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Another Packaged Salad Warning - Don't Eat It!!
« on: August 29, 2006, 08:28:35 PM »
You?ve probably heard of warnings about packaged salad greens.  Well here is another warning.  The fetching one just received an e-mail from our son-in-laws mother.  She went thru Chemo/radiation for breast cancer about a year ago.  While at the doctor for a follow-up her doctor told her how he had been fighting a low-grade fever for some time and went into the hospital for tests and they initially diagnosed him with liver cancer.  Being a doctor, specializing in cancer, he knew that liver cancer would not cause his fever and so they did some more tests.  Turns out his liver had a parasite, common to people south of the border, which has been found in the packaged greens one gets at supermarkets.  He got his packaged greens from Trader Joe?s and was able to confirm that the greens came from Mexico and was rinsed with contaminated water.  The fetching one has also been suffering from an occasional low-grade fever and so now she has a potential cause since we also buy packaged greens from Trader Joe?s?..  A word to the wise??.  Make certain it is grown and packaged in the USA.....or Canada.....or England.....or New Zealand.....  Is that everyone? ;D
« Last Edit: August 29, 2006, 08:34:50 PM by Mikey »
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Re: Another Packaged Salad Warning - Don't Eat It!!
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2006, 09:27:20 PM »
I don't know if it's everyone.  >:( All I know is that our food supply stinks. With how many millions of people to feed on this planet, it seems implausible that all those food needs could ever be bet using industrial, man made, invented foods. Yet it is the only answer. How can food suppliers protect the public? Nobody knows.

My non-pond hobby is Human Nutrition. And it seems that Homo sapien evolved on good quality fats and proteins that are not currently available to the masses. The only meats available to the masses are feed-lot beef, pork, and chicken that is inhumanely raised, fed the wrong foods, injected with antibiotics to counter the improper diet, then slaughtered and sold. Unless one is willing to shell out the big bucks for tasteless pasture-raised (grass fed), organic, non drug meat. Go organic... yet nobody knows what that means! The government gets to decide and the chicken gets to poke his little head out the door for 5 minutes and that is called "organic". Frustrating!
Veggies are a different animal altogether. What is a veggie? Something that has been shipped in a boxcar for God knows how many miles? Local? Organic? Nobody knows.  >:( The really good-quality organic growers have been fighting for their own, yet the big business growers keep attempting to redefine the definition of organic.
Not good.

Strawberries, raspberries, salad greens, celery, etc, have all been linked to contamination.
Northern Illinois, zone 5

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Re: Another Packaged Salad Warning - Don't Eat It!!
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2006, 04:09:57 AM »
If it's not one thing, it's another!!  Don't forget about all the grains this nation eats; the vast majority of wheat/soy/corn has been genetically modified.  That has been linked to all sorts of nasty health issues, including miscarriages.  Many other countries have made genetically modified grains illegal, but not here in the good ole U. S. of A.   >:(

Thanks for the warning, my kids and I, especially my 2 year old, love to eat salads.  I had stopped buying packaged salads for the most part because of contamination fears, but now I'll be avoiding those "buy one get two free" sales which were too good to pass up.  They might be grown in the U.S., but I'm done with the worrying about it.   :D

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Re: Another Packaged Salad Warning - Don't Eat It!!
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2006, 04:12:06 AM »
Btw, I love Trader Joe's!  What a bummer.  I hope their frozen veggies have no contamination issues, we eat those nearly every day.

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Re: Another Packaged Salad Warning - Don't Eat It!!
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2006, 09:00:23 AM »
Forgot to say I'm sorry about your family member. I hope he's OK and that your Mrs. Mikey is OK too.

barb, I love Trader Joe's too.  o(:-) I love their frozen baby green beans. They sell a bag of Southern greens that is fantastic.
My four year old ate his salad for the very first time last night.  O0 It took us four years, but it goes to show that if you put it on their plate enough times, they will eventually eat it.  ;)

I agree with you about the grains. There is a very interesting book out,  "Omnivores Dilemma" by Michael Pollan

I can't wait to read it. You can read the intro & first chapter here-

Honestly, after reading the first chapter I think he is right. We are Corn!  :o

I didn't mean to hijack the thread. Back to salad. I don't know if it's just bagged salads though. I often look at all the lettuce just lying there, while shoppers pass by coughing & sneezing... gotta wonder at the salad bar, too.
Scallions and bean sprouts are often contaminated.

