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HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« on: September 13, 2008, 09:24:49 AM »
We made a vault for the waterfall out of concrete blocks and put the EPDM liner over it, then stacked up rocks to cover it.  Well since the walls are vertical and we don't have access to flat rocks the rocks were a bit unstable.  So AFTER the water, plants, and fish are in there I have the brilliant idea ( {nono}) to mortar the rocks so they will at least stick together.  Now don't laugh....I am into many kinds of crafts so..............I figure it will work to use a cake decorating bag to squish the mortar between the rocks and won't have to move and restack all of them......well first try and the mortar will not come out the largest tip I have...okay so take that off and just use the end connector....wrong...still won't come out....okay take the connector off and just use the bag without one!  Yippee it works, BUT hubby doesn't realize how to fold the end and one squish and there is mortar all over!  Okay get that worked out and going to town "frosting" the rocks...ummm then there are apparently areas behind some of the rocks that didn't get all the way to the wall!  More mortar in the water!  About 3 hours of frosting later all done hey this doesn't look bad.........BUT it was messy and I got some on the rocks.......hmmmm didn't I read somewhere that let it set a bit and then wash it off with the hose???  Okay sounds good........WRONG!  Pond is quickly turning cloudy gray!  I scream at hubby to get the pump we use for draining and pump out the water where I'm standing as the muck hasn't gone all out into the pond and I figure we can just pump that part out..........WRONG!  by the time he gets the pump the pond is a cloudy mucky mess!  PANIC I'm gonna kill my fish!  Get the strips to check the water and it's off the charts!  Colors are not even the same as it shows on the chart!  Didn't know which was top or bottom as they didn't match at ALL!  Noooooooooo!  Tracey's WAKINS!  My new BABIES!  By this time it's about 7 pm and we are pumping water as fast as the pump will go to try to get the water so we can catch and rescue the fish!  (pond holds about 4000 gallons) And it's getting COLD out.  Hubby decides we will be there all night with the 950 gal pump so takes the big 5000 gal/hr one out of the skimmer and rushes around trying to find fittings make it so that we can pump the water out with it!  He finally gets close but not exact fit so he's in the water holding the thing together and I'm with the cord plugging and unplugging it when he can't hold it anymore.  After a few miss-communications he is dripping wet and NOT a happy camper!  The water finally gets below the plant shelf (where all the fish were hiding) so he gets the net....well net might be an over's one of those little green aquarium nets!  and off he goes trying to catch them!  The fat Wakin, Chubby was pretty easy....and the snoopy red and white one..........but now the Shubunkins were a whole different story!  Ohhh for a video!  By this time it has gotten DARK!  So here is hubby with flashlight chasing fish in murky water.  We drain it a bit more and he is able to find and catch all but the last little shunbunkin and I felt sorry for him (hubby this time) and said just let it go.  NO... he's now on a mission and he's gonna catch that fish if it takes all night!  About 30 minutes of lunging and spotlighting and voila we have all seven fish!  So in the house we come both of us cold and wet and hungry with a 5 gallon bucket of fish!  New dilemma... now what are we gonna put them in?  Trash can with new trash bag? Nooooo all trash cans are full!  Largest bucket I have is the 5 gallon one and no way am I making them spend the night in that!  Hubby suggests bathtub?  but I'm afraid water would not hold in that.......Okay they will have to stay in the 15 gallon aquarium with the little goldfish!  I changed the water and checked that the temp was the same as the gang was in and put them in....There is a filter and thank heavens I bought an aerator for it so I figure they should be okay, a bit cramped but enough air and better than the pond water!  HA! they were happy campers and even ate!  They are doing fine this morning and I am off to the farm store to buy a stock tank!  And am ordering a net with a pole on it!

Okay now for the question!  Since we had to drain the whole pond, I plan on plugging some holes and mortaring below the water line (will use as little as possible) How long does the mortar have to dry/cure before I can put water back in and then how long till we can put the fish back in the water? I searched on here and found that someone had washed concrete with muratic acid to take the lime out??? I used just plain old mortar.  PLEASE answer ASAP. 

