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lost... trying to figure it out
« on: July 11, 2009, 10:53:44 AM »
hey guys...
i figured if anything would make me feel a little better it would be everyone here because i know i share alot of bonds with everyone... i havent been on the forum because my at one time fiance' is leaving for iraq in 5 weeks, broke it off with me, and refuses to speak to me.... i'm distraught. i cant keep my freakin heart from hammering in my chest... mornings are the worst... i kinda try to make it through the day but i dont really know that i want to keep goin.

we'd gotten into an argument/misunderstanding 2 weeks ago and it turns out that was the same day he got his inactive duty activated and hes deploying to north carolina in a few weeks... i thought he was joking or trying to make me mad after the fight when he'd said to me "do whatever the hell you want i'm going to iraq in aug." and i didnt take him seriously till later that night.... he came home finally that night and we talked and i was crying uncontrollably... i dont even know what to do without him to begin with when leaves... but now he wont even speak to me.

we havent offically been together, more of on a break but still living together and getting along great. he told me that night things like he couldnt do anything in life without me etc etc... and the next morning was a great morning and he went to his friends house to help him with a truck kissed me goodbye and never came back. never answered any of my txts or calls or anything... he wouldnt talk to his mom either he was just not talking to anyone while staying at his friends. and a few days went by and i went to see him and he was outside and i asked if we could talk and he told me he had nothing to say, didnt want to deal with anything. didnt want me to wait for him, he was moving on with his life. maybe hed talk to me when he gets back in 2 years. just absolutely cold and is up and walking away from everything.

i just want to sell everything and leave. i dont know where but my whole life and everything i do is ian affiliated. i dont really even know how to just let things go. i thought maybe he was sad about our fight and sad about leaving and just needed time... because i know he loves me more than anything on gods earth. i know it does.... and yesterday he came by to pick up clothes.. and had a hickey on his neck. that was closure for me. but i dont know why i feel so sad. i wanted to be single and thats why we were on a break... and i'm getting what i wanted but i dont freakin understand why i dont want it anymore. and i love my lilies more than anything but they were an ian and i thing and i just dont want to do anything anymore. but cry pie like a weenie. its bad enough that hes not gunna be here but to drop me? i dont know what to do... i dont want to let go and in 3 weeks he comes around and i dont care anymore.... and i dont want to hang on and hope hell come around and him just ship out without saying anything. sigh. i just needed to vent. i dont know what to do..

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2009, 11:09:09 AM »
I'm so very sorry for you, Michelle.  While I am older than you, my son just went through a similar thing this past year.  His girlfriend of 6 years broke up with him Thanksgiving weekend last November.  They had been going out since Valentine's Day freshman year of college.  He has not dated anyone in all that time and at 26 really doesn't know how at this point I don't think.

He was very hopeful that she would change her mind at first, and then the anger set in - he blocked her from all his online sites and emails, etc.  Thankfully he has some friends here still from high school days, and he at least gets out of the house every now and then.  He moved back home temporarily last July while he looked for a job in Philly to move in with her.  She got a job there right away but he had difficulty.  I guess he wasn't moving quickly enough for her and she broke it off.  HER LOSS.

I hope you get your situation worked out soon, and that things fall into place for you as they are meant to be.  So sorry again. :hug:
« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 01:36:51 PM by LynneNY »

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2009, 11:16:36 AM »
So sorry rad. Been there done that. In my case, I had an engagement ring and all, and out of the blue, my guy went to another country on business, and didn't call me for 10 days, which was unheard of. Long story short, turned out that he had colon cancer, and he was unsure if he would make it through it, so he thought that *I* would be better off without him, since he thought he was going to die. He never told me any of this, his friend did well after the fact. I was just left with wondering what happened for a long time. No closure.

I was devastated for MONTHS, and could do nothing but sit on the bed and cry. He, at that time, I thought was the perfect man for me. Turns out now though, that he wouldn't have been. Mostly because I changed.

So, maybe he is worried about his safety/life, and doesn't want to cause you any further pain going forward. But, something tells me, that if he really cares for you, he will think long and hard about you in Iraq.

