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Offline Ky Kim

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Stressed out
« on: May 14, 2008, 04:43:03 AM »
Geeez, so much to learn for the Credit Union in 7 days.  I'm hanging in there, but it sure is alot.  I remember alot of the terms and such.  The computer part is what I'm having a hard time with.


Ponds are like patato chips, ya just can't have one.

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2008, 04:46:00 AM »
Computers are stupid. They do what you tell them to do, instead of what you want them to do. :)

Hang in there...

Offline Ky Kim

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2008, 05:07:56 AM »
Think I'm just a little overwhelmed.  There's a young girl in there, picking it right up.  Then there is a VP, and a computer tech.  I really feel dumb in there.


Ponds are like patato chips, ya just can't have one.

Offline Esther

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2008, 05:53:12 AM »
OH KIM, I hear your insecurity!! I was the same way.  {nono} OK Here comes MOM.

 >:(- Stop focusing on the cute young thing, the computer expert and the experienced ones. They were given different abilities and have a different experience history and are used to dealing with learning and computers. THEY ARE DIFFERENT than you. You have abilities that maybe they don't have. Those abilities may not happen to be useable at work even. Don't stumble over what THEY are doing and cause yourself to not catch something that you need. :D  Focus, focus, focus on YOU, the most important person in your life.

I struggled terribly to pick up on stuff in training when we changed to Bank One. I asked questions constantly about stuff they were flying over. The young new kids didn't ask questions but they were learning which button to push, which form to fill out. I was trying to understand the WHOLE picture and how it all fit together. But I had been around forever and needed to understand the whole process. What I realized later was that I was causing myself to add a lot of stuff to my baggage that could have waited. The kids memorized what they were told and didn't ask questions because they didn't know any difference.

I know it is a lot of stuff to swallow in such a short time. But usually financial institutions  are pretty understanding and lenient if you have a decent attitude.  :) When I was in management, I would be more liable to give the cooperative person a lot of leeway but the mouthy, resistant one had better watch out... ::) Sure you have to do things correctly but if you relax, show yourself willing to work and learn, and be friendly, they'll be pretty forgiving. Don't let fear handicap you.

On one hand, your age is a good thing in that you have maturity but on the other hand, it 's been a while since you had to learn a lot of stuff in a hurry.

So hang in there, one foot after the other, and you'll do fine. A few months from now, you'll wonder why you were so nervous.

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2008, 06:23:52 AM »
Well said Esther.  Good advice for all of us!  I'm sure you'll be fine Kim but I recognize the feeling.  o(  Hang in there.  emm

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2008, 08:21:54 AM »
Esther, that was excellent. It's printable and can apply to anyone in any job.

One of the best things I ever learned was to take notes.

Hang in there, you'll be fine.
Northern Illinois, zone 5

Offline Ky Kim

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2008, 02:26:44 PM »
Thanks Esther, I needed that.

Today was much better.  Yeah, we went over loans and such.  But then this afternoon, we played in the drawers.

Counted it down to start and to see if it balanced what they said we had.  I did that fine.
Then we did mock transactions, I was a bit slow, but I was able to find where to go to on the PC myself.  (that had me worried, I guess I picked up more than I thought. . . I'm a hands on person, so I guess by being able to play in the pc today helped me feel more confident). 
At the end, balancing the drawer.  I was exactly 240 off, but it was I just didn't put my teller number in and it didn't except my transaction.  She said I did good.  This made me feel alot better.

Then she told us that NOBODY balances the first time.  We get to do it again tomorrow, then on Friday afternoon it will be the real deal.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2008, 04:41:48 AM by Ky Kim »

Ponds are like patato chips, ya just can't have one.

Offline Esther

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2008, 03:50:32 PM »
Kim, I don't know if they will have you looking for errors or not. At Chase, the tellers no longer have to try to find their errors. Somebody, some where else does that. The teller recounts her drawer if it is off and then somebody else counts it to be sure the first person didn't miss something.  Because I started waaaay back when we  entered numbers on a "blotter" and added the columns with a columnar adding machine, we had to try to find the errors when we didn't balance. We knew that the cash from the previous day was a certain amount. To that we added the credits and subtracted the debits and that was how the drawer should count up.

Anyway, one of the things I'll never forget and that is anything divisable by 9 can be a transposition. For instance, you take in $100 but enter $10. The difference is $90 and sure enough it is divisable by 9.  Take $27 and enter $72 and you are off by $45. Yup divisable by 9. Trouble is, just knowing that doesn't point out the number you are looking for. Oddly enough, you can be out of balance and look at the item that is wrong over and over and still not have it register that you are looking at an incorrect figure. That is why sometimes it is better to have somebody else look over your stuff.  One of the scariest numbers to be off is $100 or $1000 because they are so common, especially $100. And it is so easy to enter something wrong by $100 or miscount by $100. When I counted, I always counted , 20, 40, 60, 80, ONE Hundred, 20, 40, 60, 80, Two hundred, 20, 40, 60, 70, 80, 85, 86, 87 AND 39 cents. If I was counting lots of 5s. I counted 5, 10, 15, 20--5--30--5--40--5 so I didn't say 25, 30, 35, 40, but I suspect you have already settled on a way to handle the money.  Hope you have "sortkwik". It keeps your fingers moist so the money is easier to handle. Hand lotions works well too.

Do they make you keep the presidents all facing the same way? I have noticed that Chase doesn't any more.

