Author Topic: Bedsore Question for You Medical People - Warning - not for the faint of heart  (Read 2265 times)

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Reading the recent threads about hospital and nursing home abuse, and about medical personnel who just don't care very much, I'm wondering....

When I worked in the funeral home, when we picked up people from nursing homes, often there were bedsores, and I mean really bad bedsores.  About the size of your hand, icky around the sides, and the centers all the way down to the tissue and muscle.

I always assumed that this is just what happens when people are bedridden and can't move, and have to lie in one position for long periods.  I know the aids are supposed to move them periodically, to prevent bedsores.  But they just form, anyway, in some cases.

Well, now I'm wondering if that is correct.  Are there ways to totally prevent bedsores, even if the patient is pretty much comatose and has to lie in one position, putting pressure on one point, all the time? 

We saw these so commonly that I just can't imagine that all those workers in all those nursing homes were neglecting their duties.

But maybe they were.

Anyone got an answer?

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I'm afraid the answer is yes, they were neglecting their duties. :(  >:(  :'(
Peace to all  ... Joyce

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The medical personnel have learned a lot about bedsores.  I can remember years ago, it being so common.  My mother-in-law was in a nursing home (she died four years ago).  They had a lot of different procedures in place to prevent them.  She was incontinent, after lunch every day she was undressed and put into bed for a nap under a sheet, this was so that her skin could breath.  She also had a mattress that was inflatable and on a timer.  The only time she got one was when she broke her hip and was in the hospital.  When she came back to the nursing home they called us and said that she was getting a bedsore.  I remember a group of therapists would come to her room several times a day to clean and treat it, she drank something too, to help the healing, and it healed quickly.   

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I took care of this young man for 16 years that was in a wheelchair....when he was in bed we as workers had to turn him every 2 hours to make sure he did not get bedsores...and when he was in his wheelcahir we as workers had to help him recline that wheelchair every hour again to make sure the skin does not break down....when giving him a bath we had to be careful to not rub hard and break the skin.....again to make sure of no break down....cause a break down can cause a bedsore.....and i can say he has never had one...

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Retired RN here, bedsores are the bane of nursing!  They ARE preventable under most circumstances.  Patients need beds with special mattress or high density foam, something to equally distribute pressure, to be turned every two hours (this is where nursing homes and hospitals fail) Frequent bathing, washing after changing diaper, frequent diaper changes, just generally GOOD care!  BUT with that said there are other factors that come into it and the main one is nutrition.  If a person is not eating enough protein the skin will break down MUCH easier, ditto with dehydration.  So with a patient that say has cancer, is not eating or drinking much it is VERY hard to prevent them.  The high tech air and fluid beds help a lot but are cost prohibitive for most.  Once a bed sore starts on a geriatric or terminal patient they are nearly impossible to heal (therefore the bane of nursing).  Therefore the main goal is PREVENTION!  I had a hospice cancer patient that her's ate all the way to the spine and you could see the bones she had it when we got her and no matter what we and her family did it just got bigger.  Family faithfully turned her every two hours, we had special mattress brought in, RN care to change bandages and treat it daily...nothing helped.
More info than ya needed?  LOL

Offline Bullfrog

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A friend of mine at work has a daughter that became a quadriplegic after an accident. He and his wife are very diligent about turning her regularly and she does not have any bedsores. Another friend at work commented just yesterday that he has some points in heaven for the love and care that he and his wife have devoted to this girl. She is their life, they don't go anywhere anymore, their whole life is devoted to taking care of their daughter, he sure has my respect.

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Offline Esther

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Boy, I don't know if I could do that Bullfrog. But again, a lot of us do what we have to, in life, not by choice.

I wonder how anybody who goes in a hospital or nursing home, ever comes out alive. I'm not saying they are dangerous places, just saying that after watching my dad in facilities for 3 months, I am amazed the caregivers ever get the treatments and meds straight for anybody. They have so many patients and when you figure they change shifts three times a day, I don't know how they keep it straight who gets what and when.

