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Our bank tried to rip us off
« on: September 05, 2006, 12:21:01 PM »
My husband had the day off today so he and I planned to get several errands done. Our first stop was our bank. We had quite a bunch of cash to deposit from dog sitting jobs I had done recently as well as cash our son gave us to pay his car insurance along with several checks so hubby took it inside rather than trust the deposit box or even sending through the drive-up. He wanted to stand right there while they counted it. The gal counted it out and got the same amount the 2 of us got (BTW.....we both counted it separately before we took it and came up with matching amounts). We went from there to lunch, stopped in to check on FIL who recently had surgery then hubby brought me home so he could get a hair cut then we were going off later to do a few more things. As soon as I walked in the house I discovered a message on the answering machine which was left 2 hours and 15 minutes after we left the bank from the teller claiming she recounted after my hubby left and there was actually $40 less than we had claimed. However, she gave hubby a deposit slip for the higher amount after she counted it in front of him. So I called his cell and he headed back up there and confronted her about it only to be told 'she didn't appreciate being called a thief'. He asked for the manager and after waiting for 1/2 hour he gave up because he still had things to get done today. It's a family joke in our house that 'you don't mess with Mom' so I got on the phone and called the branch manager. He stood up for the gal at first saying their tellers 'have strict standards' to which I told him we do too. He said the gal told him my husband claimed she stole the money. I said "Well, maybe that's a possibility because both of us added it up and the gal gave him a receipt for the amount both of us came up with'. He said another person went over her drawer amount and it was $40 short and they have never had this problem before. Well....duh!!! Of course it's $40 short, we all know that!!!! 'Perhaps you should be checking in to this person then because we've banked with this bank for over 20 years.' I told him we would be up to close our account to which I was told 'since it really isn't that large of an amount and considering your years of service to our bank we will eat the expense'. Oh....THANKS FOR THE FAVOR!!!!!!!!!!
So we will be doing some looking around and you can bet they will be losing our business soon. What an irritating experience!!
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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2006, 01:25:09 PM »
I HATE banks!! Really, very much!  &-) >:(-
I HATE the attitude they have that they are never wrong! I'm glad you stood up to them. One of my best friends worked in a bank for years and she said there was many ways a teller could lift cash and cover their tracks. That has been some years ago and I'm sure things are tighter now but still, you have to watch them. One thing they will try to pull is making the deposit ticket for less than what deposited, hoping you won't notice by the time you walk out of the bank.
We had problems with a checking account about 10 years ago. What I put in NEVER added up to what the bank said we had. We would go talk to them and they would constantly tell us we were just figuring things wrong. Finally, I realized it was always when we made any kind of cash deposits that things didn't add up. We confronted them again and got shut down in a hurry for questioning them. I had my father, who is an accountant start keeping track of my checkbook to make sure it wasn't me and things were not adding up for him either so we went back to the bank again with this ammo in our corner. Still, they refused to discuss it so we closed the account. About 3 months later there was a big story that broke in the local news that one of their tellers had been under investigation for imbezzlement and had been arrested. Well, DUH!!! >:( ::) &-)

I REALLY HATE banks!! &-)

We've had our account with Academy Banks for 3 years now and I've been pretty happy with them. No major problems at all.
By all means change banks if you are no longer comfortable.
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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2006, 06:19:15 PM »
I live in a small town and bank at our locally owned bank. I LOVE my teller girls, and customer service girls! o(:-) o(:-)
The know me better than I know them. And, they take real good care of me. They have made mistakes in the past, in my favor and in their favor. when it was In their favor, they did what was right and credited my account. And when it was in my favor, I let them know and it was taken care of.
We all make mistakes, no doubt me More than them.
If your not comfortable, move.
Sorry that you are having this problem.
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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2006, 07:27:28 PM »
I had a similar experience with American Express. After 25 years with them, I am gone.

I ended up with a substantial balance on Optima, thank you to my brother. Payments made, and all was good. Eventually my brother makes good, and gives me the outstanding balance. I mail it in. I forget the exact total now, but let us say $3056.35. The next month I get a bill for $35 in intertest because I was only credited $3056.34, and therefore the bill was not paid in full.