I once sold Watercress to an Englishman who said that Watercress was a potential carrier of liver flukes, because it was often grown downstream from sheep farms. He asked me if I had any Sheep farms nearby.  :D
Even today, I wonder about it- but I do eat it.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2006, 09:10:33 AM by karen J »
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Re: Another Packaged Salad Warning - Don't Eat It!!
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2006, 05:13:17 PM »
I didn't find anything about Trader Joes but I did find this about bagged salads:

In May 2006, the warning quoted above began appearing in inboxes. It is a mixture of two items: an Dole Salad October 2005 warning from the Food and Drug Administration about E. coli found in prepackaged salads vended by Dole in the Minnesota area, and a 30 April 2006 NBC Dateline segment about that October 2005 outbreak and the potential for additional contaminations of similar nature.

Though thrown together from two sources, the e-mailed alert is accurate: E. coli was found in bagged salad mix in October 2005, and the FDA did issue a nationwide consumer alert about it. Dole Food Company recalled the implicated salad products, but even so 26 people who had eaten the contaminated greens became ill, with eight having to be hospitalized and one child developing a severe complication called hemolytic-uremic syndrome (in which red blood cells are destroyed and kidneys fail).

Escherichia coli are bacteria that live in the intestines of humans and animals. While most of its strains are harmless, one strain (O157:H7) produces a powerful toxin that results in severe illness in humans. E. coli gets into us through being swallowed; it rides in as part of a contaminated foodstuff, or through hand-to-mouth contact by people who have handled items laden with the bacteria, or through our swimming in water where the microbes are present. Such infections usually culminate in severe bloody diarrhea and abdominal cramps, with the illness resolving in 5 to 10 days without treatment. However, in about 2% to 7% of infections (usually in children under 5 years of age and the elderly), the pathogen causes hemolytic uremic syndrome, a serious and life-threatening condition in which the red blood cells are destroyed and the kidneys

Since 1995, 19 confirmed outbreaks have sickened 400 people nationwide and caused two deaths.

While raw and undercooked meat are the culprits that first come to mind as carriers of the bacteria, Dr. Steve Swanson of the Centers for Disease Control says: "Next to ground beef, lettuce is the most commonly implicated food item for E. coli 0157 infections." Unlike most other E. coli-bearing foodstuffs, lettuce is rarely eaten cooked, a process that normally kills the microorganisms.

Though the outbreak the FDA issued its warning about occurred in October 2005, they do not yet know how the potentially deadly bacteria came to be in those prepackaged salads. The lettuce was washed a number of times during processing, which tends to rule out the most obvious mode. One theory advocates the pathogen was absorbed into lettuce leaves through the plant's root system, the bacteria being picked up from contaminated groundwater. Alternatively, the microbe could have been in the plastic bags used to package the salads.

It is that uncertainty that prompted the warning about bagged salads: because the method of contamination in that October 2005 outbreak has not been pinned down, the potential for further illness from the same source cannot be eliminated. Rinsing "ready to eat" salads at home may not be an effective countermeasure if E. coli has managed to work itself into the leaves rather than sitting upon them, where it can be washed off. If the pathogen got into lettuce leaves via being pulled up through the plant's roots, all the washing in the world will not make lettuce safe to eat.

The e-mailed alert advocates swearing off packaged salads until the source of that October 2005 contamination has been isolated (which, in light of how much time has so far elapsed, one could reasonably conclude might well be never). Those who are super-cautious about matters relating to their family's health might wish to heed that suggestion. For those of slightly less cautious nature, Dateline NBC offered these tips on how to protect yourself from E. coli in lettuce:

    * But be sure you wash your hands before handling lettuce or any raw produce ... especially if you have been in contact with any raw meat.

    * Even though most of these bag salads are pre-washed and labeled "Ready to eat," experts say it doesn't hurt to wash it again.

    * Keep that salad refrigerated.

    * Check the expiration date before you eat it. Even if the lettuce looks good, you should know E.coli can grow quickly in greens that are deteriorating.

The Centers for Disease Control suggest the following ways to guard against ingesting E. coli:

    * Cook all ground beef and hamburger thoroughly. Because ground beef can turn brown before disease-causing bacteria are killed, use a digital instant-read meat thermometer to ensure thorough cooking. Ground beef should be cooked until a thermometer inserted into several parts of the patty, including the thickest part, reads at least 160?F. Persons who cook ground beef without using a thermometer can decrease their risk of illness by not eating ground beef patties that are still pink in the middle.

    * If you are served an undercooked hamburger or other ground beef product in a restaurant, send it back for further cooking. You may want to ask for a new bun and a clean plate, too.