As for you, you just need to press on, and while you're hurt, and you have the right to be, you can not let yourself sink into depression like I did. Please try to normalize your life as much as possible, and I know that you have a lot of friends who will support you.

Oh, and 3 more things; 1. my friend use to say to me; people are usually where they want to be, 2. be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. and 3. people always want what they can't have.  ;)

« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 11:21:41 AM by Lynne22 »

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2009, 12:22:45 PM »

  So sorry to hear about your situation.  If you are sure its a "hickey" and not a mosquitoe bite....then its not an open relationship and I don't know if you would want to spend your life with someone that keeps those kinds of secrets from you.  At any rate, going to Iraq and not at least giving you some sort of "closure" before he actually deploys is not fair to you.  Again, sorry to hear you are so distraught - life works in mysterious ways, and this may be happening because there is someone better out there for you.  :hug:

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2009, 12:47:35 PM »
Michelle, this is going to sound harsh but there's probably nothing I know or can say that will make you feel any better. You are reacting pretty much the way most of us would in your situation. It's normal to grieve when we lose someone we thought we loved or that we did love. Don't mean to hint that you didn't. But having been divorced after 20 years, suffered through husband having cancer, lost a 6 month old baby girl to meningitis, lost mother to a stroke and mother in law of 15 years to an accident, father in law to cancer, and just recently my 3 year old grandson to cancer, I can tell you that you will get over this. It is simple-----one foot in front of the other. A little bit at a time, keep going. Don't expect to forget about this hurt-----ya gotta cry your head off, kick the wall, throw stuff, talk about it but then take a deep breath and do something positive. The first day, something tiny that you enjoy or makes you feel better. Or even focus a bit on someone else who has a different kind of grief and hurt,,,,,just for a bit. Each day try to find something good in your life without him. Don't spend time wondering, worrying, thinking, about what might have been, or why this happened because it probably wouldn't make any difference anyway. He's gone and it hurts like crazy. Wish I was there to hug you and take your mind off this situation for a bit. If it helps, come to us like you did and spout whatever you need to spout. It's nice any time of the day or night to be able to talk to us because we don't know you, and don't know him so you can say whatever you want. Someone here is bound to understand and send good thoughts your way.

You might try journaling. I found that when I typed  (back  when we had typewriters) it helped to spell it all out on paper and when I could face it, burn it and watch the bad stuff go up in smoke. And then try to let  it go.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 12:51:52 PM by Esther »

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2009, 01:34:49 PM »
Rad michelle, I am so sorry about this.
But you should stop hurting yourself with this, stop thinking about it and stuff, boys are sometimes hard to understand as well as girls.
I've been thru situations like those sometimes, for me to understand girls what they want and when, how and stuff like that gets me to a point where I know nothing, so that is why I decided to first finish
college and then get my masters degree and then a phd, lol sorry I think I dream a lot.

I know you got feelings for him but stop worriyng please, you are so young and pretty as we see in your avatar pic.
And so please just get the strengths and keep on walking on the path of life, that has plenty of holes and difficult rocky ways to make you trip and not get till the end but with time, faith and strength you will make it to the end because we all know you have the guts to do it.
So keeps us posted and if anything happens and if he gets the strenght to at least let you know what is going on? and if he comes back, talk to him, talking is the best way to get to the bottom of everything.

You have friends here, we are a big family that besides carying for our ponds and stuff, we do care about others.
Esther is a great person, she is always been there for a lot of people and she is saying wish she was there with you, by you and besides you.

We care for you Rad, c'mon get up and look outside and see that there is always a sunny day awaiting for you.
Scott I'll miss you buddy... :(

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2009, 02:05:35 PM »
Michelle. I'm sorry this happened to you but this happens to everyone who wants to fall in love. Before you can meet the right person that you will end up with, you have to go through the tough times to know what it's like to be happy. I don't know why but that's just how life works. Right now you are sad and crying and depressed but you know what? You can only go up from here. You are at one of the lowest points but there is no where to go BUT UP O0. Time will heal.. I see it everytime. My friend was really hurt when she found out her boyfriend already had a girlfriend and he was just using her. She was devastated and there as nothing I could do. All I could tell her was. You will get over this, I know it's gonna be hard but you will look back on this and tell yourself I'm glad that happened because I came out as a better person and I learned something from it. Stay strong!
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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2009, 05:50:49 PM »
Michele...sooo sorry u are going through all this...But we all have to grow in life....and having some bad situations in life is something we all get from time to time....and at the time it makes u feel like your world has come to an end...but really it hasn't....we all learn from it...and right now u do not think this is true but it will make u a better person and a stronger person.....If u need to talk we are here for u....BIG BIG HUGSSSSS for u Michelle

