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I'm getting good at......UPDATE....UGH
« on: February 16, 2010, 03:35:19 PM »
Firing people.
I stopped at our house this morning and shortly after I got there the head of the restoration company stopped in. He asked how things were going as far as getting the last things taken care of. I told him the paint is still lousy and we want it fixed NOW!!! I walked him around pointing out bad spots and he even acknowledged some spots on his own. He said "I will be back with a painter tomorrow" I said "Make it someone besides the ones who have been here so far. That crew is not to be in my house". So hopefully he will bring someone who knows what a good job is and how to do it.
Also made arrangements for our cats until we get back in our house. We have been juggling them from room to room as the workers need access to the one they're in. With the last things needing to be done within the next week I figured finding a room that people wouldn't need to be in would get harder and harder to do so a neighbor is keeping them from here on out. He is a cat lover, has 3 of his own, and has been asking what he can do to help us out. He told me once he feels bad because every neighbor is doing something for us except him. So he is setting up a room for them today and I take them over there tomorrow. I finally had a productive day!!
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 11:41:02 AM by livetogarden »
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Offline Esther

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Re: I'm getting good at......
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2010, 04:32:28 PM »
Rah, good for you. You have to look out for you. They sure aren't going to.

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Re: I'm getting good at......
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2010, 09:40:33 AM »
You're becoming a regular Donald Trump!  ;D  Good for you!

Offline livetogarden

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Re: I'm getting good at......UPDATE
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2010, 10:17:43 AM »
Well....just when I thought the painting situation was taken care of......I was at the house a bit ago when the original painter comes strolling in. The project head was meeting him there at 10:30 (I didn't know that). When the PH came in I asked what was up, that I told the company head yesterday that we didn't want this guy back in our house, to find us a new painter. PH says they tried but all their painters are tied up with other jobs. I said "These guys couldn't do it correctly the 1st, 2nd or 3rd time. Why are they being given a 4th try?" The painter overheard me, shot me a dirty look, went to his van to get something, slamming the storm door on his way out. I then told the PH head....GET HIM OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!! When the painter came back in the PH told him he needed to watch his attitude, painter then starts pointing at all the goof-ups saying...this was like this before, this was installed this way, we aren't responsible for this, etc., etc....laying the blame for all the messes on everyone else.....I looked at the PH and PH told him to take a hike. So here we are 5 days from having our furnishings moved back in and this day is wasted. PH begged one of their other painters (while I was there overhearing the conversation) to come fix this mess. This is a gal and she couldn't make it today but is juggling jobs and will do ours tomorrow.
I won't know what to do when this whole mess is behind us and I don't have to babysit workers. Can you imagine if we hadn't stood up for ourselves??? What a joke our restoration would have been.
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Re: I'm getting good at......UPDATE
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2010, 11:06:57 AM »
Cath, my DH is a master plumber so worked construction all his life. 99% of it of course was new but we have done lots of rehabbing of our own home and our two duplexes----you know, tearing out walls, insulating, painting, refinishing cupboard and closet doors, laying tile both ceramic and vinyl, installing windows, installing patio doors, building decks, cleaning up landscaping, putting in landscaping, roofing,  wallpapering, pouring cement, plumbing of course, and of course scrubbing and scrubbing. Funny thing is that even though his expertise is plumbing and mine is scrubbing. Never have we been trained or had much experience in the rest but you can be sure it gets done, maybe not as perfect as we'd like but certainly not sloppy and ends up looking more professional than if we paid somebody. The difference is that we care, for one thing, and the other is that because we're not experts, we are more careful and picky. I have used gallons (well maybe not gallons) of Goof Off to remove old paint where previous painters slobbered it years ago on surfaces, including carpet where it didn't belong. I have patched drywall, wood surfaces where dogs or cats have scratched,  window sills where people left windows open and rain ruined the wood surface, caulked gaps where woodwork doesn't fit right or where there's cracks, used paint remover to get down to the surface of a fiberglass laundry tub (they had painted the house and when they cleaned their tools, they never rinsed the paint gunk off), holes in woodwork where each new tenant puts up new curtain rods or blinds, and it goes on and on. I have no idea who did the work years ago but they all were pretty sloppy. We wonder if because they are rentals that noone cared. But because we do, we're proud to show the units when they  come up for rent.

Hang in there Cath. I think I've said that before. Next year this will all be a bad memory.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 11:09:25 AM by Esther »

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Re: I'm getting good at......UPDATE....UGH
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2010, 03:02:45 PM »
I know how you feel...went through it for my block wall (I won't irritate people by posting that drama again!)  If you don't babysit, then they do what they please and expect you to be happy with it.  Building my home, they had crappy people here doing the work, you could tell in the workmanship.  Crooked walls, uneven spacing...just  measure a window framing and it's 58 inches at the top and 57.5 at the bottom.  Fit blinds to that one!  Very few people care about quality or customer service anymore...all they care about is getting paid. 

I'm broke and can't afford to pay attention, so you might have to lend me an ear.

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Re: I'm getting good at......UPDATE....UGH
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2010, 08:12:13 AM »
With the economy the way it is, you'd think the workers (no matter what they're doing- painting, drywall, whatever) would make darn sure they're doing a good job. Who wants to get fired in this climate where nobody can find a job? I'd be bending over backwards to make myself as indispensable as possible!

This is a gal and she couldn't make it today but is juggling jobs and will do ours tomorrow

That seems promising. I hope she gets the job done right for you.
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Offline livetogarden

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Re: I'm getting good at......UPDATE....UGH
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2010, 09:37:55 AM »
I'm at my wits end!!  >:( The PH called me this morning saying 'the gals are basically going to have to repaint the living room and do major touch-ups in all the other rooms', we pretty much knew that. He said he was off buying more paint and was there any way I could go over and do more spackling and sanding so the gals could focus on just the painting. So off I go about 9 AM, worked till 11:20 then had to be back at this rental to let some guys in so they can do some work here. Then I'm off to my house again to pick up where I left off. I took switch plate covers and registers off so the gals didn't have to use their time to do it. I discovered that the idiot painters replaced the registers but didn't remove the batting the duct cleaning crew placed inside the vents when they were cleaning the duct work. OMG....had I not removed these who knows when we would have figured out why the furnace wasn't putting out much heat or a/c down the road plus I imagine the dust this batting blocked would have eventually been distributed back in to the rooms. PH is freaking out because the restoration company 'doesn't know how they're going to keep up with the schedule of cleaning our house and getting our things moved back on time'. My son and I worked for 3 hours yesterday afternoon then my husband and I worked for another 3 hours last evening. We knew when we left there were still spots that needed attention but DH has to get up at 5AM and it was already 11PM by the time we left. I know there will be an end to this but right now this is SO frustrating.
Well...thanks for listening to me vent.  :)
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Re: I'm getting good at......UPDATE....UGH
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2010, 01:48:33 PM »
Oh Cath. Don't know what to say. Just wish I lived close. I could do that stuff too. Don't you have any people to call and beg for help?? They would understand. If only they could give you an hour or day. That would be a big boost. I'd loan you my two sons who owe me money. LOL.


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