Author Topic: It's Bear. No.......its A BEAR!!  (Read 1701 times)

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It's Bear. No.......its A BEAR!!
« on: August 22, 2007, 11:04:38 AM »
DH picked me up from work last night at about 6:00 and we had a bit of an experience.
We were almost to the house and we could see something running towards us in the road ahead. I slowed down and the light caught the color of the coat of the animal and I said "Oh nuts, its Bear." We have a dog named Bear.
This is a pic of him.

He gets out of the yard once in awhile and takes off, usually not too far from home. He's one of those dogs that no matter what you try to do, he doesn't want to stay home and doesn't want to mind. Houdini had nothing on this dog. He can get out of any place, any time if he wants to.

Anyway, we get closer and the animal darts off down the side of the corn field right next to our place. I told DH that he seemed to be running kind of funny and I wasn't sure it was Bear. I stopped the car at the spot and looked up the side of the corn field and DH says "that must be another dog." But at that moment I realized it wasn't a dog at all, it was a REAL BEAR!!! I said "That's a REAL BEAR!!!" We watched and he stopped a minute and then took off running on up the field road. He was a small one, just a kid.
We had heard that bears would sometimes come into our area from the nearby mountains but we had never seen one since we have lived here. It was pretty cool!! I just hope he stays out of trouble. I'm glad we have six foot chainlink fence with two strands of barbed wire at the top around our place. :)
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Re: It's Bear. No.......its A BEAR!!
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2007, 12:02:59 PM »
It is always neat to see a bear in person (and from the safety of a vehicle!).  You have a gorgeous dog!

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Re: It's Bear. No.......its A BEAR!!
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2007, 05:53:37 PM »
Bear is a beautiful boy. Last year we had bears in our area too for the first too. We never saw them but one was caught a couple streets away and relocated. The other one just left. They are neat animals.

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Re: It's Bear. No.......its A BEAR!!
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2007, 06:28:40 PM »
He's a handsome guy.  Glad it wasn't your Bear running funny, that meant yours was alright.  A real bear, glad you got to see one, and hope it ventures some where else away from your home and pond.

I know what you mean, about some of them just not wanting to stay home.  Our lab seems to have or should I say HAD that problem.  He was neutered while he was just a pup, so that isn't the problem.  We have a fenced in yard, and he would go to the corner and climb.  When we moved the fence back, that helped for awhile.  I think it confused him, then we would be out front and here he would come.  Once, the kids were playing in a friends yard and he climbed and went down there to them.  We finally put him on a 40 foot cable.  He gets to cover alot of the yard, we would go longer but he would get tangled.  He has a nice area, with a big tarp for when the sun is directly over head, other than that he always has shade.  Here lately he's been in the house most of the time because of the heat, but he'd rather be outside.  He's smart, does anything you tell him....sits, fetches, lays, rolls over, speaks, shakes paw...etc.  Just doesn't want to stay in the back yard if were in the front.

Then we had a chow mix once, the only time she would get out is if it was storming.  We would someone climb, jump the fence.  I'll never forget once, I had to go catch her and the tornado warning sirens were going off.......I grabbed her collar and just pulled and ran trying to get back into the house.  Then one time, she ran and got on my neighbors porch during a storm...she called and told me she could stay until the storm let up and let her in her house.  The vet was going to give her a nerve pill for when it stormed, but the only problem was you needed to give it to her at least an hour before a storm.  That's kind of hard to predict, shoot the weather forcasters hardly ever get that right. 


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Re: It's Bear. No.......its A BEAR!!
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2007, 07:01:02 PM »
Isn't it so much fun to see an animal in the wild that you're not used to seeing!  We vacation in Canada every summer and occasionally see a bear.  A couple years ago I woke up in the middle of the night to a rubbing sound on the other side of the wall that the bed was up against.  Then the deck boards started creaking.  There was a hugh bear on our deck. 
Love your dog!


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Re: It's Bear. No.......its A BEAR!!
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2007, 08:08:02 PM »
The county picked up a young bear about 5 miles from here early this summer. It had been hit by a car and was dead in the ditch. This isn't exactly bear country.

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Re: It's Bear. No.......its A BEAR!!
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2007, 09:49:59 PM »
I see why you named your dog Bear.  His face does look a lot like a bear.  Handome dog!
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Re: It's Bear. No.......its A BEAR!!
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2007, 09:02:59 AM »
Thanks! Bear is a good boy but he's a real challange to keep home. He's real high strung. ::) I don't know why we have never been able to handle him. We got him when he was 2 years old and we tried to train him and work with him but he wouldn't pay any attention to us. He just wanted to put his nose to the ground and go. And go he would! He could take off and be gone for miles down the road before we could catch up with him. Now he doesn't go any further than the neighbors but its still a pain when he does get out. I don't like to chain dogs but he has to stay on a chain or inside the chainlink kennel (which he can get out of). The other dogs stay in the chainlink fenced yard but Bear just won't do it. ::)
One time he got out of his kennel when we lived at our other place. He took off down the road about a mile away to one of the neighbors and somehow got into their back yard. They leave their sliding glass door open some for air at night while they sleep. Bear went through the open door and went into their bedroom and jumped up in bed with them. Scared them to death!!  ::) At least they thought it was funny. lol

I think the bear is still hanging around nearby. The dogs keep going nuts but we don't see anything around. I think he must be staying around the corn field next to us so he can chow down on corn. :) I'm almost glad our apple trees froze this year or there would be apples enticing him too. Wildlife have been hanging around in the area more this year. Probably means there isn't food and water in the nearby hills. We've had more deer than usual and we've seen foxes this year. There is a large pond on the BLM land right across the road so they have access to water and food sources all around us.

Esther, the bears often get hit by cars around here too. They have the most trouble about 20 miles east of here. The bears tend to come out of the mountains and cross the interstate to the orchards and vineyards there.

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Re: It's Bear. No.......its A BEAR!!
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2007, 10:31:14 AM »
Aw, but I don't see any pics? 

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Re: It's Bear. No.......its A BEAR!!
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2007, 05:38:17 AM »
Wow What a beautiful dog! Better make sure no one gets that baby!  I can relate to you  about getting out, hot wire works for us that an dog obience classes too! We used a leash on her before we let her out and she findally knew what 'No, Sit' meant. That dog is just beautiful.( opps, I already said that)

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Re: It's Bear. No.......its A BEAR!!
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2007, 01:55:04 PM »
Oh I see him today, he's beautiful!


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