A very  :redface: new ponder

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2008, 10:35:35 AM »
Don't know the answer to your question... but sure sounds like you had a ruff night..   8-)~

Myra Shreveport, LaZone 8A

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2008, 11:03:07 AM »
OH man, I can just picture that whole fiasco. Don't tell your DH I laughed. But you had better be extra nice to that guy after this so he knows you appreciate all his hard work. A lot of guys would have thrown in the towel and said, "Too bad."  So sorry for your terrible experience. Pete says he thinks that in a couple of days you should be able to put the whole thing back together. It isn't like the whole pond is cement. I know several people who have used cement blocks for plant stands or to make stepping stones across a pond. I also don't think there is any danger from the new cement as long as it is hard. We mortared the rocks in our waterfall and also the rocks that divide the pond from our little bog. We never washed it down with muriatic acid. I don't think I'd want the acid in there either. You'd have to scrub it well if so and then there'd be all that soap and I don't know which would be worse.

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2008, 11:58:16 AM »
What an eventful night.  Glad to hear that you caught all your babies. 


Ponds are like patato chips, ya just can't have one.

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2008, 12:41:43 PM »
Oh Peg, what a mess! (Been there, Done that!)
What we don't go  through for a few stinkin goldfish that would be much easier replaced.  o(:-)

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2008, 01:08:45 PM »
Somebody can correct me if I am wrong but cement needs to be sealed before being use in ours ponds doesn't it? Peg should be using Great Stuff to stick those rocks together. I think we could use some advice from Sean.

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2008, 01:14:09 PM »
I didn't seal any of mine and it isn't necessary to use Great Stuff. I have used both. They both worked. I think the Great Stuff would come apart easier if necessary.

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2008, 01:25:18 PM »
Moral to the story is ALWAYS line your waterfall. make it all once continuous feature. no leaks, no sealing, no fixing holes.

Tell your hubby thanks. After that tell him if it happens again hes in the pond again. Thats what we do. We do not need special thanks to handle special tasks. I give you flowers you put me in the pond. Thats how it works.

Hey hubby if you read the above,  ;)

I am gald you both survived and glad your fish are eating and doing fine. You now have all the time in the world to find and fix your problem. I do suggest using some foam in the dep cracks. If you want cement on the outside thats fine too. It needs to be done with no fish and a good cure time though. Don't wash it down into the pond use a sponge this time.

Take care and happy ponding adventures.

Offline pegs pond

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2008, 03:36:18 PM »
Ohh no leaks!  There is liner under the whole thing.  I just wanted to stabilize the rocks just in case kids or anything decided to crawl on them.  They were just loose on earth our ancestors made rock walls is beyond me!

Ohhh LOL Reddad...I will tell hubby, and let him read  ;) what you wrote....I like the getting flowers and he gets in the pond!  So glad it works that way!

Thanks Peg (who now has a very clean liner and no water.....AND new owner of 100 gallon rubbermaid stock tank....hey it was only $10 more than the 50 gal!  Fish and a lot of the plants are sharing space.  But it's much more space than the aquarium!  Now for filtration on it!  or will I need it for just a few days???

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2008, 05:20:23 PM »
You can special order a stainless steel spillway from Gene at Koi Village. If you don't see it in his listing of products, give him an email or call him.  It is made specifically to fit the 100 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank for about $40. He also sells heavy grids that fit the shelf in the stock tank for about $60. After making my PVC grid holder and the grids, I don't think I'd do it again. I'd get the one from Gene. Cindi has one and loves it. Mine is made out of that dropped ceiling lighting grid and was a real pain to shape, not hard but bits of plastic flying all over and white plastic powder all over the place. Also, the plastic is very brittle and breaks easily after being in the filter for years. Scroll down and see a PVC frame thingy with 4 legs supporting two lighting grids.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 05:22:37 PM by Esther »

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2008, 06:00:37 PM »
You can special order a stainless steel spillway from Gene at Koi Village. If you don't see it in his listing of products, give him an email or call him.  It is made specifically to fit the 100 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank for about $40. He also sells heavy grids that fit the shelf in the stock tank for about $60. After making my PVC grid holder and the grids, I don't think I'd do it again. I'd get the one from Gene. Cindi has one and loves it. Mine is made out of that dropped ceiling lighting grid and was a real pain to shape, not hard but bits of plastic flying all over and white plastic powder all over the place. Also, the plastic is very brittle and breaks easily after being in the filter for years. Scroll down and see a PVC frame thingy with 4 legs supporting two lighting grids.
Esther are you using this as a filter feature for the 100 gal tank or as part of the waterfall?

