Author Topic: lily pics.  (Read 4371 times)

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Re: lily pics.
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2009, 11:08:30 PM »
I have only seen it once. After talking to Ken he said he might grow one out this year for me to get some more shots of the entire plant as well as close ups of the pads, structures etc for our site. If you have extras and want to know for sure, I know you could send it to Ken. He could grow it out and positively ID it as N. Lone Star or N. Woods Blue Goddess as he got his from N. Woods Blue Goddess from John I believe. The only possibility of it being out of Texas is if one of the girls sent it to Brad at some point as a trial plant by accident as Brad and Ken regularly exchange material.
By the way, your pic does look close to shots I have up of N. Woods Blue Goddess.

If you want to send one, just pm me and I can give you my addy. He still might have a freeze in the next month. He is a bit warmer in the summer than me and no humidity but we don't get nearly as cold here on the coast during the winter. We are in the 70's during the day for the last few weeks already. I'll be going out to see him in about 6 weeks.

I hope we can be of some help.

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Offline turtlemike

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Re: lily pics.
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2009, 11:29:19 AM »
Wow thanks for all of the help Tim!        I looked on WGI at pics of Woods Blue Goddess and I agree with you my plant does look VERY much like it.  VERY similar leaves but I don't see the the same tight orderly symmetrical leaf pattern that I remember.     The turned over leaf in one of the pictures showes a pretty smooth leaf bottom and my memory, and you know my memory is far from perfect, tells me that the bottom of my plants leaves had very prominent veins that where light green with very light to sometimes darker violet flat areas between the veins.    I think I also remember that the veins strengthen the leaves making them stiffer than other tropical lily leaves.  I remember they kind of made me think of night bloomer leaves,although no where near as prominent veins and stiffness.   Until 2 or so years ago the only information I had for waterlily ID was Perry Slocums books, and I think the name is Plants for water gardens by Helen  Nash and Steve Stroup, I hope I spelled that right.  And a whole lot of catalogs.     And the last 3 or 4 years I have been so busy that I've had very little time for identifying plants.    I've gotten a lot of new plants in the last 3 years that I haven't had time to ID. to my satisfaction but seem mostly to be what they were sold to me as.    Probably the truly named effect.       Except one, it was supposed to be Pink Starlet from Perrys water gardens in 07.  The color and flower form are basically correct but the flowers are NEVER held above the water. Not even a little. not even  in shallow water.     If any body out there has a real Pink Starlet I would like to trade for one. Meanwhile I have no idea what this plant is that I bought.   Wow ! again Tim I just went to the link on your post.  I didn't know about your site.    BEAUTIFUL thanks so much. I cant wait to dig into that!    It will help me a whole lot I'm sure.   I looked at your pics of WBG.  And yes,VERY similar in almost all respects.  Except I still don't see the same leaf distribution as on my plant.  WAY more leggy than mine and the leaves look WAY more random than my memory tells me that my plants leaves are, in full sun and a big pot. Maybe it's just growing conditions.    One more thing  also my plant has the fine lines and small dots on the outside of the sepals that perry Slocum says lone star has.    And I don't have to depend on my faulty memory to know this because I can see it in one of my pics when I zoom in.   Perry doesn't say anything  about the outer side of the sepals of WBG so I don't know if there smooth green or what.        I just went back to your site and the pic of WBG in the top rt. corner when I magnify it as much as I can I don't see any small dots. And on another pic I see what to me looks like some streaks but no small dots.         I think I have some regular film pictures of this plant from 07 when I grew it well.   If I can find them maybe I can figure out how to scan them and put them on my hard drive and post them.            I would LOVE to send you a plant when the weather warms enough.   Maybe I can send you a tuber. Or better yet a plant with a tuber attached to show how it tubers.          I have a bunch of tubers in my window tub to sprout right now.  The tag says " Lone Star ?. "      I don't remember why the question mark right now.     It may be that because I collected the tubers from there pots after the leaves were all gone and wasn't 100 percent sure.    But I have plants in the greenhouse that have not been removed from there pots and should have attached tubers.                        Thanks again for helping and hopefully we will get this figured out.     I really don't care about being right. I just want to get it right.               One way or another I'll have a plant with good provenance whatever it is.                           Mike.

