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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2009, 10:01:47 AM »
Gosh is there any way that you can let this woman's relatives know what was going on? That is just horrible. If they knew they would be just devastated and could possibly sue the hospital for lack of care or something I would think. It's bad enough to have to grow old and get sick and then no one takes care of you properly. Makes you just want to crawl off in the wilderness when you get old and just disappear so you can go naturally w/o all the mistreatment. It just takes away all the dignity from a human being to be just left to sit and wait for help that never comes. We need more people like you Bullfrog to help the ones who have no control and are weak and frail. This whole thing is just disgusting.  :'(

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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2009, 10:11:58 AM »
I am so glad your wife is better.  But holy cow, what abuse that poor elderly woman suffered!  I am glad to hear you are reporting the hospital for their abuse. 

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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2009, 10:17:25 AM »
Bullfrog, you and your wife sound like truly lovely people. I'm glad your wife is feeling better. It's hard to believe people could treat other people that way, especially when it's their job not to.

Good luck in your endeavors- I sincerely hope you can make a difference.
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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #33 on: April 30, 2009, 12:15:38 PM »
It just blows my mind how some people can be so horrible.  Not one shred of human kindness in them.  That poor woman.  And these are nurses?   Amazing.   

Good for you, I hope you given them hell and nail them to the wall!

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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #34 on: April 30, 2009, 12:48:38 PM »
Esther, if you are talking about the bearded dragon, I have to feed him Giant Superworms. They will curl back up and bite you if you don't grab them by the head. It is gross as they will also squirt a small stream of urine at you also, fun in the morning. I tell my wife that in their native Australia, nobody goes out in the desert and hand feeds these big lizards, they hunt. But she loves him and insists on hand feeding him.

O.k., that's way over the top for me. LOL! Animal lover that I am, that just wouldn't happen at my house. ;D ;)

Glad to hear your wife is doing better.

You know you have to report what you witnessed and the information you took down. Its part of our job to advocate for patients. ;)
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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #35 on: April 30, 2009, 02:34:33 PM »
Bullfrog...bless you for standing up for this woman. Makes you wonder how many older people die from someone's neglect without anyone realizing it with it being blamed on their health problems.
My mom was in the hospital for a stroke several years ago (you don't want to get me started on the experiences we had....but an idiot employee at the hospital actually caused her death). She was 81 at the time and when my older sister complained about something that our mom needed help with but wasn't getting she was told "well....she IS 81....!" My sister shot back "yes...and we would like her to get treated like a human and reach 82!". It seems that many don't honor older's like they figure they're worthless and don't matter.
I just wanted to reinforce how much I applaud you doing this.
zone 5b

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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #36 on: April 30, 2009, 05:31:06 PM »
You think that care is bad?  You should see what goes on in nursing homes.  The workers/aides are paid very low wages and most could care a flip about the patients.  It's just a job.  I'm not saying that everyone who works in a nursing home is like that.  There are some very kind, compasionate people who really care about the elderly, but unfortunately while the nursing home owners are getting rich, they pay very low wages and usually don't get quality help.  With the nursing shortage, I wonder what kind of care we're going to get by the time we're in our 80s?

I agree with those who have posted in support of Bullfrog.  The elderly have lived a hard life and most have worked a lot harder and been through a lot more than this younger generation who is responsible for their care.  All human beings deserve respect, care and compassion until their natural death.  It seems that the most fragile, the unborn and the elderly who cannot speak for themselves lack rights in this society.  I wonder how long before they start euthanizing old people because they are a burden to society and health care costs.
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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #37 on: April 30, 2009, 06:48:41 PM »
Right now it's damage report and control. I called the nurses station and spoke with the charge nurse that was on duty when this happened. after telling her that I was going to report this and possibly have her lisence yanked, her reply was "I have no excuse for this."