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2009, 07:22:01 PM »
Others have said it better but no matter how hard it is, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and this too will pass.  It sounds silly but I do believe that if you fake it, you will make it.  If you can smile once a day, read something funny and laugh out loud, give someone a hug and think about their hurts, you may have to pretend at first but if you keep it up, it will become real.   Do something like spend an afternoon volunteering at a children's hospital or at the animal shelter, it will take you outside your own hurt and give you the perspective that you need.  It hurts like hell but you are young and there is a great life out there waiting for you.   In between of course, ranting, raving, crying and throwing things also helps  8)

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2009, 07:24:36 PM »

You are so young.  From my vantage point of the age of 70 I can PROMISE you that you will come through this experience a better and happier person on the other side.  While you did indicate that you were no longer betrothed, its kind of bothersome that you were still living with this immature fellow who is likely scared to death about the prospect of being shot at (I can testify as to that fear) and may be trying to protect you from pain should something untoward actually go wrong during his deployment.  If so, he is going about it the wrong way, the problem is that there is no "life manual" for how to deal with everything that comes up and he is probably doing the best he can in the circumstances.  You two may reconnect in the way you want, or you may not.  Either way, you are in charge of your own happiness, so try to look for ways to feel good, rather than dwelling on heartache, because that can lead to clinical depression.  As jonna said, one method that always works is to spend some time helping out at an assisted living center or get involved in girl scout leadership or a mentoring program for girls.  You will be amazed at how effective those endeavors are in pulling you out of your funk. 
Be happy, be good, and live long. 

Oh, and watching your fish swim around helps as well....

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2009, 08:33:03 PM »
Rad so sorry this has happened and guess we all know the pain it causes.  I look at your picture and your posts here and think what is wrong with that guy!  You are a beautiful, smart, witty, fun and just bring life to every post you make. Get back out there and have the fun you deserve.


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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2009, 08:36:31 PM »
Keep the chin up Michelle.  Everyone above is so correct.  I especially think Johns hit it on the head.  You're young and you can still go forward and try new things to enrich your life.  Keep busy or like what Johns said watch your fishies, my favorite thing to do when I'm stressed out.

Keep cool, huh!!

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2009, 09:49:48 PM »
If you were my daughter I would give you a hug and tell you that I love you.  I would say it is better to find out now that he never loved you.  A person who loves you deeply will never intentionally hurt you.  I would tell you that like a physical wound it will eventually scab over and heal.  The severity of the injury will determine if there will be a scar to sometimes remind you of how much you were hurt.  Words leave scars too but many men don't realize it.  Rejoice that he won't be the father of your children because if he hurts you with such behavior why would he treat his children any differently.  I would again remind you that many men fall in lust with a woman, not in love.  They will say they are in love because they are either liars and know that's what you want to hear or they are clueless as to the difference between lust and love.  The challenge for you will be to determine if a man's desire for you is lust or love.  It can be both, but more often it is not.
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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2009, 10:47:11 PM »
aww i love you guys.... i still feel lonely at heart but i'm trucking on i'd say. the damned best i can... the mornings are the worst because i wake up alone, and just think and think. but like i have always done i do journal and i'm sure ill look back on this... and well who knows how i will reflect on it.

unfortunately i think this whole thing was my fault... he may be the best thing that never happend to me because i for some reason wanted to be 23 and single and independant and see the world and meet people and i didnt want to be 'tied down' so i suggested the break. and in the 6 months we werent 'officially' together i met so many people and went so many places... but now that he is gone, as though our fight that day was the final straw to break, and he was through waiting for me... i think now that all these people that i've met and made memories with dont mean anything in the end. and so i've this dark gloomy cloud above me that i made the biggest mistake ever and ill just have to live with it, with a pocket full of good memories. i just dont undertstand (other than the fact that i know ppl want what they cant have and they want who isnt wanting them) that if i was so sure that i just wanted to 23 and experience life and not settle down, then why in the hell do i feel so much regret now.