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2008, 07:41:06 PM »
IT holds the floor scrubber pads and the tank acts as a bio filter or mini septic tank to break down the fish waste etc. The water enters the tank on the bottom right, the pipe goes across the bottom and has an elbow on the end so the water coming in goes in a circular motion before rising up through the grids that hold the scrubber pads which hold the bacteria or bio bugs and then exiting near the top through a hole that holds the stainless steel spillway that is bolted to the front of the tank. The water then drops to the top of the waterfall and down two more steps. We formed them with old railroad ties under the liner and rocks and slate. Gonna see if I have pictures. It was several years ago we installed it and I didn't have a digital then and wasn't so aware of the necessity of documenting what we were doing. It was a hit and miss, mostly hit, installation. We just flew by the seats of our pants and didn't realize others might need to know how we did it. Gene has an excellent set of directions about plumbing the tank and installing the spillway. Guess I'll see if I can find them too.

Here's the link to the Skippy site. He's deceased now, died a couple of years ago. But I also noticed they have directions for a small Skippy there too.   Gene's spillway: Oh phooey, he no longer has them in stock. But gives a location where you can get them.  Economy Aquatic Gardens
2915 Preston Hwy
Louisville, KY 40217

Phone: 502 637-8927 They don't have any pictures though. Here's one view of mine but you can't see the spillway as we cut a piece of slate to lay there and disguise the stainless steel.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 08:05:31 PM by Esther »

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2008, 12:20:07 AM »
Esther she is using the stock tank to hold the fish until she can make sure the pond water is safe. She wants to know what to use for a filter in that for the fish until she can get them back in the pond. The only other place she had to put the fish was a 10 gal aquarium.

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2008, 06:54:22 AM »
Back when we made our larger pond, I kept my fish in a borrowed stock tank for a few weeks. I layed a grid over the end, jerryrigged a 5 gallon bucket sitting on the grid by putting a hole near the bucket bottom on the side with a hose for the incoming water. The idea of the grid was so the water could fall right back into the tank if it ran over. Then I put the pump in the tank.  The outgo water faucet was at the top and could control the flow.  There was a layer of scrubbies at the bottom, then course media and then fine stuff at the top. The idea was to have the fine media where I could get at it if it needed cleaning. The bottom hopefully housed some of the bacteria and acted somewhat like a biofilter too.  I had taken water from the small pond to fill the tank. I did put some boards over the other end to shade it because my tank was a metal one and in August I think it got hotter than the pond would. Come to think of it, you wouldn't even need the faucet. I was thinking of the rigging I had on the little pond. Just let the water flow over the top of the bucket and down the sides through the grid. It could be a reinforced screen, or even narrow pieces of wood/pipe,rerod etc. Just something strong enough to hold the bucket up but let the water overflow back into the tank. Hey, take some pipe and make an L or U shaped hanger. Shove it into the ground deep and hang the bucket from it overhanging the tank. I don't know it might not be strong enough to hold the weight of the water. Well you get the gist of my thinking anyway I think.

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2008, 07:57:16 AM »
Okay I got it!  Make a mini skippy filter.  I think I can do that.  NOW if Anyone would PLEASE answer about HOW LONG DOES THE MORTOR HAVE TO CURE?  before it's safe for plants and fish?
Thanks Peg

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2008, 12:41:51 PM »
Yes, I should have said that. It would have been a lot simpler. Hey, I think I saw a mini Skippy on Skippy's site. I'm gonna go look. I think though it was for a regular but small pond but still may have some thoughts to add to what I've said. I also did a trickle tower in the middle of the tank trying to make sure there was plenty of oxygen getting in there. . It was a huge, maybe a couple hundred gallon metal horse tank, the kind the kids play in during the summer in the pasture.

