Author Topic: Anyone have a tortoise?  (Read 2459 times)

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Anyone have a tortoise?
« on: April 23, 2008, 08:38:58 AM »
I'm looking at replanting our Sulcata tortoise enclosure.  1/2 of it is shade. Looking for ideas.

Offline Sunbeam56

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Re: Anyone have a tortoise?
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2008, 08:50:32 AM »
Oooh Ooooh - I loved tortoises.  @O@
In a different life, Doc Johnson sent me a Sulcata, which I gave to my Dad, and he gave it to the Houston Zoo.
They chomp on everything, so plant edible stuff. If you want to create shade, make a short arbor and plant melons or squash - they LOVE squash....  o(:-)
Lots of ornamental grasses, especially the seeding grasses.

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Re: Anyone have a tortoise?
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2008, 09:18:21 AM »
This site is reliable and was very helpful when I planted the pen for our Hermann's tortoises.
For Sulcata's I would keep it heavier on the grass side and plant the treat foods on the outside so you can control the goodies. Besides, if you plant the good stuff inside it will be eaten down to nothing within the day.

Offline Double S

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Re: Anyone have a tortoise?
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2008, 10:02:18 AM »
Good link.

Yes - our KC will demolish a garden in a day!!  I put short fencing around plants so he can only nibble on what's hanging over.  Or plant in pots.  Once in a while, lie the pot on it's side so he can eat. Then set it upright to regrow again.

Right now he has 2 hostas (that I didn't catch in time....he ate to the nub before I put the fencing up for spring), a rose bush and I think....hmmmm....I can't picture it...maybe a Rose of Sharon?  But it's short, so maybe not. I'll have to think about it to remember.

Offline Double S

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Re: Anyone have a tortoise?
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2008, 10:43:03 AM »
I found this extensive list.  Looks like I need to do some trading for some new plants for KC!!  If you have anything on the list. Let me know...and let me know what you are looking for in trade....or if you have some for postage.

Abutilon -
*Agave - Spp. -Leaves; Flowers- (all)
~~Aloe Vera-Leaves; Flowers - (all)
Amarican Aloe Spp.
Echeveria Spp.
Haworthia reinwardtii (very slow growing)
Hens & chickens  Sempervivum tectorum
Hens & chicks  E. cheveria Spp.
Ice plants (Mesembryanthemaceae family)
~~Kalanchoe Spp.
Live-forever- Orphine (Sedum purpureum)
Mimulus F Aurantica
~~Opuntias Spp.
Sedum Spp.
Spiderwort- Tradescantia pinetorum,occidentalis
Tradescantia crassula Link & Otto
Yucca (Yucca species)
Tradescantia (wandering jew)
Desert Rose (Adenium obesum)

Edible Shrubs - Plants for a Future
Two Rainy Side Gardeners

*Banana leaves- Leaves; Fruit-
aurea (golden bamboo or fishpole bamboo).
Fig Tree leaves-Leaves; Fruit - Moraceae
Forsythia - Oleaceae
Guava Tree - Leaves - Psidium guajava
Heather - Ericaceae
~~ *Hibiscus - rosa-sinensis Leaves; Flowers-
Hibiscus syriacus
Maple - Acer saccharum
Mimosa - Desmanthus illinoensis
~~ *Mulberry Tree-(all)  L/ FR
~~Muhly - Sporobolus asperifolius
Black variety "Morus nigra"
White variety "Morus alba"
Paper mulberry - Moraceae - L/F/FR
Sea Grape-
Tea Tree- Lepta Spermum Scoperium  L/F
Tumbleweed - Salsola kali aka Russian Thistle
Hibiscus syriacus or Shrub Althea (Rose of Sharon)
Loquat bush - Eriobotrya japonica
Willow - Salicaccae family - Ssp.