I was directed to the director of that floor who tried to squirm. She said that she was on duty all day yesterday and had patrolled that floor. My wife was ambulatory, she could get up and walk around. She wanted a smoke so she got on the elevator. When she arrived on the first floor there was a person with a cart rolling two sheet cakes onto the elevator. She had to walk about 100 yards off of the campus to smoke, then went back in, got a burger out of a vending machine, nuked it and ate it. she was gone over an hour.

When she went back up to her floor, there was a party going on at the nurses station, that's where the cake was going. Maybe it was one nurse's birthday or whatever but they were chatting it up and eating cake. She went back into her room where Mrs. Wright, this 83 year old woman was and asked.. "Has anyone come in to check on you?"

"No" This is the same woman who needs help on and off of the potty. They were partying it up at the nurses station while she sat alone with her IV bag banging the alarm. This IV bag contains medications that are supposed to be etered out at a precise dose on the minute. When it goes into alarm, no meds are administered. The same poor woman who soiled her bed when she couldn't get assistance.

The director dodged and tried to divert my attention off of this abuse. She actually told me that my wife was not supposed to go and smoke unnattended. I was not diverted. I told her "Excuse me, don't try to put this on my wife, this woman was neglected for over an hour needing to pee while your nurses ate cake and ignored her call." I love making her squirm for right now while she tries to cover her ass.

Tomorrow I'll speak with the Administrator of the hospital. I love the fact that I'm a seasoned paramedic and know what string to pluck in the right order to hang them all. The abuse and cover up rises to the highest levels and I'm going to expose them all. this woman is trying to save her job. These nurses are supposed to make rounds every 30 minutes and she is responsible for seeing that they do this. Meanwhile at the nurses station, there is aparty going on while a poor 83 year old woman is stranded on the potty or worse yet, shitting her bed.

The Texas Department of Health holds all of our certifications and if we are exposed for patient abuse, they can yank them. A nurse will no longer be a nurse after two years of school. But you know what? I don't care if they loose their job, I don't want this type of person taking care of your or my Mother or Grandmother. Again, these are helpless people, senior citizens, veterans who fought for our country and now can't even get some lazy nail filing, cake eating witch to help them onto a toilet.

I am a man dammit and it is hard for a man to say this but I have actually helped one of my male patients urinate when he couldn't do it for himself. He was spinal immobilized, completely strapped down, he could not move.I had to go and get a urinal, take his penis out and place it into the recptacle and let him pee into it so he didn't have to piss in his stretcher. I expect all health care givers to exhibit the same behavior. No, it isn't pleasant or fun for either of us, it is embarrassing for the patient as well as the attendant but dammit man, if I'm about to soil myself I hope that someone has the compassion to drop their pride and do what has to be done.

Tomorrow I'm calling the hospital administrator, the patient advocate and then TDH because I know they will bury this all and more patients will suffer. But I do want them to know that their nurses eat cake while someone's grandmother  has to poop her bed and then be humilited for it.

Right now, I'm enjoying seeing them twitch and squirm and try to not let this get out. My wife had a great idea, to just pose as a patient and record all of the neglect and abuse for the hospital administration so they can actually see what happens on the floors while our loved ones suffer. I will offer to pose as a patient if they really want to see this but I also am going to let them know that still it is going to be reported.

This really sucks, I wonder what kind of care that my Mother recieved in her final hours. I am going to fry their asses in mollassess. Did I spell that right?

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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #38 on: April 30, 2009, 06:58:47 PM »
Go get 'em bullfrog!!!!!
zone 5b

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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2009, 07:19:00 AM »
I must say that I'm horrified.  I hope you get them all!  I'm getting a late start, at 31, but I'm going to be going to school for nursing, and I swear, that will NEVER happen on my watch!!!!!!   {nono}

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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #40 on: May 05, 2009, 04:48:43 PM »
update??  You have a whole cheering squad behind you in this..  :cheer:  :cheer:  go gettem!

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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #41 on: May 05, 2009, 06:36:49 PM »
The charge nurse and patient advocate both had no excuse for this. The patient advocate in particular hears this every day and was not at all surprised. They will bury it and try to keep it in house. My wife has made friends with Mrs. Wright and calls her regularly. She really thanked my wife for sticking up for her. My wife heard an exchange between her daughter and she with her own daughter explaining why she couldn't assume her care.

