learned if a child had been there like her and just been signed out a little bit early a couple times its up to the principal to give it or not.  BTW, after awards we could take our kids home.  So at 9:40 am I signed her out.  Does that make since?

What kind of encouragement is that.  She got up every single morning and went to school!  She should have gotten something.  Her points didn't even equal an hour.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2007, 01:29:06 PM by Ky Kim »

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Offline Ky Kim

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Re: Aggravated with the School System x's 2
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2007, 01:05:48 PM »
My twins struggle in school.  The one qualifies for an IEP and gets extra help.  The other one, doesn't qualify.  He didn't tie his shoes until he was 9 but they weren't worried about that.  Then his hand writting and pencil grap is awlful.  I have always pointed this out to teachers. They weren't worried about that either.   He did the PT, OT as a baby until he was 3.  At a certain age your pencil grip is what it is, it won't change and now they saying its BAD.

Well, he smart as a whip.  But has a hard time putting in on paper.  Its hard for him to even copy something off the overhead projector.  But you can ask him something, and he can answer you verbally.  He came into from school today where he handed me a form, where he nees to take an ESS course in writing because he received a NOVICE score on his portfolio.  Although, he had honor roll.  I asked them to explain that to me.  I called the Counselor and asked her about this, then I learned that the teachers do not grade them, there are two people who do ????  Who are these people I would like to know.  I asked the Counselor, how is going to learn in 9 days what he couldn't do in 36 weeks, she didn't have an answer to that.  I asked Jacob if it was typed or written in his hand writting and he said it was in his writing, that explains alot....they probably couldn't read it and just wrote novice on it.  Then he said once he typed it on the computer and couldn't get it to print and never got that.

Jacob is a loaner, doesn't ask for help.  I swear he has autistic tendecies but the board of education doesn't see it.  He has a different walk/stride than most kids...there's alot of things that he's not like other kids....but nobody listens to me.  They can only go by the system guidelines.  Sometimes, at a snap of a finger gets angry or small things.  I'm so upset at the moment and angry too, I feel as if I could climb a wall with my bare hands.

This has played on my mind for sometime having him evaluted for delays and such, and for autistic tendencies, asberger syndrome ....etc.  My mom says he won't be able to get insurance if they label him with something.  I've always kind of listened to her.  I'm not now, he's 14 and maybe he's at the age level that he'll never get past.  Who knows, maybe his premie problems are just showing up.  He doesn't have many friends, and the one he does is only 10 years old and gets alot great with him, like they're on the same level.

I explained to my mom, if he needs help or needs to be labeled with something now is the time to do it.  He's 14 and would only have until he's 18 to be on our insurance.  She started her spill again, I said so what....we'll deal with it! 

I'm just so upset and frustrated at the same time, and I've got to head off to work with swollen eyes from crying.  Can't seem to pull myself together tonight.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2007, 01:28:17 PM by Ky Kim »

Ponds are like patato chips, ya just can't have one.

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Oh Kim, I'm so sorry for all the problems.  Its hard raising kids.  Always trying to figure out if you are doing the right thing. 

Wow, you should be very proud of your daughter's attendance record.  That is amazing that she has such a great record.

My son went through school with a friend that always struggled.  The sad part is that his dad was the elementary principal.  They wanted so badly for him to fit in.  After graduating, he has had an impossible time keeping a job.  He has tried everything.  His attention span is very short and his social skills are lacking.  He is 26 and still lives at home, he mows grass in the summer.  After seeing their struggle (they are wonderful friends of ours) I would go for the testing and get all the help that is available.  You know your kids and you know whats best for them. 


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Kim, unless your son's problem is identified, they will never know how to teach him. My son has maybe a medium case of ADD and if they had tried to handle him the same way they handled a "normal" kid, they would have driven him up the wall and themselves beside. We are all wired differently and so I cannot expect you to respond the same way I do to things. I learn differently than you. I have different capabilities than you. It's just not fair to try to push him into a slot shaped for you when it should be shaped for him.

Our problem as parents is to try to find the right and fair way to bring up our children. We stumble so much over the big bump of emotion of course. We hate to see them struggle or be hurt so sometimes hold back what is best for them. Don't withhold something that is good for him because of your fear of the future. Don't give "what if" a chance to make your decisions. You don't want to see him at age 20 and later and know in your gut you didn't do all you could to help him prepare. You must give him every bit if chance for a good life that is out there.

Sad thing about your daughter's attendance record. Was she as upset about it as you and her dad?

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Kim, I'm sorry. Definitely try to figure things out with your son. The school district will be zero help- the only thing they will recognize is an "official" diagnosis. My husband's parents worked their BUTTS off with his sister, getting her the best education, therapy, a job, everything. But now, because she never got an "official" diagnosis, she is in a world of hurt. She can not get any of the social services that she deserves as a taxpaying American citizen. If we were not here to help her, I can't imagine what would happen. She'd be far better off as an illegal alien (intentional jab at govt).

As far as the attendance thing goes, I'm a little weird on that. Our school does it too- awards for perfect attendance. But I somehow think that policy encourages kids to stick it out (miserable) at school when they should be at home. I noticed it in my daughter- wanted to go to school so she'd have a chance at the award, but she was sick!
Granted, your school should have given her the award. Leaving early due to weather or Dr.s appointment shouldn't count, as it is beyond the child's control.
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Oh Kim I'm so sorry about your son's problems.  I agree with Esther, as parents we have to be persistent (and it is exhausting and frustrating) or our children will fall through the cracks.  If you aren't the "norm" I think that most schools just don't have the resources (or money) to address the problem.  There are a few dedicated professionals in administration and in the classroom to notice problems and try to help you work through them.  Try to find someone who will actually "hear" you.  It may even be at a different school.  Do whatever it takes, you won't be sorry you did. 

And your daughter shouldn't be penalized for snow and a dentist appointment.  I'm not sure I agree with the awards on perfect attendance either--I know my youngest daughter got strep from a kid that his parents sent him to school sick all the time so he could get an award at the end of the year.  Why send a kid to school with a contagious disease?  Go figure. 

Keep us posted on your progress, I'm sure we'll all try to help if only to keep encouraging you! :hug:

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Offline Ky Kim

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Thanks guys,  :'(.  You all mean alot to me.


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I'm the cafeteria lady at our local school.  We had 115 students is PK thru 8th grade this year.  We are a close knit group.  We have rules for kids coming to school sick and rules for perfect attendance.  If a student is at school at 9:30 for the roll call...he is counted as present for the entire day.  Even then we only had about 6 or 8 students with perfect attendence for the entire year.  We also have a 50 mile club for students who can run/walk 50 miles on Mondays during PE in one school year weather permitting.  We had 6 boys accomplish this.  Everyone is recognized even if for only 10 miles.  We have an elementary track meet and all students get ribbons whether they place or not.  UIL awards are given.  AR reading where the teacher sets the goal to the students ability.  Nearly every student gets several awards.  The special Ed students go on the AR trips because they can reach their goals if they even try and the parents encourage them. 

Offline Mikey

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That kept her from getting her award for perfect attendance.  It said .22 days absent, yes POINT 22 and .33.  Its a big deal to them.
  You are correct.  Attendance awards are big deals for children.  I can't believe how petty the school administrators are with that silly point system and actually counting a legitimate partial absence as a deduction in attendance.  Don't they realize how discouraging that is to kids?  Somewhere along the road they forgot the purpose of the awards and got wrapped up in technicalities.  It's now become a case of the letter of the law Vs the spirit of the law....  Stupid!  Just stupid.
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