i did try again in vain to txt him today, and i told him that i know he f'n loves me and misses me as much as i do him so why doesnt he just stop it and talk to me... because i've always been there for him through everything. even those 'michelle why dont you like me whats wrong with me' conversations, where i'd explain it wasnt him, i just wanted to be 23 and have fun at the moment... and now when its a serious situation he wont even speak to me.

his response to the txt was no just stop it. i have a new girl now please stop txting me with stuff like that. (i called him on the phone and he was just saying it to make me leave him alone) so i guess all i can do is let it all go. but shoot dude how do you just walk away from everything?? and why cant i just be fine with my prior theory of 'not wanting my life story to be and "michelle met ian and they lived happily ever after THE END"' i even used to tell myself i would be fine if these actions i was taking would cause me to loose him, cuz then it wasnt ment to be anyway. but there is no action in inaction. and i just cant believe that he could up and walk out on everything. because i was always there for him. sigh.

but everyones words really did bring me up a knotch higher. because i know the answers to my own questions but sometimes i just loose myself in my thoughts and i dont want to do anything! i even got really close to calling local pondshops offering to sale all of my collection... you should see my ponds =( i'm fine when i'm doing something.... i'm afraid of tomorrow morning all alone in my bed. and the plain white ceilings without his heavy breathing next to me and an arm wrapped around my waist. sigh.

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2009, 11:09:22 PM »
omg.. how could you sell ur pond plants! you would totally regret that afterwards. I KNOW IT.  {nono}
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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2009, 06:48:20 AM »
Michelle, I am so sorry for what has happened. It's not your fought. It's something up with him. Get your mind off of him and onto something else. I really would hate to see you give up your pond(s). As Sooks said, you would regret it later. If you don't contact him for a while, he may realize that he is breaking a heart of a woman that truly loved him. Think of all the things that you need to get done and do them without a moments thought of him and stay away from doing things that you two did together. It will be alright, you'll see. :)
Happy ponding,
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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2009, 07:42:59 AM »
I would leave it alone for a while. Let him think. My husband of 15 years broke up with me before we got married. Then he came back and said he could not live without me. We married and was married 15 years. Then he decided he needed another younger woman. He broke my heart and my childrens. They were 10 and 12 years old. It caused them many problems. After he left he was not the kind of dad he should have been. It did more damage to them. He married the woman he left me for. And in 15 years and one child later he left her for a 20 year old and he was 50.
 Maybe he is just scared because of him going where they are sending him.

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2009, 10:14:32 AM »
My, I think you unloaded on the right board!  Just look at all the comments of caring and concern!

I am running off to work, so don't have time to write thoughts of my own, but know that I feel for you, and wish you good things as you start on a new leg of your journey through life.  Yes, that's right - after all this sadness and hurt will come a chance to start all over again, with a lot more experience and knowledge under your belt.

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2009, 10:19:47 AM »
Vickie I'm sorry that happened to you.... It must have been a lot to take in since you had little children. I guess you could say it is hard for anyone who's family gets a divorce. Well at least you won't have to spend the rest of your life with him and found out now. Better now then later.
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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2009, 10:26:55 AM »
well since you explained it better and he truly loves you which it seems he dpes, just think what he has been dealing with, hes probably wrestled with is she dating others, if she loved me she wouldnd etc etc.. and probably fueled by freinds maybe family offering the I would date and do the same things she is and if she loved you she wouldnd do this etc etc etc.   with time and if you keeping trying to show him you didnt want what you thought you did and that you do really love him, that he would be back. And maybe this seperation is good so that you can really be sure you are not just lonely vs that you really dont want to be single and 23.  Oh to be young and having these problems again.... As painful and dramatic as it is, its much better than being old and settled.. hehehe


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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2009, 10:38:21 AM »
but shoot dude how do you just walk away from everything??

