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Offline Ky Kim

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Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« on: September 17, 2008, 03:38:19 PM »
We had hurricane winds come through Sunday and have been without power since then.  It knocked out 301,000 people in the area.  Schools are closed all week. 

I've have missed coming here so much.  Right now, I'm on with a generator.  My brother n law had one, their power came on, they gave it to my parents.  Their power came on, so they passed it our way.  It didn't have the same effect for us.  We're still without power.  Threw out all the food in the fridge Monday night, garbage ran so it wouldn't have to sit out there for a week.  A few shingles lifted up, trampline pretty much shreaded, lost one tree.  It was a cleaveland pear.  My son noticed it splitting.

We took rachet straps and tightened them as much as we could.  If it would have fell, it would have went threw my greenhouse and the dog run.  We had already brought our Lab inside.  All I kept saying is, we have insurance..LOL  A neighbor came down later, and we took the tree down.  Hauled it off last night.

I'm still in good spirits through it all.  Guess because I know we are lucky and blessed.

Other than that its all alright.  Its not been that bad without power.  I feel fortunate to still have a house and running water. 

The few stores that had power, ran out of ice.  Some of the fast food joints, have had record sales.  But have no fear, the PGA tournament is still going to happening  Go Vahalla...NOT.  I bet they have ice. 

Peggy I haven't forgot about sending you plants, just haven't been able too.  I was hoping you didn't think I just abanded you.  I feel really bad that I haven't got to send you, your plants.  I'm really sorry.

Bonnie, Tink, others how are you all doing.  I'm not going to keep the computer hooked up so we can run a few other things. 

Just wanted to say hello, and that I miss you all.  Hope to be back to full power soon.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2008, 04:01:47 PM by Ky Kim »

Ponds are like patato chips, ya just can't have one.

Offline Ky Kim

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2008, 03:40:55 PM »
PS.  All my fish are doing fine.  I misted them yesterday and added dechlor, last night ran the generator for about an hour.  Have it going now.  They haven't stressed at all.  Guess with the cool temps it has helped.

The reason we haven't ran the generator much is, gas shot up to 4.15 a gallon and stations were running out and not getting my hands on it until 11pm last night.  The place that fills the tankers was with out power.  Today its dropped back down to 3.99.  But at least we can get some.

DH made 2 attemps Mon and Tue to get to work and they would send them home.  Half the plant had power today, so he worked in another area.  Won't be much of a paycheck, at least it will be something.  I haven't missed any work.  I just happened to have the day off on Monday and power was back on there Tuesday.  When he gets a paycheck.  Today was payday and the 1/2 with out power was the half the payroll dept was in...

Take care all.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2008, 05:05:04 PM by Ky Kim »

Ponds are like patato chips, ya just can't have one.

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2008, 06:24:36 PM »
Hey Kim!
Camping out at home? I grok the experience. :)
We didn't lose anything from the freezers. We got back within 24 hours of the power going down, and had gennies ready to use.
We cycle the gennies, 4 hours on, 6 hours off, to conserve fuel = and refreeze everything.

I'm becoming a big fan of generators. But they are expensive. I'm using about 10 gallons of diesel a day - $40 or so. Diesel is more expensive here than gas, but you use less of it.

The power companies are a marvel. The crews are everywhere. I think they don't sleep. I have power at the office (its on the same line as the police department). But no power at the house.
THey are estimating that 80% of the service in my zip code will be restored by Monday. That's incredible considering the damage.  :o

We have Walmart and grocery stores open. But weird shortages. Fresh bread is hard to find. I guess I could make some - but most people prefer to eat something softer than a brick.  lol

Gas jumped in price, but came back down. I'm guessing that FEMA is keeping the prices level.
No shortages - but huge lines.
Vehicle usage is insignificant compared to generator usage. So most everyone has gas cans to fill.