Alyssum Sweet-  Lobularia maritima L/F
Aster- Aster sp.
Baby's Tears - Soleirolia soleirolii -  Helxine soleirolii
*Begonia - semperflorens - L/F
Birds Nests Fern - Asplenium nidus
Bottle Brush - Callistemom
Bouganvillea - Bouganvillea
Bridal Veil - Tripogandra multiflora
Bromeliads - Bromeliaceae spp
Carnation - Dianthus caryophyllus
German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) - flowers
Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) - flowers More information
~~Chinese Lantern, Abutilon hybridum- flowers
Coleus- Coleus
Chrysanthemum- spp- flowers
~~ *Coreopsis- Leaves; Flowers- Giganta/ tinctoria/atkinsoniana / calliopsidea
Cornflower (Bachelor's Buttons)- Plagiobothrys ssp. - leaves, flowers
Corn Plant - Dracaena fragrans
Dahlia - pinnata / rosea
~~ Day Lillies- Hemerocallis L/F/ - Not Easter or Tiger
Daisy- English Bellis perennis - flowers
*Dichondra - repens- Leaves; Flowers-
Dracaena -Dracaena
Forsythia - Forsythia suspensa
Fuschia - Fuschia
~~ Gazania-Leaves; Flowers- Spp
~~ Geranium-(Pelargonium species) Leaves; Flowers -
(wild and domestic)
*Grape Vine- Leaves; Fruit - vitaceae & berberidaceae
Heather- (Ericaceae sp) L/F
~~Hibiscus (leaves & Flowers)
Hollyhock-  Alcea rosea-  Blosoms
Hosta - Leaves; Flowers-
Ice plant - Sedum spectabilis
*Impatiens - glandulifera - Leaves; Oil; flower; Seed -
Jasmine - Jasminum officinale: J. grandifloum
Johnny-Jump-Up - Viola tricolor
*Kalankoe Ssp.
*Kale (Brassica oleracea)
Lavender-Lavandula angustifolia - labiatae- L/F
Lilac - Syringa vulgaris
Lillies-Whole plant-hemerocallis (Easter & Tiger Lilies are poisonous)
Mallow- Common Malva sylrestris
Marigold-Leaves; Flowers- (Domestic and wild)
Mimulus - aurantica - flowers
Monkey Plant - Ruellia makoyana - L/F
Moon Flower-  Ipomoea alba, Ipomoea leptophylla- L/R
Mother of Pearl - Graptopetalum paraguayen
Nasturtiums -officinale Tropaeolum majus
*Opuntia Cacti
Pansy - Pansy Viola X - L/F
Phlox-  Phlox paniculata)
Pineapple Guava (Feijoa sellowiana)
**Portacula (moss rose)-Leaves; Flowers-  Grandiflora
*Pothos - Epipremnum Pothos aureus -Epipremnum aureum Primrose - Primula vulgaris
*Californian Poppy - escholzia
Poppy Welsh- Meconopsis cambrica
Purslane- Portulaca oleracea
*Sedum -
Sempervivum- Leaves; Flowers-
Spider Plant - Chlorophytum comosum - L/ F
Strawberries (all) Wild and domestic
Sweedish Ivy - Plectranthus australis - L/F
Umbrella Plant - Darmera peltata / Petasites hyrbridus
~~ Violets (not African - English)
Whispering Bells (Emmenanthe penduliflora)
Wisteria spp. (wisteria)  flowers
Yucca - Leaves; Flowers- (all)
Zinnia- sp. Leaves; Flowers- -
Lavender-Leaves; Flowers-   labiatae