    * Avoid spreading harmful bacteria in your kitchen. Keep raw meat separate from ready-to-eat foods. Wash hands, counters, and utensils with hot soapy water after they touch raw meat. Never place cooked hamburgers or ground beef on the unwashed plate that held raw patties. Wash meat thermometers in between tests of patties that require further cooking.

    * Drink only pasteurized milk, juice, or cider. Commercial juice with an extended shelf-life that is sold at room temperature (e.g., juice in cardboard boxes, vacuum sealed juice in glass containers) has been pasteurized, although this is generally not indicated on the label. Juice concentrates are also heated sufficiently to kill pathogens.

    * Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, especially those that will not be cooked. Children under 5 years of age, immunocompromised persons, and the elderly should avoid eating alfalfa sprouts until their safety can be assured. Methods to decontaminate alfalfa seeds and sprouts are being investigated.

    * Drink municipal water that has been treated with chlorine or other effective disinfectants.

    * Avoid swallowing lake or pool water while swimming.

    * Make sure that persons with diarrhea, especially children, wash their hands carefully with soap after bowel movements to reduce the risk of spreading infection, and that persons wash hands after changing soiled diapers. Anyone with a diarrheal illness should avoid swimming in public pools or lakes, sharing baths with others, and preparing food for others.

Barbara "foodborne in the U.S.A." Mikkelson

Additional information:
    Unseen Danger in Bagged Salads      Unseen Danger in Bagged Salads   (MSNBC)
    About E. Coli      About E. Coli
    E. Coli Fact Sheet      E. Coli Fact Sheet
  (Washington State Department of Health)

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Re: Another Packaged Salad Warning - Don't Eat It!!
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2006, 06:00:16 PM »
I always wash greens - even the prepackaged salads - and soak them in water for about 20 minutes to freshen them. I also wash cantaloupes and other melons with soap before cutting them.  I don't often buy the prepackaged greens - usually just buy the romaine heads - but hubby has occasionally bought them for me to feed the girls (trying to be helpful as he knows how little time we sometimes have to fix dinner).  I wonder if rewashing the greens is enough to prevent illness?

Offline karen J

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Re: Another Packaged Salad Warning - Don't Eat It!!
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2006, 06:25:22 PM »
Consumer Reports had a large article about this a couple years ago, right when that "Vegetable Wash" product appeared on the market.

They concluded that washing all vegetables with a mild solution of dishwashing liquid eliminated most pathogens & pesticides. This is something that I do quite a bit. As long as the veggie (doesn't matter if it's broccoli or salad greens) is rinsed well, there is no soap remaining and most of the surface contamination is removed.

BTW, did you know that the waxy substance they put on apples, cukes, etc is made with.....corn?  (8:-)
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Re: Another Packaged Salad Warning - Don't Eat It!!
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2006, 07:22:14 PM »
Oh man, one more thing to wonder about. I have been staying at the hospital about 6-12 hours a day with my dad so eating at least lunch and supper at the cafeteria there. They have a wonderful salad bar. Most days I have eaten a salad with the hot entree for both meals and was proud of myself for eating all the salads. Now I think I might be running a fever or is that a tummy ache .

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Re: Another Packaged Salad Warning - Don't Eat It!!
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2006, 09:39:51 PM »
I had a doctor tell me years ago to soak all fresh fruits and vegetables in a clorox solution - 1 tablespoon to 1 gallon of water - then rinse.  I've been doing that for years.  Don't have any idea if it really does anything, or if I'm going to die from the clorox, but I still do it. 

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Re: Another Packaged Salad Warning - Don't Eat It!!
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2006, 10:35:25 PM »
I use to work as a hospital lab tech and washing your veggies with a very dilute solution of bleach will kill almost all bacteria. We use to use it to clean the Bacteriology lab several times a day with it. Also the most pathogenic bugs are the easiest to kill with a weak bleach solution.
Just make very sure to rinse these very well, preferrably with filtered water since bleach contains chemical that are bad for us.

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Re: Another Packaged Salad Warning - Don't Eat It!!
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2006, 04:43:44 AM »

BTW, did you know that the waxy substance they put on apples, cukes, etc is made with.....corn?  (8:-)

It can be soy, too.  I found that out the hard way, because I'm allergic to soy.  A cucumber slice nearly did me in.   :P  Our grocery store used to have a sign up warning that some fruits/veggies might have a soy wax coating, but they took it down.  I haven't had any more problems, maybe they are back to corn coatings.  Isn't that ridiculous, all the trouble companies go to in order to make a product more "appealing">   :D


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