Author Topic: OMG! Dropsy!!!  (Read 1382 times)

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OMG! Dropsy!!!
« on: January 31, 2009, 09:11:20 AM »

I can't believe it!  I fed my fish this morning, and one of the oldest males (about 10 yrs old, at least) appears to have dropsy.  And, yes, he is just about my favorite fish.  I didn't notice anything unusual yesterday, and I always do look at this fish, because I just love his coloring. 

Looks somthing like this:
Just part of his body is fat, so far, and only some of the scales are standing up.  No eye popping.

I've had experience with dropsy in my Siamese fighting fish.  I've been all over the Internet this morning, and every site says the same thing: Dropsy is deadly, and there is no real treatment.

Just thought I'd check with you folks here and see what your experiences are in treating dropsy - what have you used, and has it worked?

Also, some of the material I read this morning say bacteria in the pond could be a cause, and so you should treat the pond with .... ??  Not sure what.  Any ideas on that? 





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Re: OMG! Dropsy!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2009, 10:17:14 AM »
I had the same thing happen to one of my goldfish (sarassa) a few years ago and it did die.  I believe it got sick very soon after the ice came off the pond.  None of the other fish in the pond got it.  This is the only fish that has died in my pond so far.  I have no advise about treatment, only the reassurance that in my pond at least none of the other fish were affected. 

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Re: OMG! Dropsy!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2009, 11:21:30 AM »
I can't offer any help, just wanted to say I'm sorry.  It seems it always happens to our favorites. :'(

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Re: OMG! Dropsy!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2009, 05:43:11 PM »
About 7 years ago, back when I had the tiny outside pond,  I had brought my fish in for the winter. They were in a 55 gallon aquarium in my sewing/computer room. I was very careful about water changes, cleaning the tank and doing whatever I should. Sure enough, one day one of the fish (I don't remember now which one) got dropsy. I did the same thing and researched all over. If I remember right, it's something to do with the liver/kidneys/bladder not functioning right and the urine can't be passed. The fish inflates and I would think it was a miserable way to go. Anyway, I put him in a plastic bag with cinnamon and water from the tank and then put the bag in the freezer. Somewhere I read that cinnamon helps put them to sleep I think.

If it is a problem in the tank, then I couldn't figure out why just one fish got sick.

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Re: OMG! Dropsy!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2009, 07:42:07 PM »
Julles - Doc Conrad pioneered a "cure" for dropsy. Dropsy (pine-coning) happens when the balance in the kidneys of the fish fails. The fish retains wate. Its usually an infection, and its usually bacterial.
You CAN cure it.
But every fish I have ever "cured" died within a year or two. The fish stays compromised, and subject to re-infection.

Unless its a big dollar fish, I would euthanize.

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Re: OMG! Dropsy!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2009, 08:44:33 AM »
I never heard of cinnamon to euthenize,  Clove oil is the common choice.  Some dropsey cases can come around but most do does effect the kidneys (as Sunbeam56 stated, I posted to fast) .  If you are going to try warm him up very slowly to fast is not good.
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Re: OMG! Dropsy!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2009, 09:27:59 AM »
Oops, clove oil it is. I was thinking about cooking, not killing. Not cooking the fish in cinnamon though.

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Re: OMG! Dropsy!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2009, 06:53:47 PM »
Darn I thought I was learning something new.....just a slip up though.
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Re: OMG! Dropsy!!!
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2009, 07:09:05 PM »
I'm so sorry...I feel like we are neighbors!  My thoughts are with you.  I hate losing's so sad.  Wish I had some help for you.  :'(

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Re: OMG! Dropsy!!!
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2009, 09:20:12 AM »
He is a little fatter each day.  And the scales are definately "pineconing."

I haven't done anything so far, and I'm sure the two-day delay has probably sealed his fate - if anything would even work, anyway.  I have a feeling that what Savannah says is true, and that even if he did respond, he will never be a strong fish again.  I've had the same happen with my bettas.  Recover, only to die not too long down the road.

He's still eating, which is good, because they say there is medicated food you can give, along with warm temps and salt.  But catching him is another thing, and would involve stressing all the fish in the pond.  My best chance to catch him is feeding time tomorrow morning.  Which means another day lost. 

But looking at him, he's pretty puffy.  I just don't think anything is going to work.  It's hard, because, other than his extended shape, he seems fine, and it's hard knowing he's going to die.

Here's something I was sent by one of our Pond Society contacts:

Regrettably, the prognosis for Dropsy is not so good. Dropsy is usually caused by bacteria damaging the kidney which causes edema in the fish. The accumulation of fluid inside the fish can cause the eyes to pop out and the body to swell which can also cause the scales to pine cone out.  By the time the fish swells up the damage to the kidney is so severe that recovery is very difficult. The best treatment for dropsy is an antibiotic injection. The next best thing is a medicated food such as Medikoi (that is if the fish will eat).
You can assist the fish by adding 3 pounds of pure salt per 100 gallons of water. This will attain a salinity concentration of approximately 0.375% in the water. Add the salt gradually at the rate of 1 pound of salt per 100 gallons per day to allow the  fish to adjust. Leave the fish in the salted water all the time and not as a dip. This will help relieve stress, reduce the effort the fish must expend in eliminating excess water from the kidney and direct all of his energy toward healing. Be sure and use pure salt. Do not use iodized salt.

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Re: OMG! Dropsy!!!
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2009, 11:54:33 AM »
Sorry about your fish's problem but I can say I learned from this post.  Hope this is your only fish with dropsy.


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