Everything is great. Its a lesson in patience.  o(:-)

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2008, 08:22:30 PM »
So sorry to hear of the effect of the storm on you guys. But on the other hand, it could have been worse, right? We just had rain and more rain but it wasn't a terrible downpour, just kept coming down for several days. We have sand and usually lots of rain is no problem. After the rain was over about 24 hours, the cracks in our basement started oozing water. We mopped up the little puddles and turned the dehumidifier on high and set three fans going. I think that's all the problem from Ike. No complaints here.

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2008, 09:20:45 AM »
Wow, I feel for you guys dealing with this storm aftermath. I'm lucky to live in a place that doesn't get severe weather.
The worst we have ever had was when we got hit with an ice storm and it took out many power lines. We didn't
have power for three days.
Hope things get back to normal for you guys soon.
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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2008, 12:59:40 PM »
It is amazing how many states were affected by Ike. Here in Ohio it’s the same story massive power outages, schools closed most of the week, ice going for $5.00 a bag if you could find it. I spent the time when the winds were gusting to 75 MPH netting the leaves out of the pond. My Dad when I was young used to say “aren’t you smart enough to come out of the rain”.  Well Dad it wasn’t raining! Well maybe tree branches but no rain drops. Mostly it was sunny, which was weird.
I was lucky my power was only out 48 hours, some they predict will not have power until next Monday. No idea when I will have a regular phone, internet or cable. But the fish and plants seem fine and I spent Monday, my B-day, playing lumber jack running a chain saw. Think Kentucky was hit hard also.


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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2008, 05:16:58 PM »
Glad you are keeping good spirits  O0  and hope you get your power back soon.

My brother called from Ohio & told me he has been without power all week until today.  Trees down from the wind.

There is never enough room for all of the water lilies that I want ;-)

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2008, 05:44:25 PM »
well good luck Kim i know how you feel here in baton rouge louisiana..we were tore up with guxtav,i was out for 5 days...its hot here...anyway glad you and your fish are fine...stay upbeat     ;) will all be behind you soon !! i still a cleaning up..they just picked up my tree limbs on the front by the road..they have ben doing it for weeks..i wish you the best....   ;)

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2008, 07:19:17 PM »
Kim, so glad you are so upbeat and that your fish are fine!  Take care of yourself and quit worrying about sending me any plants you silly girl!  Anything we can do to help just ask, sorry can't send you any electricity via post or UPS...LOL.

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2008, 08:18:56 PM »
Hey Kim,
Hang in there.  Sounds like this storm is just upsetting lots of people, except you.  I wish I worked with people more like you.   

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2008, 08:28:29 PM »
You're the best Kym.  I love your outlook, life in many ways is what you make of it and looking at the bright side makes it better.  I love the 'glass half full' outlook and you have it.  Hope you get lights soon to make it all easier.  It's good that at least your job has electric and both of you aren't losing pay, that is really hard.  BTW, do you still love the job?  We haven't heard any updates on it lately.

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2008, 05:28:18 AM »
 :o  OH MY! As my kids say when our power goes out " I guess you are living in an Amish Paradise!" (no offense to any Amish)
Ours goes out ALL the time for no apparent reason. So after 5 years of dealing with it, and being the only house on the street without one, we finally bought a generator. OF COURSE, the power has not gone off since and the power co came around and cut the trees to heck, and says that will take care of it. (There's $1200 I won't be getting back)

So soory to hear about the pay loss. That really hurts, especially when everything is up so sky high!

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2008, 09:55:37 AM »
We were w/o power for 4 days here, our new place is still w/o power as of today.   
The ponds here are now clean and all is well after a major water change and cleaning.

Mother Nature will take care of the Mudpond at our new place which I did remove the large limbs.   
I worked 3 days there picking up limbs and branches now it's DH's job to finish up cutting up the full trees and large branches that are down.  (he won't let me use the chainsaw w/o his supervision.. someone that cuts herself with a butter knife has no business using a chainsaw :) )

Still around 130,000 customers in the Cincy area w/o power as of this morning. Heard on the news about some jerk being arrested for coming outside with a gun threatening the utility crews.  Later found out it was a snap gun or something similar which wouldn't kill anyone but who cares... JERK.