While I was screaming bloody murder to these AX crooks - trying to fax them the cancelled cheque for the full amount, and a copy of my bank statement showing the full amount was deducted - and we are only talking a penny difference - they gave me the same line. "You have been a good customer for decades, so we will waive the fee, and cancel the debt"

That made me scream louder. I did not need a favour from them - I needed an apology! They would not budge, so I cancelled my card. I cannot remember being so outraged about anything in my life before, and to this day, I go out of my way to move people away from AX, and, within my power, refuse to accept it in my place of business.

They are either crooks, or incompetent, and neither is attractive.

Anybody can make a mistake, but it is how they deal with it that makes all the difference.

Hang the bank!



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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2006, 07:47:14 PM »
Several years ago I was in a car accident and ended up filing personal bankruptcy.  I had been with my bank over 6 years and reaffirmed my debt with them, but within a month they requested me to fill out a credit app for my existing Visa.  When I asked them why they said it was customary to do that every couple years, and I called their bluff.  I refused to fill it out, and stated that their policy of setting the max limit of 2.5 times your monthly income wasn't even close to what I was making, as my limit was only $1000.

I argued with the credit manager who eventually waived that application, and when I told him I should have turned my debt to them in on my bankruptcy, he exclaimed "Oh, I didn't know you reaffirmed your debt with us".  I said, "how is that even remotely possible?  I have the payment automatically deducted from my checking account every month!"

That was almost ten years ago...guess how many times they've asked me to reapply for my existing Visa card?

Yeah...they haven't.  The really sad thing is that I'm still with them because I've switched to other banks twice and they were horrible and treated me like crap. 

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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2006, 07:24:02 AM »
I would demand that they fire the teller if they want to keep your business . . . . then I'd leave anyway.  But I've always been spiteful and mean.

Offline livetogarden

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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2006, 08:06:33 AM » you said 'Anybody can make a mistake, but it is how they deal with it that makes all the difference'. The branch manager I talked to never even bothered with anything close to an apology. He spent his time defending his branch and this specific teller. There was absolutely no reason why we had to fight for our $40 under these circumstances. I realize that $40 wouldn't have sent us to the poor house but it was our $40 and we were positive it was in that batch of cash. If the money hadn't been counted 3 different times all coming up with the same amount we would not have been so determinded about this. We aren't above mistakes, the mistake could have been made on our end as easily as hers but this was counted 3 times!!!! I truly think he felt insulted that we accused someone at his branch of making a mistake, or possibly stealing it. You would think he would be concerned that this person may actually be pocketing money and not be so defensive.
We're sending the bank president a letter. It will be interesting to see if he/she acts any differently.

On the funny side....our kids were cracking up last night when we told them about our experience. My husband is 6' 7" and pretty intimidating looking just because of his size. On the other hand, I'm 5' 2". Granted my husband did his arguing in person and I did mine over the phone so our size comparison wasn't apparent to the bank employees, but our kids laugh because they tease me all the time about being short and feisty.  ;D I'm normally pretty mild mannered but when someone riles me I can get pretty feisty.  ;)

Teresa.....I don't think you're spiteful and mean. You're too funny!!  ;D ;D ;D

« Last Edit: September 06, 2006, 08:13:48 AM by livetogarden »
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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2006, 09:55:14 AM »
I've had something similar happen to me as well.  Went through the drive through to deposit 800.00 cash.  I counted it several times, just to make sure.  Well, when my receipt came back from the deposit it only said 700.00.

I went straight into the bank, but the teller that waited on me wasn't around.  Another said can I help you, and I explained what happened.  This girl was a real snot.  She asked me what denomination it was in.  I told her I don't know, there were 50's 20's and a couple 10's.  She opened the drawer then closed it back and told me they would know by the end of the day.  In the mean time, the actual teller that waited on me came up and asked what was wrong I told her.  She looked at the girl that was so snotty and said the money is just sitting in the drawer, I haven't put it up yet.  The snotty teller said, you shouldn't give it to her until your positive.  The girl said I am positive.  Then the snot turned around and said, on the Normal basis you would not get your money until the end of the day if we were over.  Then if we were over we would go back through the deposit slips and find out who it belonged too.  (what if that extra money landed in someones pocket, or they made another mistake 100.00 in someones favors, I would have never seen that money). 

