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« on: October 01, 2006, 08:38:02 AM »
A very persistant Heron found my pond on Friday.   >:(-  This thing is not afraid of hardly anything.  My dogs hardly even frighten it.  I bet in total it has TRIED to come to my pond at least 2 dozen times since Friday.  I have been keeping an eagle eye out and scare it away when ever it comes.  We've decided we need to net the pond to keep my fish safe.  Luckily I'm not missing a single fish.  But in the meantime so I don't have to keep an eagle eye out I have come up with a temporary fix.  While it may be unsightly it will hopefully save my fish until I can get a net. 
Cedar Springs, MI , Zone 5

Offline sushi

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2006, 03:40:50 PM »
I had to net my pond a couple of weeks ago.  He finally gave up and went away.  I know if i take it off he'll be back.  Maybe one more week.  Better get a net on, I lost a couple of Wakin.

Offline Rocmon

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2006, 05:36:37 PM »
Yikes! Hope it doesn't puncture the liner.

Don't know if it would work but maybe one of those motion sensing sprinkler things?...

Shotguns work really well   ;D  &-)

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2006, 06:07:25 PM »
You absolutely need to net the pond because those big birds come very early . . . . before humans are awake and sometimes just before it's light out . . . then they come again in the late evening.  You can also string fishing line across the pond and around it and that will help keep them away.  And you can float something big and flat on the pond (like styrofoam lids from coolers or hunks of plywood) to provide the fish a hiding place.  Just remember that herons are very persisitant.

Some folks have had good luck with motion activated water canons.

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2006, 04:14:13 AM »
Oh, no.....I hope you get it netted soon.  Its a shame  {nono} , build a pond for your enjoyment and the  >:(-  dang heron  &-)  thinks its his own private buffet.  Hope you don't loose any fish.


Ponds are like patato chips, ya just can't have one.

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2006, 06:25:07 AM »
Well I have the net ordered so hopefully it comes real soon.  In the meantime I will keep the chairs and rods up.  It was ok over the weekend because I could keep an eye on it, but now I'm at work and can't watch it.  I will win this fight!  LOL!!!
Cedar Springs, MI , Zone 5

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2006, 06:56:06 PM »
Cindi, do you have anything strung between the chairs and the skippy/skimmer? If they want to they can mosey right up there and step in on the plant ledge in the gaps. From what I understand, they don't like to have to walk through tangly stuff. That is one reason I planted ground cover and marginals around the edges of my pond. + I have that little decorative fence and a heron still tried a couple of times by landing on the pots sitting on the plant ledge I think. At least there were two times that a pot was tipped off the ledge and nothing else was disturbed. I think it got a couple of the fish but I can't remember very well as it was early in the summer and my mind is going. One fish it did get was in the little pond and it was a "sitting duck" for the darn heron. Where was my head?
I did rig up some long pieces of 2 x 2 that sit parallel with the boardwalk and pounded small nails into them and then strung fishline about 3" above the water, over the edges of the pond where the plant ledge is. It's not so pretty but there's been no problems since.

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2006, 07:48:43 PM »
Cindi, I had that situation within days after I got my pond finished and had added fish.  We had a heron visiting the local large ponds in the area, rural area, lots of people have the large ponds on their land, some for cattle, or just fish.  We used to think it was pretty to see that big bird sore down and fish in the ponds.  But, when I got up kinda early, just after daylight one morning and looked out back, I saw that big thing at my fish pond, not so pretty anymore.  I had to get up early every day to keep him away.  Since I am home all the time, I could keep an eye out for him.  I ordered one of those decoys, its very realistic, got it from the pond store within 2 days.  He has never tried to land again, flys over but goes on down to the neighbors regular dirt pond.  Cost was about 29.00.   Supposedly they are territorial and won't land if another bird is already there.   I will attempt to add in a picture of my Heron visitor.  Good Luck

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2006, 07:59:34 PM »
Sorry, no luck sending the pic, I have to work on this feature and figure out how to do it LOL. 

Offline Cindi

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2006, 05:13:25 AM »
Celia a heron decoy is my next step, glad to hear it has worked for you.  My pond netting should be here today or tomorrow.  I watched for him yesterday and again this morning and I have seen no signs of him.  So I'm guessing all that stuff I have set up around my pond is working for now.  Does anyone know if I put up a wind sock if that scares them away too?
Cedar Springs, MI , Zone 5

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2006, 05:28:01 AM »
From what I have read (on this forum) the decoy may work for a while but the herons eventually discover the decoy isn't real and may return. Next to netting or the scarecrow, nothing seems to work very well for sure.  Each has it's reasons not to use it so you have to figure out what is "the lessor of two evils." I don't have my scarecrow anymore and don't remember how far the water would shoot so don't know if it would work on your pond.

Offline Cindi

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2006, 05:48:55 AM »
I know you have to move the heron around every so often Esther so the other herons think it's real.  It's worth a shot and even if it doesn't work it will be a nice addition to the pond!  LOL!!! 
One thing I forgot to add is that my neighbors thought it was funny that the heron was at my pond.  Well I wonder how they would feel about him once I inform them that the heron was also at their little tiny pond?  That kinda grinded me that they thought it was funny.   >:(-
Cedar Springs, MI , Zone 5

Offline Celia

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2006, 10:20:39 AM »
Esther, thanks for that info about the other Heron's catching on.  I kinda wondered myself how long he could be fooled....I bet he thinks my heron is really an early bird to get here before him every single day.  I will keep moving mine around also.  Next to sitting guard on my deck, that works well, he won't land if I am out there, my decoy has been working.  I hate the idea of having to use a net, and how do you put the nets up anyway, has to be up high enough so plants still grow, and water flows to filters.  Let me know what you guys do. 

Offline Celia

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2006, 11:56:50 AM »
Here is the Big bird

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2006, 02:39:04 PM »
If  you like, i  can repost my grandmothers recipe for heron stew. they are a little tough but long cooking makes them taste, well, like chicken.

i have had good luck with the motion sensor water blasters.


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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2006, 04:13:15 PM »
Thanks Louis, LOL, I like that stew recipe idea, a lot.  Motion sensors also a great idea, I hadn't thought of that until you and someone else here mentioned it.   

Offline Rocmon

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2006, 08:15:37 PM »
Looks a little skinny, but I think you should fire up the Bar Bee anyway... write us when dinners ready 8-)~

Offline Esther

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2006, 05:10:19 PM »
Thanks a lot you guys.   ::) Now I bet I know what Cindi is cooking for my birthday dinner.

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2006, 07:39:00 PM »
Geez Esther, hope you didn't have your heart set on the legs,,,they don't look very filling lol

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Offline Cindi

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Re: Grrr.....
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2006, 05:37:04 AM »
Thanks a lot you guys.   ::) Now I bet I know what Cindi is cooking for my birthday dinner.

LOL!!!  You'll never know will you.  {:-P;;
You know what they say, "It tastes just like chicken!"  lol   lol
Cedar Springs, MI , Zone 5


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