"You are bigger than I am, I can't lift you." Funny that her Mom found the strength to lift her in the middle of the night when she was a baby and cried at 02:00 AM.

I have called Texas Department of Health and only got recorded messages. I know that a live voice gets a lot more attention than an email. every day I carry the list of abuses to work so I can speak to a live human being but Work has been busy and I'm yet to get through. I will persist tomorrow. I'm glad that someone else cares enough about a total stranger to ask, it says a lot about the quality of the people on this forum.

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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #42 on: May 07, 2009, 03:10:19 AM »
I finally got an answer from TDH and they have emailed me the official complaint form to start a formal investigation. I'll fill it out today at work. They need it in writing, dates and times to establish who was on shift at that time.

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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #43 on: May 07, 2009, 06:10:19 AM »
Bullfrog, I must say that someday I hope to meet you, share a beer, and shake your hand. From all that I have read you are an extremely thoughtful, persistent, and caring individual, and that anyone that comes in contact with you is a better person because of it. Your family must be extremely proud! keep up the fight!


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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #44 on: May 07, 2009, 12:15:16 PM »
Are you keeping a journal of everything that goes on? I mean, every phone call, every name of who you talked to, the dates and times and the responses or NOT. Also any paperwork that you do and send, be sure to copy it and save it in the computer or file so you have proof of what was sent, in case it "doesn't arrive" where it is supposed to. Too bad you didn't have pictures of what you are describing or better yet a video. HEY, what about your local TV station? Often they have people who would be glad to investigate "undercover" and carry the ball for you.

About 3 years ago, in late November, my dad had just gotten out of the third medical facility after being run over by a truck. He was somewhat ambulatory but couldn't do stairs without a professional helper. So my stepmom bought a duplex and put this townhouse up for sale. The day (Saturday) they were to move, the movers had most of their stuff on the truck and she took a chair, some blankets to wrap around him, and my dad over to the new house, to leave him while she came back to do the final stuff.  She gets there and thinks it is cool. Looks at the thermostat and it's cold in there. They discover that when she called to have the gas put in her name, they shut it off. So she comes back and begins the calling. Finally she's crying because it is so frustrating with all the push this button, push that button, gets transferred, gets disconnected, gets spoken to rudely, gets told that this is what she requested when she called the first time, gets pushed around and around. Finally this little 95 pound bird lady is furious when the gas company person suggests they unload the moving truck and spend the weekend in the townhouse. She grabs up the yellow pages and locates the # for the local TV station. They put her in touch with a department that solves problems like hers. It took about 45 minutes and someone was at the duplex turning on the gas. I talked to the young lady who managed it and she was so sweet and thrilled that she had been able to do the trick. But all she needed was to say she was from channel 8 WOOD TV and the gas company was jumping through hoops. Give it a try. Good luck.

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Re: Another prayer request
« Reply #45 on: May 07, 2009, 02:27:38 PM »
Greg, those were very kind words and I appreciate it, I hope to raise a mug with you also someday, I've never seen California.

Esther, that is a good idea but usually, around here anyway, the hospital has the TV station in it's back pocket through the advertising dollars that they spend. I called a local station to expose a local ambulance company and they outright refused. This particular company competes with the other that owns an air rescue helicopter.

The owners of these companies are actually fueding sisters. The one without the helicopters forbids their medics from calling for air rescue. She actually told her sister "Every time that helicopter flies, it's money out of my pocket."

It does not seem to matter at all to her that as a result, people die. A prolonged extrication from a wrecked vehicle 45 miles from the nearest hospital with critical injuries is a death sentence for the patient if they refuse to call for rapid air transport.

What type of medic would even work for such people and how do they live with themselve's? The facts speak for themselve's. Just averaging all of the other local ambulance companies air rescue calls over the past year and then this one particular company had none? Out of hundreds of calls?

The television station dropped it like a hot potato, liability scares the corporate types.

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