Author Topic: Most bang for the buck  (Read 1559 times)

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Most bang for the buck
« on: May 03, 2009, 04:44:34 PM »
OK. just for grins, lets list the things in life that are the best bargain for the money spent, the little things in life that we often take for granted but would really be in trouble without them. The reason this comes to mind is because we just had a bano emergency, my wife flushed the toilet this morning and it overflowed, never a pleasant experience. We spent all day waiting for Mr. Rooter and $162.00 so on the top of the list goes... drum roll please.....

The toilet and Sewage service. I won't delve into the horrors there that simply get flushed away by pushing down on a small silver handle.

Soap, it's cheap, last a long time but we would really be repulsive without it.

Deoderant, ditto for cheap and long lasting, I don't even want to imagine life without it.

Toothpaste, same economy, a tube lasts forever it seems if you squeeze every last drop out like I do.  lol

Stamps, a few cents sends a lot of love to Vicki's lonely Grandma who cherishes her letters.

Any more input, anybody want to play?

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Re: Most bang for the buck
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2009, 05:48:21 PM »

Shampoo--why don't more people use it?  Seems like I get in a check out line all the time behind someone with really oily, dirty hair.  (It doesn't help that my sense of smell is very keen   :P )

Showers--wonderful, hot water so convenient  (same complaint here, why don't more people do it?)  lol  and water is so cheap and plentiful (except in California...  ;)  )

Electricity--what a WONDERFUL convenience...ever think about how many times you flip a switch, or turn on your stove, microwave, water (I live in the country and have an electric pump)...when the electric goes, so does the water.


There are things you do because they feel right & they may make no sense & they may make no money & it may be the real reason we are here:  to love each other & to eat each other's cooking & say it was good.  ~  Brian Andreas 

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Re: Most bang for the buck
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2009, 06:00:19 PM »
ok, you might not agree with mine but i have two of them...
my computer, yes it was not cheap but when you realize exactly how many hours of pleasure you get out of using them, it is worth every penny.
perennial plants, plant them and they keep returning your investment, bigger and better.
life is too short to be unhappy

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Re: Most bang for the buck
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2009, 06:03:49 PM »
Water! Water isn't cheap, but you can get more bang for the buck by using a bucket, like I do, every morning when you shower, to catch the cold water before it gets hot. Then I shower, and dress, and carry it downstairs and pour it into an old crock, and go to work. It makes me feel good about being able to take a shower every day and water my plants for free /and/ keep from wasting water. I've been gleeful because I've become strict about it. People at work smile at me like I'm a granola eating tree-hugger. It makes my day to know that when I get home, I can be generous with all of my deck plants, and I'm not afraid of summer any more! When it gets hot, I'll just use the bucket on plants on my way out. Tada!

Offline Bullfrog

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Re: Most bang for the buck
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2009, 06:49:40 PM »
Wonderful, I love the input. We take so many of the simple things in our life for granted until something slaps us in the face and makes us realize that our time to dance upon this earth is limited and if we were faced with our death, what would have made the biggest impression on us? The little things that mean so much. I started to mention the computer as well as that is what has tied us all together but I wanted to start small but the computer is a biggie. Here goes..

Dogs and cats. Most of the really good ones come into our life for free, God guides us together I think, we have a lot to learn from them. Their medical care is really cheap compared to ours, a few shots, some flea shampoo, a litterbox, litter, food and toys but you cannot begin to measure what they give in return.

Who else is so glad to see you when you get home? (cats excluded, we serve them). Who else is willing to do anything that you want to do? Who else just wants a kind word or a pat on the head to make their day? They don't care what you look like, you could weigh 600 pounds and they still love you unconditionally and would lay down and die for you in an instant. They always want your attention, that's all that they want and will always be your best friend through thick and thin. You culd have just made yourself out to be the biggest asshole of all time in the entire recorded history of all universes and they just don't care, they live for your love only. Dogs know things that we don't understand but they do know the meaning of true friendship. They never lie and are really true spirits.

Cats we serve and put up with because we love them, they are different but I can't imagine a world without cats. I'm glad that God made them.

Item two... birdsongs. They are free and at the same time, priceless. I was sitting on the porch enjoying a rum and 7 when my mind shifted gears into that realm that only a slight degree of intoxication can get you into. You know when you can actually feel the sounds? Purple Martins were feeding and swooping near my porch. A huge flock of them approached as they flew by. Their twittering rose in volume and then faded into the evening sky as they flew by in a doppler effect. Doves cooed and cardinals said "Pretty bird..Pretty bird..." It's all as plain as day if you can hear what they are saying.

The Brown Pelicans of Galveston Island and the seagulls. Every morning, the pelicans fly west along te seawall in the search of food. As the sun sets and the earth's atmoshphere maginifies the sun into a huge glowing orb of brilliant orange they come cruising back, inches above the water to the west. They nest in the marshes at night. The seagulls glide effortlessly above your head in a magnificent display. I took this shot the morning after our wedding day. You could say that it was just an anomoly, the way the sun refracted off of the lens and made phantom imagives on the lens, but I see more there. I see a peace sign and a sign from God that he blessed this union and all was good with the world. Take a look...

The night that we met there was a total eclipse of the full moon, a phenomenom that would not occur again for another eighty or so years. Again, a coincidence? I think not. The full moon slid above the waterline and cast a million shimmering diamonds of light on the ocean, they shimmered as they shook until the shadow of the earth slid across the full moon.

This too was "free" if you see it that way. It all came at a cost and that tab was paid long ago, the priveledge of just being able to witness the beauty of what most people miss every day. The small really large things in life that really matter.

I'll get off of my soapbox now and mention the telephone. My wife would be lost without it. Think about it, you can pick up this piece of plastic and hear a loved one's voice clean across the globe, love sent through electric lines, voices of those you really love are priceless and when you think about it, the bang for the buck is really cheap at times.


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Re: Most bang for the buck
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2009, 09:25:22 AM »
I gotta say for me it's brightens up my day and keeps everything alive and growing. We get so little of it here in our area that when we get it everyone is all smiles.  8) Sunshine makes life worth living and w/o it uh oh. I don't think I'd do well in an ice age.  {nono}

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Coming from a Professional Landscape Designers point of view...
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2009, 09:41:29 AM »
Daffodils. I buy the bushel of 100 at HD for $25...deer don't eat them, they multiply every year...great for cut flowers...smell good.  8)
Sunny, happy color too.  :D  You can plant them amongst your perennials so when they die back, the perennials cover them up.  :)
Peace to all  ... Joyce

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Re: Most bang for the buck
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2009, 01:30:02 PM »
Good one Joyce I agree. Wahing machines, wouldn't life be drudgery without one. Still don't vacuuming, too noisy!
But , I think that is another

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Re: Most bang for the buck
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2009, 03:51:03 PM »
Excellent thread......  but I'm still thinking since many of the "most bang" have been spoken of.
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Re: Most bang for the buck
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2009, 07:34:26 PM »
Dental floss.

They tell you not to reuse it.... But I do.  {:-P;;


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