Yes where is Tink?   I assume she was affected.   
Saw Bonnie/bunny was online on the 16th? so I assume she is okay.
Also saw Brian was logged on yesterday, didn't check IN Karen's profile yet to see..

Take Care All!

Thank God no one was hurt or has major damage, minor inconvenience only.

Offline bunny56lbc

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2008, 06:58:36 PM »
We didn't lose any electric .  We bought a big generator after that last bad ice storm we had a few years ago. Luckly we haven't had to use it ....sorry to hear you've been out of elec. ......
my parents elec. just came on today while other's in Lunchburg will not have it until next week.

I really feel sorry for all the people who lost their home's in Texas from Ike.

Take care ,

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2008, 09:00:51 AM »

Still cleaning up a bunch of downed limbs and twig mess in the pond here but very lucky compared to yall only a very brief electric outage for me.  So glad everyone is okay!

Just been very busy here with company. 


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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2008, 08:39:38 PM »

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2008, 12:34:54 PM »
I can't even imagine having to go through that, I'm glad you guys all made it through okay without any major damage. 

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2008, 05:38:50 PM »
I am in Houston. I have been without power for 2 weeks now. The eye of that monster IKE went right over us.
We were getting hammered then it stopped for about and hour and then it got much worse.
After the first night and the hurricane we had all of the damage but not much water.
The next night with the last bands coming off of the gulf I got 23 inches of water in 10 hours.
I lost my 7 biggest koi. The two biggest were over 22 inches. I had
them for 5 years. The next 5 were between 12 and 18 inches.
Conservatively if I was to just replace them it would be over $5000
but I cannot do that so I will have to just start over.
It's funny, I was worried about losing my waterlilies. I have about
1000. They are all fine. Everything else is a mess though. Here is a
link to show some of my damage if you are interested...
And living in the 1800's is not my idea of living. After I lost my
big koi and everything in my fridge I had to get a generator. It is
going through $35 in gasoline a day. That is how I am on the computer.

On a quest for the elusive lilies...

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2008, 10:43:01 PM »
The storms have created havoc for all in its way.  I'm glad Kim and everyone else are well, even with all the mess.

Tim your slides shows what we who are not used to such storms all the destruction that goes on in real people's lives.  Although you say you had a relatively small amount of destruction, it is still a great disruption in your life.  And still without power, that really sucks.  I'm glad you are well too and hope the rest of your family is doing well.  Missed you and your beautiful blooms this year.

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2008, 05:02:30 PM »
Oh Tim how horrible, the slide show is so sad.  Sorry about your fish and all the damage you have.  I'm glad to hear everyone in the storm areas are fine though, material things can be replaced.
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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2008, 06:26:32 PM »
I'm sorry to hear about you're koi , Tim   :'(
I could'nt watch the slide show , it didn't come up for some reason for me.,,probley my dial up
internet again,,,,,, >:( slow to do anything .

YOU Have a 1,000 water lilies !!! WOW ! I'm thinking of all the fertlizer u have to use on them....unless they are in the mud pond .
& I thought I had a lot .... lol


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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2008, 08:47:15 AM »
I'm sorry for all that damage you all went through. I love a good storm, but that is always tempered with the good thoughts & hope for the people who have to go through it. Stinks.
Timgod, I'm so sorry you lost your Koi.

We had a lot of flooding around here from the remnants (8-11" rain), but no wind.
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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2008, 05:47:00 PM »
I'm back, too, now, after 2 1/2 weeks without power.  Will share my story later - right now I'm dashing off to join friends for margueritas and Mexican food.  Our Pond Society meeting is tomorrow (Sat.), so I'll hear lots of others' stories of Ike.

Sorry to all of you who suffered or had damage or losses.  Especially to Tim, loosing all those loved fish.  I had relatively little damage, and ALL fish survived  @O@ , thanks to an animal-loving neighbor with a generator and a 150' extension cord.   o(:-)

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Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2008, 06:50:39 PM »
Is Kentucky-Kim still without power?   >:(-


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