However, she seems very comfortable so I'm going to let you have it.  Huh, going to let me have my hundred dollars, oh how sweet.  I remained calm for a it straighted out and headed for the branch manager.

After all was said and done, he was kissing my feet.  I walked out with his business card, the kids all three got plastic piggy banks, rulers, yard sticks.  He also said he didn't like the way that girl talked to me.  I told him, I work at a bingo hall and thousands of dollars pass through my hands each night.  We all can make a mistake, but there is also a way to handle it.  It wasn't my mistake nor hers.  It was a different teller so she shouldn't have had any say so in the matter.  She needs some lessons on how to work and talk with the public, because if that was me talking to a customer my butt would be yanked into the office so quick, my head would spin.

 The funny part, I was so dirty looking that's why I went through the drive-through in the first place.  I had been cutting grass, trimming shrubs, digging lots of different things.  Imagine the look on that gals face when I put her back down on earth.  I guess she thought I looked dumb or something because I was rough looking, I had just been working  But, from that point on I have never been through the drive-through again.  I also write down exactly what domination of each bill I have on a separate paper. 



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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2006, 12:19:41 PM »

How did they determine that it was you that was $40 short? I mean, since they didn't do anything about it until hours after you deposited it? sounds like a bunch of crap to me.
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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2006, 01:09:17 PM »
Good point, Jessica. We asked but neither of us got an actual answer. The only thing the manager said to me when I asked was they 'balance the drawers out at regular intervals and that's when she realized it', which made no sense because that still didn't prove it was from ours. I asked why they felt it was our transaction rather than anyone else's or maybe there were bills stuck together when the teller gave others their withdrawals. I think he was already mad because my husband had already been in and when he (hubby) left because he had things he needed to get done they thought they were safe. Then when I called and asked for the manager I think he was ticked because it was apparent that we hadn't just let it drop. The manager said his teller was upset that my husband had accused her of stealing. My husband is very mild mannered also, he did not say that to her, he said he didn't know where it went but he did know she received it and counted it because he stood right there while she did it. That's when the teller asked my hubby 'are you calling me a theif?' My husband replied "You're basically calling me one" I don't think he was out of line saying that to her but apparently the manager and the gal did.
I always understood that businesses consider the 'customer is always right'....guess not!!!
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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2006, 02:08:18 PM »
The customer used to always be right, but things are different now.  I get so tired of nasty people that I'm just not very tolerant anymore.  If you want my money and my business, you darn well better be appreciative of the fact that I'm GIVING it to you! 

I still say call the bank president and explain why your money is going elsewhere . . . .

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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2006, 04:46:34 PM »
For several years I supervised the investigations of police officer applicants.  A number of our applicants had been terminated from teller positions at some time in their job history.  I soon learned that banks have a high turnover rate for tellers, especially probationary tellers, due to inaccurate money counts in their drawer.  The interviewed supervisors typically didn't suspect theft but said the inaccuracies occurred due to inattention.
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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2006, 06:41:39 PM »
I have about 37 years of teller/management experience in branch banking. I have seen both sides of this story. The difference is like someone mentioned, how the situation was handled, the words used, and the body language. I have had to call people to tell them of a mistake which was discovered after they had left the bank but we were prepared to eat whatever it was if the customer insisted we were wrong. Still, the call wasn't always in the bank's favor so what then, would we be so upset in that case? As for making the customer wait until the end of the day to balance the window, that's rediculous. We closed the window immediately upon something being questioned by a customer and balanced it with the customer standing right there if they wanted to watch. We always hoped they were right. Our customers as a rule had become our friends. Banks are not in business to rip people off.