Pete, my DH, says that as soon as the cement is dry/hard on the surface, it won't dissolve and continues to cure even in the water. You have not put enough cement containing lime in your pond to harm the fish. I looked around on line after Googling "putting fish in concrete pond" and stumbled across an article on concrete/cement and it's history. It said that a lot of what we call concrete or cement today may not actually have lime in it. So if you have a bag left, you could read it's contents to feel better (or worse). When I thought I had found the leak between rocks in my waterfall, I used Quikrete and as soon as I couldn't scratch any away with my fingernail, I turned on the pump, maybe a few hours later. It is still the same today and that was a couple of weeks ago with water running over it all the time. I didn't find anything online about when to add the plants and fish. I would do it within 24 hours.

Remember, you have many many gallons of water and only a tiny bit of cement there. The cement ponds are a different story as there is a high percentage of cement surface so they will sometimes seal it to prevent leaching of the lime or wash it down with muriatic acid or even vinegar to either etch the surface before sealing and also to clean the surface of the lime.

Here's the Mini ME Skippy pictures. Cute version of the big one.  And the way they show, you wouldn't have to put holes in your container at all by using PVC pipe and maybe some bricks to hold the pipe where you want it. Pipe it into the top and down the center. You could use a 5 way fitting in the bottom with pipe going from each end of the bottom of the 5 way and then an elbow on each of them all pointing in a circle. Come to think of it, the 5 ways aren't readily available so a T is fine. So it would be an upflow type and then just let it flow over the top back down into the stock tank. Cute. Or you could use pipe coming down into an X and then down into another X and put arms going out from both the Xs with elbows at all the ends pointing in a circular motion. Over done maybe. LOL Stick with the simple T like the picture shows.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2008, 01:23:17 PM by Esther »

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2008, 04:12:16 PM »
Esther your a peach!! @O@

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2008, 05:43:20 PM »
It's a bit too late to help now, but for anyone else who is about to mortar rocks together I suggest picking up a Grout Bag from Home Depot for $5.  A grout bag is similar to piping bag used in decorating a cake.......except it is much larger and has a more manly name  ::) lol

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2008, 07:14:32 PM »
peg... not sure if the same would apply but my entire pond is full of rocks etc made from cement and cement lined streams.  I did seal parts of mine but not all as some I didnt care if it didnt hold water. As soon as I did the seal coat, I washed the cement down with a  high pressure water hose and drained the water out then filled the pond and let it sit two days and back in with my fish.  they had no problem at all from the cement.  Maybe fill it and then test the ph???  Hope this helps.


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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2008, 07:23:42 PM »
OH THANK YOU, Tinkster that makes me feel much better and I was thinking of pressure hosing them to get it all nice and clean.  Mikey you are too funny!  But now I know where I can replace my piping bag that I have ruined doing this...LOL if ya can use a piping bag for grout surely you can use a grout bag for piping cakes!  Ummm don't think anyone reading this is gonna want to eat at my house!  Esther I have been browsing the jr skippy and heading to hardware store for PVC pipe tomorrow AND to make some plant stands!  Brilliant idea using it for plants as where I want to put the marginals there is no shelf and it's slanted so I figure I can make the legs different lengths and compensate!  You all on here are brilliant!  I am also debating about turning the makeshift fish tank into a skippy filter!  I have the savio skimmer and waterfall bio filter but hey more can't hurt?  and love the idea of being able to plant in it!  Fish are all happy and eating like pigs in their temp housing.  Thank heavens it's supposed to keep being warm and sunny so this mortar will dry quickly.  THANK again You the BEST!

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Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2008, 07:29:18 PM »
I guess I should add that the ph in my local water is high so my fish were accustomed to raised levels anyway.  Got to thinkin after I posted I would hate for your fish to die :( but just from my experience I had no problems.  good luck!



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