Author Topic: Anyonne have pictures of their bogs?  (Read 1628 times)

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Anyonne have pictures of their bogs?
« on: October 18, 2006, 02:55:51 PM »
What plants did well? How did you build yours? Pictures? What would you do differently? I want a free standing one away from my pond (no room).

Offline tinkster

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Re: Anyonne have pictures of their bogs?
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2006, 04:49:36 PM »
I am so glad you posted this and hope other show thier pictures.  I just spent the day digging out the shelves on my pond.. woohoo.. tons more room for lillies  and tomorrow project is going to be to put a small bog around the berm perimeter of the pond.. One area I am pretty sure I will but in a lotus pond.

How deep etc do you plan on doing yours.. I really have no clue what to do with mine.


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Re: Anyonne have pictures of their bogs?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2006, 05:00:21 PM »
Although I don't have a bog to show, I do have 2 "bogs-to-be" that are just about ready to go. Built of 4"x8"x16" concrete block and concrete bricks, they are located atop the deck surrounding my former swimming pool. Pic1 shows the "bog-2-B" on the left of the former spa (now my 750 gal "mini-pond") and pic2 shows the "bog-2-B" to the right of the mini-pond. The PVC pipes that you can see across the back of the bog spaces are feeding water into the bogs from the mechanical filtration pits located behind the screening trellis panels visible in pic1 & pic3.

Pic 1

Pic 2

I'm just about ready to install 5+ yards of 1/2" river rock (pea gravel) into the bogs which, when planted with various marginals, will act as a "veggie/biological" filter as the water travels from the pipes, through the gravel & plants, to finally spill over the front edges of the bogs into the main pond ... see pic3.

Pic 3

As you can see in pic3, I'm just about finished with the renovation/modification of the pool into the new pond. LOL, Just in time for winter ... oh well, spring is just around the corner here!

Hopefully, the bio-filter under the mini-pond, in conjunction with the 2 bog/veggie/bio filters will provide me with the water clarity that I am expecting.  Time will tell.

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

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Re: Anyonne have pictures of their bogs?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2006, 05:36:09 PM »
Bog beds can work quite well, if you know what to expect


Otherwise, you can run into two main bugaboos that will spoil it... and a third one that might creep up on you

~Bog beds are difficult to weed, they tend to explode with all sorts of the worst grass weeds from seed...

~ Bog beds lose water at a very fast rate, it can be tricky to provide stable moist conditions

~The third bugaboo that tends to sneak in, badly drained saturated soil tends to go 'off' and acidic inches down, plant roots spoil

There is one 'obvious' way to do a bog bed, and that is to use a liner with a hole or two most of the way down to stop the soil in the liner from being saturated, it 'lets' excess water out. Downside, water evaporation rates very high. In a sunny position it will struggle with drying out...

The less obvious way to do a bog bed is to make a pond as per usual, and plant the bog plants in containers with the soil level a few inches above the water level. this works well, as it becomes easy to keep weeded, and water loss from evaporation is much lower... Soil has a much bigger surface area than water, so, the 'soil' surface tends to lose water twenty? fifty? times faster than water....

Be a little wary of what plants you use in a bog. A lot of very attractive plants are missold to zones too hot for them.... Gunnera, Marsh Marigold, Mare's tail come to mind as very elegant in the water garden books and garden centre shelves, to die like flies when 90°f heat whups them

Regards, andy

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Re: Anyonne have pictures of their bogs?
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2006, 08:53:43 PM »
Congrat's on the extra lily room. There's never enough room for them is there.  ;) I would love to have just a fraction of your energy and determination :) I'm not sure how deep at the moment and I don't have a clue about this either but I do want a moist area for my aroids to summer and I think I will sink a large pot or two close to it for a lotus. As it stands at the moment I have some holey liner from a pond build gone horribly wrong that I want to use. I'm not sure how deep to make it at the moment but it's at the end of the above ground lily pond that overflows first with water changes. It gets morning sun, dappled shade in afternoon. I don't have a clue either but I can learn.
Thank you for showing your bog2B. It looks great. Can't wait to see it planted and functioning as a filter. How big/deep is your pool/pond? When does spring show up there?
Thanks for the information. I don't want the bog to be an anerobic, stinking, full of mosquito's nightmare. I am hoping for it to be a good environment to summer my collection of aroids at least the ones that like water.

I think the site at the end of my above ground lily pond will be good because I do water changes and that is the low spot so it will stay moist. With a holey liner it won't stay real wet for any length of time (I hope). So what media should I use? (soil, sand, combination or gravel?) and should I leave them in pots to contain the growth and just sink the pots? I want this done before spring so I have a while to plan this but I want to do it right.

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Re: Anyonne have pictures of their bogs?
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2006, 10:46:28 PM »
It's 38' long x 18' at the widest point. Where you can see the puddle in pic 3 it's 7' deep and where it slopes up from there, it slopes up to just under 4'. The "shelf" on the left in pic 1 is 4' deep, while the one in the foreground of pic 2 is 22". The mini-pond between the bogs2b is 8' in diameter. The pool was about 24,000 gal before I raised the bottom on each end, I don't really KNOW what the volume is now but as a WAG I'll say 16 to 18,000 gal. Things begin to warm up again here towards the end of Feb, I'm just trying to convince myself that Feb is not so far off ... Right now, the temp in the mini-pond is right at 70 degrees, so it's not as though it's going to get too cold for too long, but the lilies are becoming unhappy. Islamorada is the only one still blooming here.  I find that surprising, because the hardies have stopped and yet Islamorada just keeps putting up buds and pads. Go figure!  ?)(?

Keep Smilin'
John  :)
"Life is hard;
It's harder if you're stupid."
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Re: Anyonne have pictures of their bogs?
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2006, 04:26:07 AM »
  That is going to be incredible. Can't wait to see it done. Great conversion  o(:-) Do you keep koi now?
I have my tropicals in the greenhouse and Albert Greenberg and Foxfire continue to bloom. I sunk the hardies and the only two that have sent up blooms were Patio Joe and Charlene Strawn. All are pretty much done for the year.
Well, back to planning the bog.

Offline tinkster

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Re: Anyonne have pictures of their bogs?
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2006, 08:22:39 PM »
lol I hope you get done quick.. I have this hole dug for the lotus pond and tried to leave a shallow berm around it with the intentions of planting bog plants there and lotus in the middle but I have the liner in and it doesnt seem to be working yet... not sure how to tie it in to the big pond and get dirt on the shelf etc. .jsut not working like I thought it would.. so hurry and post pictures  :)


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Re: Anyonne have pictures of their bogs?
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2006, 05:23:59 AM »
  You are already done! I haven't even thought it out yet  ;D  I want just a bit of your creativity and energy. I want to see what you ended up with and how you tied it into your pond..


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