Cath, when our tellers received cash, they punch in the total of each denomination so that there was a trace that matched the cash entry to the system. Our deposit slips have a space to list the individual denominations too. I would find out that manager's superior and let them have an earful too. If you can't trust them to correctly handle  $40 you can't trust them with $400 or $4000. I would suggest you close your account as quickly as possible. I know it's hard to do because of the outstanding checks but if you keep good records and your statement is balanced every month, you will know what is yours. 

As for balancing periodically throughout the day, that doesn't sound very profitable. It means a window has to be shut down and physically counted and totals run. I'm not saying we never did it but it was never mandatory. There would be no reason to do it periodically. We only did it to kill time or if for some reason we felt we needed to. It was up to the teller and whether she could squeeze it in without causing a problem for the other tellers and customers

Folks who say that banks don't make mistakes are silly. Banks aren't something that either makes or doesn't make a mistake. Banks are a company manned by people and PEOPLE make mistakes. I made plenty of mistakes in my career. The first person who should know this is a manager. Otherwise, why would the tellers ever have to balance their cash drawers? Why would there be a system of checks and balances throughout the whole banking system? Every department that handles anything that has to do with debits and credits has a balance system. And it is a real simple one: The debits have to match the credits EXACTLY. When they don't, something is wrong.

Of course there are ways to steal. I knew too much about the bank to have the guts to ever try it. Because if you really know what you are doing, you know that there are not "lots of ways" to get away with stealing from the bank. Either that or I'm just plain stupid. After all those years and seeing the efforts made to steal and not get caught, that didn't work, it just wasn't worth it. If that teller actually did steal the $40 and "got away with it", you can be sure the next time her window comes up short or this type of thing happens again, the manager or her fellow workers will remember it and she's a done deal. You don't "get away" with it long. The bank doesn't prosecute for piddly stuff like that and I don't think they are allowed to say why that person was fired but most people can put 2 + 2 together and figure it out.

As for banks not being able to keep accurate records, I don't understand why that could ever happen. Whenever an error is made, it is right there on our statement from day one, in black and white. I have balanced hundreds of checkbooks in 37 years when customers needed help, to show them how to do it, and when they were out of balance. There never is a mistake made by the bank that doesn't show somewhere, somehow. Things don't just magically change without a trace or record at the bank. But you know what, they did in customer's checkbooks. Customers would come in complaining because they were overdrawn and when I offered to balance their checkbook, they admitted that they didn't have one or didn't know how, or didn't keep a balance on paper, just "in their heads". Or they would write down the checks and deposits and not have a running balance. Then all of a sudden, the "bank" was at fault. There are even ways that a personal computer program like Quicken can mess up and throw us out of balance. It's all up to us as customers to guard our money that is handled by financial institutions just as closely as we would in our wallets. And that is done by reviewing every receipt we are given, counting our money before we leave the window, and balancing our checkbook at least once a month. If you have computer access to your accounts, you can balance it every day if you like.

OK enough of my lecture.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2006, 05:53:47 AM by Esther »

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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2006, 06:46:11 PM »
Nice Lecture Esther - very educational. 


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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2006, 08:24:25 PM »
This reminds me of the time I bought something at a retail store about 20 some odd years ago.  I paid with a $20 and the cashier gave me back $5 too much.  I'm an honest guy, so I told her, "you gave me back too much change".  She looked at me and said, "No, I didn't".  Again, I told her that she gave me back $5 too much, and again she told me she didn't.  That was twice.  So I told her to look at the amount tendered and the change due and she rolled her eyes at me and told me she knows how to count.  "Okay, I guess you do", I told her as I put the five in my pocket. "But even still, you gave me back $5 too much".  I started to walk away and she was giving me a dirty look, but then a gear became unstuck in her thick skull and her expression changed.  She realized she rang in $25.50 instead of $20.50, and she said, "You're  right.  I did give you back too much change".  I held out my empty hand and said, "No you didn't", and I walked out of the store.

If she didn't have such an issue with her ego she would have realized the error, possibly thanked me, and we'd have been okay.  But I didn't care for her attitude when I was being a decent person about it.   I felt much better keeping the money after she rolled her eyes at me and responded in the tone she used.