~~** Alfalfa (Medicago sativia)     
Bindweed - Convolvulus & calystegia spp
*Birdsfoot Trefoil, Lotus corniculatus
Bittercress - Cardamine hirsuta & flexuosa
*Black mustard- entire plant- Brassica Nigra
*Buckwheat, Polygonaceae Eriogonum fasciculatum
Bugleweed-Leaves; Flowers- Ajuga reptans
Butterfly Bush - Buddleja ssp.
Cat's-ears - Hypochoeris  & hypochoeris spp
~~**Chickweed - Cerastium vulgatum / Cerastium arvense /
Common greenbrier, Catbrier-- Silax roundfolia and ssp
~~*Cotyledon orbiculata - F/L/R - Crassulaceae
**Chicory- - Flowers; Leaves; Root. -  Cichorium
Clover - Trifolium repens Trifolium pratense
Coneflower (purple), Echinacea sp. (Rudbeckia)
~~ Cotyledon - umbilicus-veneris - AKA Pennywort,
Creeping Bell-flower Campanula rapunculoides
Navelwort, Cotylet
Daisy- Leaves; Flowers- Bellis perennis
Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale -  Flowers; Leaves; Root.
*Dandelion-  other; Leaves; Root. - Agoseris - aurantiaca
*Dayflower-Leaves; Flowers- Commelina diffusa
~~ * Dichondra repens (wonderlawn)
**Dock- Flowers; Leaves; Root - Rumex
Echinacea-Leaves; Flowers- Angustifolia
~~ Endives
Evening Primrose-Leaves; Flowers- Oenothera biensis
Cut-leaved evening primrose, Oenothera laciniata
*Field mustard- entire plant- Brassica rapa
Filaree -Erodium cicutarium
California Filago - Filago californica
Hawkbits - Leontodon ssp
Hawk's Beards - Crepis-biennis-&-capilallaris
Henbit - leaves and flowers Lamium amplexicaule
Honeysuckle- L/F - Lonicera interrupta / Lonicera japonica
Honesty - Condiment; Root; Seed -  Lunaria annua
*Knotweed - Polygonum spp.
*Kudzu-L/F Root. - Puerar lobata
*Mallow -L/F Root  Malva rotundifolia /sylvestris/ neglecta/  moschata
Marigold-Leaves, Flowers- calendula
*Miners Lettuce-Leaves- M. perfoliata
**Mustard - Brassica species  Sisymbrium officinale
Nettle- Stinging (Urtica dioica)
~~ Nipplewort - Lapsana communis
Opuntia Cacti -(all)  L/F/FR- Opuntia - remove spines!
Persimmon - Diospyros texanum , Diospyros virginiana
*Pink Perslane-Leaves; Flowers- Montia sibirica
*Pigweed - Amaranthus
Prickliy Lettuce- entire plant- Lactuca serriola
Primrose - Primula vulgaris
~~ ~~ *Plantains - Plantago major, media & lanceotata
Purple deadnettle/ red deadnettle - Lamium purpurem
Poverty weed- Entire plant - Monolepis nuttallia / Iva axillaris
Raspberry / Blackberry- rubusideus
Red Maids - Calandrinia ciliata
Shepard's purse - Capsella bursa-pastorsis Capsella bursa-pastoris
*Common Sorrel- Rumex & Oxalis ssp
Salad Burnet - Sanguisorba minor
Sainfoin - Onobrychis sativa
St. Johns Wort-Leaves; Flowers - Hypericum
*Stonecrops- Sedum  album
*Sow Thistle -  Sonchus oleraceus & arvensis
~~Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus)
*Mallows - Abutilon Malva sylvestris, neglecta & moschata
Common mallow -Malva neglecta - L/F
*Quick Weed - Galinsoga
Bush vetch - Vicia sepium
*Common vetch-Vicia sativa
Tufted vetch - Vicia cracca
Violet (ssp) - L/F (not African ) Viola ssp
~~**Watercress- L/F- Cruiferae
***Wild Carrot- Condiment; Leaves; Root. - Daucus carota
Wild Strawberry - Fragaria Vesca
Wintercress- Entire plant- Barbarea vulgarsis
~~Yarrow-L/ Fl Achellea millefolium


Common name index of Grasses & Grasslike Plants
African Grasses

~~ Barnyardgrass - Echinochloa crus-galli
Bentgrasses Agrostis spp.
~~Bermuda - Cynodon dactylon
Bluegrass, annual - Poa annua
~~Blue grama - Bouteloua gracilis
Big Bluestem - andropogon gerardi
~~ Buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secondatum)
~~ Buffelgrass, Cenchrus ciliaris L.
Canarygrass, littleseed Phalaris minor
Chufa, or Yellow Nut Grass  Cyperus esculentus
~~ Couchgrass - Agropyon repens
~~ Crabgrass- Digitaria sanguinalis
Fescue, Tall -  Festuca arundinacea
Fescue, Blue - festuca glauca
Goosegrass- Eleusine indica
Indian Ricegrass (Oryzopsis hymenoides)
~~ Kikuyugrass - Pennisetum clandestinum
~~Kleingrass, Panicum coloratum L.
~~ Napiergrass, Pennisetum purpureum
Oatgrass -
*Orchard-  Dactylis glomerata
Pampasgrass - Cortaderia selloana
**~~Pearl Millet - Pennisetum glaucum
~~ Pangolagrass, Digitaria decumbens
Peppergrass - Lepidium spp.
Quackgrass- Agropyron repens
*Rye -
Sesame grass - Tripsacum dactyloides
St. Agustine
Sweet vernal grass - Anthoxanthum odoratum
Timothy- Phleum pratense
Wild oats - Avena fatua
Witchgrass- Panicum capillare L.
~~ Weeping lovegrass, Eragrostis curvula


Asperagus Fern - Asperagus setaceus plumosis
Boston Fern  - Nephrolepsis exalta
Ostrich Fern- Matteuccia struthiopteris  L/F
(NOT bracken ferns, (Pteridium aquilinum)
Staghorn Fern - Platycerium bifurcatum -  L/ F
Tree Fern - Dicksonia antartica
Cinnamon fern - Osumunda cinnamomea

Grape vines - Concord Vitis spp.
*Russian vines
~~*Tradescantia (wandering jew) - Tradescantia albiflora - L/F
Honeysuckle- L/F - Lonicera interrupta / Lonicera japonica/ Lonicera periclymenum & caprifolium
Creeping Charlie- Pilea nummulariifolia
Climbing Nasturtium
Creeping jenny -Lysimachia nummlaria
Ground ivy - Glechoma hederacea
Sweedish Ivy - Plectranthus australis - L/F
Wild muscadine - Vitis rotundifolia
Kudzu - Puerrrraria lobata


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