My dad had to potty one night at the rehab hospital and evidently the alarm on his bed hadn't been set. He had been told he wasn't to get out of bed without help but he was kind of confused for a while after he was run over by a truck, pretty much full length. At the hospital he had been sedated for 5-6 days too and I am convinced that left him goofy. Well he tries to get out of bed instead of ringing for help and ends up falling. They had to run him in the middle of the night back to the hospital for xrays etc. My stepmother had a fit and was saying some pretty harsh stuff about the staff. I felt sorry for them because I saw how understaffed they were and most of them were very caring and efficient. There seemed to be at least one on every shift who was extremely dedicated and managed to keep him safe and well cared for. So between the hospitals, Naomi and I he lived to still be plugging along at 87 now. He wasn't ever able to drive again because we think there was brain damage somehow but she drives well and they get along just fine.

Well back to the bedsore thing. I know when my mom was taking care of her mother, she had several of those sheepskin pads that she used for Grandma. She was cinvinced they helped to keep the bedsores from forming.

And my dad, came real close to having them but when it was discovered, they started right away a successful regimen of treatment to prevent them. They did a good job. 

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My paraplegic daughter had a bedsore that took one year to heal. Even though she had good care she still got one. Now she is doing better and has no new ones.

Offline Bullfrog

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Speaking generally here and not throwing a blanket over the masses but....

I endured two years of classes to become a paramedic. A lot of the people that were in the three different class levels of Basic, Intermediate and then finally Paramedic weren't the sharpest kinife in the drawer. How they actually passed the state test really puzzles me. That being said, there is a really vast difference between a question in black ink printed on white paper that only has three possible answers and real life emergencies.

This test on paper really pales in comparison when you are faced with the real test, someone actually dying in the back of your truck and you are all alone as a rookie medic. It is 40 minutes to the nearest care and the variables come into play. Sure, they have a closed head injury and you have been taught how to treat that to a degree. But the skull is an enclosed vault and the swelling tissue has nowhere to go but down the spinal canal. the brainstem or medulla oblongata is where all of the primitive functions of life reside, respirations, heartbeat and blood pressure control central. As this tissue get crammed down the spinal canal, the vital signs go into a downward spiral. They taught this in class but there is nothing that you can do about it in the back of an ambulance, you can't drill a hole in their skull to relieve the prssure like they can in the O.R.

That is one paramedic's example but the point that I'm trying to make is that life and insult to life due to injury has many variables that come into play. A medic or nurse may be able to pass the test on paper but when it gets real, things change rapidly and a lot of other things come into play. Some soon realize that these are actual lives that they are playing with and bail out quickly. Others don't want to waste the years of training and just hang, being really sorry nurses or medics and many people pay with their lives for this, they skate by without being sued and loosing their license.

Most of them realize that they can't cut it and become nursing home nurses where the pressure isn't so great and people are on death's door anyway. If that hurts anyone's feelings, I'm sorry but that is my take on it from 18 years experience in the emergency services. The nurses that couldn't make the grade in a hospital are the ones who give the last care to our loved ones and that sucks but that is real life. The complacency sets in and the patients, our parents and grandparents  who fought in our wars and nursed us as babies lie in their own feces and urine while they complain about their job and chat. Life isn't always pretty, especially in a third rate nursing home. There are excellent ones, don't get me wrong and some caregivers really do care, but I have seen the neglect for many years.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 04:57:50 AM by Bullfrog »

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Bedsores are preventable.
Most of the time. Some patients have other complications - medications that stress the liver as an example, that do not allow doctors to prescribe the antibiotics, which also stress the liver... but bedsores should never be allowed to kill a patient.
Unfortunately, just like any other wound, they can become infected, the infection can become septicemia, and the patient will die.

Patients that die from bedsores are not just the poor ones, that can't afford complete care. Christopher Reeves (Superman) died from a decubitus ulcer (bedsore) that became infected.  :'(
But, the people on medicare/medicaid/welfare are more likely to be confined in a nursing home that is understaffed. So if the family can't, by their efforts, supplement the care that is being provided, the patient will not be turned regularly, not be cleaned regularly, not be given medication as scheduled, and so on... and they die.

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I had no idea about Christopher Reeve and the cause of death....interesting.  Here is some information you migh find interesting also.