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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2006, 09:08:08 PM »
Esther, that was nice, thanks. My Father was also a banker and had many issues even with his own bank. I remember going into the bank with him to make a mortgage payment. The gal said "sorry, you owe a late fee", and my Dad said "no- I have a 20 day grace period".
The gal insisted that their bank never, ever, ever proffered a mortgage with a 20 day grace period- never! Only 15 day grace periods. Of course, my dad was right, and he made that gal look it up. And guess what? She had quite a red face. Ohhh my Dad was so mad. "Just look it up!" was his standard saying. How could anyone be so arrogant as to supposedly know their own policy- yet they dont? Incompetence. Still true today, in our era of incompetent employees. That story has always made me question any employee who thinks they know what they're talking about, yet reeks of ineptitude.

Kim, I paid my Real Estate taxes today (ouch) wearing 80's leggings and a T-shirt 4 sizes to big, hair tied back in a mess, dirt on my face. The teller said "Your cancelled check is your receipt, bye". Ahhh, I don't think so...I said I'd plop my van there and sit as long as it takes to get a receipt showing how much and when I paid my taxes. The wait for that was about 15 seconds.  ;)
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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2006, 09:46:53 AM »
These stories are all eerily similar to problems we've had with Bank of America since they bought out Fleet.  In fact, I just closed our joint account with them a few weeks ago.  An account we had had for over twenty years.  It used to be a small town bank, but was sold to a bigger bank.  And sold again, and again.  I tell you, B of A must have made 10 mistakes in our account over the last several months!  And they usually CHARGED us for the mistakes, even after promising not to.  Once my husband deposited 2,000.00 in our account, and they had it listed as 20.00.  Thank God my husband had his deposit slip, because they didn't believe us.  And they charged us for bounced checks, as well.  It took us several trips/phone calls to get that organized, and the mistakes just continued, on and on....once they even deposited our money into the wrong account.  And they frequently charged us strange fees, which again required a visit to the bank.  The drama with them was never-ending.  If anyone has B of A, they had better keep a close eye on their account.   ::)


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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2006, 11:09:32 AM »
Oh, you don't want to get me started on BofA!  I loathe that company.

Long story short: In 2000, they bought a bank that used to hold a credit card account of mine.  That card was discharged in bankruptcy in 1997, then when they bought that bank they started reporting the account as delinquent.  Guess when I found out?  When I applied for a home loan and had 24 current 120-day late payments on that closed account.  I was rejected for the home loan on that alone.

I disputed it with credit agencies, and spoke to someone at BofA, she told me she'd remove it...but then 30 days later someone put all 24 late payments back on as current.  Once again - no home loan.  So I disputed it again, and the same lady told me that she would make sure everything up through Jan 2003 was removed.  I asked why just that and she said it was all that was on there.  Four months later when I finally went in to get my home loan there were, you guessed it, three NEW late payments on that same closed account!  90-days for January, 60-days for February & 30-Days for March.

I found a name and number for someone high up and called him and his boss and threateded to sue for $350k, the price of a new home (then) in So Cal.  I told them to get it done "today", and that "next week" was not acceptable.  They finally struck the record from my credit report altogether...but what hell I went through!

in case you were wondering...that dark cloud?  it's mine.  I own it.  Had it for years.

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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2006, 03:33:00 PM »
Ah, Bank of America...  Did I ever tell you that hubby and I sued BofA, a credit union and all 3 credit reporting agencies?  And we won!  Didn't win the "big bucks", just reimbursed.  But still they forced us to sue!  Same problem as Blind'too.  Ours happened when Bof A bought out the company that had our mortgage.  Seven years of fighting with them...  They even sent 4 lawyers from California and other parts to us here in Hawaii, to take our depositions.  They settled (for what we were asking for in the first place!) after the first day of depos.

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Re: Our bank tried to rip us off
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2006, 07:25:12 PM »
I don't care who you bank with, your responsibility is to "keep an eye" on them. After all it is your money that they have.


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