Offline Ky Kim

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2008, 04:30:29 PM »
sortkwik>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm co-dependant on that stuff, have been for years.  Tend to loose it when I don't have it.  lol, I'm so use to that stuff at bingo.  When we do run out of it, it drives me crazy.

No we don't have to have the presidents facing the same way just face up.  I'm use to turning mine at Bingo. 

That is really cool about the "9", I'll have to remember that one.

Ponds are like patato chips, ya just can't have one.

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2008, 06:27:24 PM »
Personally, I don't think it is just enough to "know what buttons to press" to just do the job and move on so I think you have the right idea to learning this new job.

I have two "kids" who started working for me about 2 years ago.  They are now 21 and 22.  I stress to them every day that it isn't good enough to just go through the motions to do the job.  The reason for that is the minute something doesn't follow the exact path it is supposed to follow they will have no idea how to correct the problem because they do not understand the reasons behind the procedure and what is affected by every action taken.

It is practically a hair pulling experience for me because they only partially "get it" and half the time still get stuck because they failed to learn how A got to Z in the procedure.  I think it is a standard thing these days that kids don't learn how just memorize steps with no knowledge of how they related to what's around them.

Learn it right even if it takes longer and seems stressful now because you will be far more valuable to management than someone who doesn't take the time.


Offline Esther

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2008, 04:52:26 AM »
If your company expects you to learn A to Z, they'll tell you what they expect you to know. There is no need to worry about the procedures in other departments and how it could affect what you are sending them. When I first started, we processed most everything totally so had to know, but when the transactions were transferred to other departments, it wasn't necessary any longer. And yes, I'll agree with Bart to some extent but Kim, it will come as you experience your job day by day. Don't worry about knowing how to run the place in the first two weeks. As you observe what some of the old timers are doing and talking about, you'll learn from them the "behind the scenes" stuff.

I used to have notes stashed all over the place and then when I realized it was hard finding a particular note, I purchased a roladex and transferred my notes to it. When I learned a phone number or some remote transaction that happened once a year, and I knew I'd never remember it, I put it in the roladex. I would cross reference them if there were two or more ways to look it up. And by the way, I wasn't meaning you shouldn't ask questions.

Just don't try to know everything so early in the game. Don't be afraid to question and don't feel stupid when a customer asks something you don't know. We used to have buttons the newbies wore that said, "Please help me out, I'm new." Then customers were forewarned and if they didn't want to cope with someone new, they could go to a different person. I found the customers were easier on the ones wearing the button.

Some of this  stuff applied to me as a teller/clerk but some of it was when I was in management. Still it could work anywhere.

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2008, 06:54:34 AM »
Hang in there Kim- I bet they think you are doing better than you are giving yourself credit for... There is always a learning curve....  It will get easier- any new job is overwhelming.... Good luck tomorrow with real transactions!  You will have the hang of everything in no time...  Oh, and the tellers at my bank have been there for years, and it still takes them forever for some reason.... LOL  So don't worry about speed as a newbie- just concern yourself with accuracy  :)

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2008, 12:11:13 PM »
Oh, I HAVE to have the presidents all facing the same way or I can't stand it!!! It drives me CRAZY when somebody brings me a deposit with the money going every direction!! I will count it but I have to flip the bills around before putting it in my drawer. My kids tease me because my money has to be facing all the same direction in my purse, too. All the presidents facing the same direction and then in order by denomination, largest to smallest!!!!!  ::)

Hang in there, Kim!! It will all  make sense to you once you start working the window. And you will develop your own way of doing things, counting money, etc. And, Esther is right about the 9 thing. Every time I am out of balance the first thing I think is "Is it divisible by 9?" And remember, when you are out of balance not to panic. Recount first. You may have just miscounted something. 9 times out of 10 I find I have just miscounted something. Usually the change. Or sometimes I have forgotten to count something completely. Hang in there. You'll get it!!!!  O0
« Last Edit: May 15, 2008, 12:19:03 PM by Oceanbum »

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2008, 12:22:14 PM »
Me too Becky. It's like I can't tell if it is a $5 or $10 when it is facing the wrong way.

Hey Kim, if you are needing time to think, while waiting on a customer,  just mutter that it must be nap time for the computer, seeing it is going so slow. LOL O0

Good luck. OH and leave the place during lunch so you can unwind and get your mind off the place.

Offline Ky Kim

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2008, 06:42:03 PM »
Well today went alright.  It was all mock transactions today.

I did do a Bingo thing there....oops.  The twenty's are bundled in 1000.00's.  I did one bundle that way, and the other as 500.00.  Just gotta remember where I'm counting money at, LOL . Thats how we do it at bingo, and out of habit I did it.  So that was an easy fix.  Other than that, it all went pretty good.   I didn't get to do as many mock transactions as the others because my computer wasn't linked to print out receipts.  By the time they got it going, it was almost time to quit.

Tomorrow after lunch is real money. :-\

« Last Edit: May 15, 2008, 07:01:32 PM by Ky Kim »

Ponds are like patato chips, ya just can't have one.

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2008, 06:44:58 PM »
Glad today went well for you.  New jobs are always stressful but you'll get the hang of it in no time  O0

There is never enough room for all of the water lilies that I want ;-)

Offline Esther

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2008, 07:36:52 PM »
Good luck Kim. I'll be thinking about you next week while I'm gone.

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Re: Stressed out
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2008, 07:27:44 AM »
sounds apart from a steep learning curve you are doing just fine :) Great job and I hope you enjoy along with getting really good.
Mom of twins, knitting nut, and want to get back into water gardening.


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