According to Dana Reeve, speaking on national television, neither a pressure sore nor infection directly precipitated Reeve's coma and subsequent death. Despite what was reported at the time, Reeve's body almost certainly did not go into septic shock (a type of blood poisoning that can lead to organ failure and death). The most probable cause of death, Dana Reeve said, was a reaction to a drug Reeve was given to help treat a suspected infection. He had been given the drug on previous occasions, successfully. Reeve had a history of drug sensitivity. Shortly after getting an injection of the drug, Reeve's body went into shock (anaphylactic) resulting in coma and eventually, the shutting down of his organ systems. He never emerged from the coma and died less than 18 hours later.

Dana Reeve was very clear about the quality of care her husband received. She praised the medical staff and noted that their actions in the final hours were appropriate and unequivocal.

There may be lessons to be learned from the high profile life and death of Christopher Reeve. By all accounts Reeve's final days were totally normal; he was on the road making a speech, he was busy being a moviemaker, an advocate and a dad, basically doing the things he wanted to do. He never paid heed to the actuarial life-limits placed on his type of paralysis by statisticians (11.4 years).

Certainly, Reeve's medical staff urged him to heed the fundamental protocol for dealing with any level of pressure sore, that is, to get out of the wheelchair and let the wounds heal up. But Reeve chose to live his life fully and well and as much as possible on his own terms. He was not, as his wife explained, a man who was easily persuaded to slow down.

The primary lesson, of course, is to be especially aggressive with wounds. It may not be possible to prevent the occurrence of a pressure sore. With appropriate seating and sleeping equipment and attention to basic care, though, most people who are paralyzed can enjoy health and skin integrity for years to come.

While it may not have been a factor in Reeve's death, septicemia is a real possibility if a pressure sore gets out of control. This degree of infection is generally controllable, however.

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In the hospital I work at they use what is called a RIK mattress or a Fluid Overlay mattress that are either silicone tubes or fluid filled tubes and are often used for paraplegics, quads, patients in a coma and frail patients like the elderly. The problem is they are extremely expensive, several thousand dollars per mattress, more than the hospital bed alone so when the physician deems it necessary we rent them from KCI, the manufacturer.

Here is a link to the overlay I spoke of from KCI...

To prevent bed sores patients need to be turned at least once every 2 - 3 hours, however depending on the patients anatomy it may need to be more frequent as bony prominences will loose circulation faster than a fatty area. A frail light patient may need to be turned less often than an obese patient due to the pressure exerted on the extremities and skin.

Foam and other cushioning pads or pillows will extend the need to turn a patient as frequent.

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Sean, this reminded me of one of my patients. She was very thin and frail but ambualtory. I made a routine pickup to return her to the nursing home and she had early alzheimers and she was actually quite charming. As I wheeled down the hall on the stretcher she saw a woman with kids and said to me "Oh look! Babies! I just love babies." Then she lowered her voice and told me "I made a few babies myself when I was younger" and she winked at me. We laughed and I got kind of attached to her on the ride to a nearby town where her nursing home was.

I went there frequently to pick up or drop off patients and would stop by the day room to visit her. She would make me sit right next to her and hold her hand. She always made a show of me and told the other old ladies "Look what I've got" She would hold my hand up and pat it with the other hand. We would laugh and talk for a few minutes before I had to leave and go back in service.

One day my now X wife and I were going through Silsbee and I told her she just had to meet this woman. She agreed and we went to the nursing home and there she was in the day room. I introduced my wife and she just clouded up, the smile was gone. She said...

"I wait for you and wait for you, and now you've went and took up with another woman." She was very upset, she actually thought I was her boyfriend. My wife felt horrible and I felt very uneasy myself. What was intended as a nice visit went totally wrong. When we left my wife felt bad and said "My God, why did you do that? I feel terrible, you should have just went on letting her think that you were her boyfriend."

I actually didn't know that she felt that way.  :o

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Well, Bullfrog, I can understand you and your ex feeling bad - that's only human.  But the little old lady was slipping into dementia, so there really is no way to know what sort of reasoning or lack thereof was going on inside her head.

So sad to see that happen; no way to live, that's for sure.

Did you go back to visit her again, at other times? 

I used to volunteer in a state run hopsital (poor mental patients) and also the state run nursing home (poor old people).    Not going to comment on the horrid conditions, but the people were, well, they were a learning experience.  Everything from charming and endearing to quirky and funny to wacky to just plain pitiful. 

It was good experience for me; with everyone, especially young people, could get a glimpse of what it's like to live with poor health, or a feable body, or a mind that no longer works as it should.   

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