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Re: lily pics.
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2009, 12:16:11 PM »
Hey Tim one more thing.  I just went to IWC and found your 3 pics of Lone Star.   The one on the left that shows the most leaves looks exactly like I remember my Lone Star leaves looked.   And the flowers are right on.     Look at that pic and notice how two side by side leaves are the same size and the next row of leaves out are right under and BETWEEN the two inner leaves.     This gives this plant a very symmetrical appearance , similar to the way a mosaic plants Rosette of leaves are symmetrical.         This pic also shows the close packed overlapping and flat laying leaves that I remember..        Thanks again for IWC that is the only pics of Lone Star that I've ever seen other than the one in Perrys book. And the only ones that show leaves, which is very important for proper ID.      It's hard to find good pics of some plants.                Mike.

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Re: lily pics.
« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2009, 04:30:57 PM »
N. Pink Starlet is a hybrid of Ken's. I have it. I don't know how many divisions I might get this year. I sold 5 last year so I know I don't have many. It does not hold it's flowers up real high. Sometimes above the water line but really tall out of the water hybrids were the next generation of N. Texas Dawn and another sibling plant that was never released.

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Re: lily pics.
« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2009, 08:06:52 PM »
I went back and hunted down the other plant I discussed in the previous post. This is a picture of a hardy that very few people have ever seen.
This is N. Lemonscent. It is another seedling out of the same batch that produced N. Texas Dawn from N. Pink Starlet.
This is listed in some places as Lemon Scent. That is not correct. It is one word as Ken named it.
Just some trivia for you guys.

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Offline turtlemike

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Re: lily pics.
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2009, 09:50:20 AM »
Thanks for the trivia Tim.    You say that Lemonscent was never released.   I think I have seen Lemon scent for sale somewhere.  But I'm not sure.             According to Perry Slocum Pink Starlet holds it's flowers 9 IN. above the water.   The plant I have has such thin limp peduncles I don't think it could hold it's flowers above water.    The pics on IWC show a flower that is very similar to the plant I have,the same pink and shape of flower.         I definitely want to buy a Pink Starlet from you this year if possible.    WGI doesn't have any pics of it at all.    the only other pics I have of are in an old catalog, I wont say which for fear of being wrong.     It shows the flowers held high.     This is one of those plants that are hard to find good info on.      Rose Arey Hybrid is another I can find no data on.  I have a plant that I suspect is RAH but I have no standard to compare it to. I will look on WGI and IWC.                Mike.

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Re: lily pics.
« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2009, 07:50:57 AM »
The pics on our site are of the first plant that I planted off to sell to someone. It was small, less than a half gallon bucket. I don't like them too big for shipping costs. I plant trops that I plan on sending out in dixie cups to keep size down. On the flip side, keeping them in small containers helps to produce tubers as they get cramped and run out of food if I decide not to hit them later in the season with extra fertilizer.

If you are into hybridizing, I know N. Pink Starlet is pretty fertile as it set seed several times last summer. I am trying more in the trop hybrids so I am letting nature take it's course with those.
Obviously with N. Texas Dawn and N. Lemonscent it can produce great progeny.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 07:58:04 AM by Timgod »
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Re: lily pics.
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2009, 07:56:34 AM »
Well it was not released for sale per se...Lemonscent that is. Ken gave it to a number of people, one of who probably gave or sold it to others.
Ken said it was a good plant and the fragrance it gave off was a plus for a hardy but as it was in the same seed cache as N. Texas Dawn it was not as good.
One of Ken's determining factors is length of bloom time and N.Texas Dawn had a much longer sustained bloom time than N.Lemonscent.
As I mentioned in the earlier post, it could be out there but it was listed incorrectly as being 2 words, even on the victoria site.

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Re: lily pics.
« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2009, 04:44:02 PM »
I looked at the Nymphaea registry and the name change appears to have occurred in the original publication.  From what is shown, Mr. Landon didn't publish the description but somehow Joe Tomocik did.  I'm guessing Joe thought Lemonscent was a typo and sent the article in with the alternate spelling.  Or possibly the publisher was responsible for the change.

It would be interesting to find a copy of Water Gardening and read the article, in that Joe doesn't seemed to have mentioned Mr. Landon as being the originator of the lily or give the date of origin.

I have to send Joe some plants for the gardens tomorrow and if I think of it when I talk to him, I'll ask him what he remembers.
Craig     SW FL 9B

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