Like they say; if you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was.

But don't sit and wait for him!! {nono}

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2009, 01:09:18 PM »
Michelle I am sorry for what you are going through. Maybe you both need a break for awhile. He may be hurt by you choosing to be 23 and wanting to see some of life before you settled down to one person. Nothing wrong with your choice (you are so young) but he may not see it that way. He might have been really hurt by that as you stated you believe he really loves you. He may just need time to think this through. Are you really ready to settle down with just him? You need to seriously think about that as if he does come back to you and wants it to be a permanent thing with just you and him forever and ever til death do you part then you need to speak the truth. Could be he is just trying to show you that he can have fun enjoying life too w/o you. If he does come back just be sure of what you really, really want. This is not a fun thing to be going through and I know cause I've been through it myself w/ my own DH and it all worked and downs.......we just had to make the right choices for us and now we have been together happily for 40 yrs  o(:-). Sending you lot's of hugs  :hug: and wishing the best in life for you  :).

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2009, 04:46:08 PM »
Everyone has had great advice.  My $.02 would be you did the right thing by wanting to be 23 and experience life and travel.  I got married very young and didn't get to experience life, I got divorced 4 years later (broke my heart, he was supposed to be "the one") and took my single life to do what I wanted to do for me. Than I married the most amazing man I could have ever married.  Looking back, I see that life happens for a reason.  There's a country song that's called God Blessed the Broken Road (it's mine and my husband's song), it's a great reminder that God (or whatever you believe in) makes things happen and time will heal all wounds.

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #23 on: July 12, 2009, 05:54:36 PM »
Tink, 23 was many years ago for you, wasn't it? lol
Happy ponding,
Scott o(

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If you think that your question is dumb, imagine how totally stupid you will look if you don't ask it.

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #24 on: July 12, 2009, 06:39:40 PM »
Oh Michelle, I can't say much more than what everyone else is saying, but I can give you a cyberhug.  :hug:
Your story brings back sooo many memories of a man I built my life around.
Then he dumped me.  :'(

I realized that yes, it was my fault by building my life AROUND a man instead of with him.
I learned that in relationships, you have to have YOUR life, and he has to have his.
There will be an area that you share...but no one life should be built around another,
there should be a solid foundation that wont crumble by itself.

I learned to love a man with all my heart, but to have my own freedom, and give him freedom too. 8)

You're so young and pretty, your whole life is ahead of you. You're heart will heal.   :hug:
Peace to all  ... Joyce

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2009, 07:05:10 PM »
lol pondman.. you are wayyyy to mean!  I am 29 and holding and holding and holding.  But yes I am way past that wonderful stage of life but still miss it!


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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2009, 04:18:56 AM »
I went with many women and two former wives before I met the right one for me. Each one I thought was the only one for me at the time, looking back I think "What the hell was I thinking?" Love has a way of clouding your judgement it seems and then looking back you get the clarity of being able to see without the blinders of emotional attachment. It hurts at the time but you have your whole life in front of you and as they say, every time one door closes another one opens. Take your time and heal but do not sell your plants, they are good therapy for you right now.

Never leave your partner, especially in a fire.

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2009, 09:09:21 AM »
I know this feels like the end of the world but it isn't. Trust us. Really. Read Johns and Joyce's posts again. Read everyone's.

You were right to want to live life and not be tied down at 23.

He is right to go off to war single too.


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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2009, 03:56:57 PM »
Oh Michelle, I am so sorry.  Been there, done that and I know it SUCKS! 

I truly believe that the Universe looks out for us and that things happen for a reason.  I also believe that something (or someone) is coming your way!  Hang in there and know you have many friends on this forum.

Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.

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Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2009, 04:03:45 PM »
"I realized that yes, it was my fault by building my life AROUND a man instead of with him.
I learned that in relationships, you have to have YOUR life, and he has to have his.
There will be an area that you share...but no one life should be built around another,
there should be a solid foundation that wont crumble by itself.

OMG, that's one of the best explanations I've ever heard!  Love it!!

I cut out a quote from Sally Feild a long time ago, that she gave in an interview after she left "Mr. Right" Burt Reynolds, and it reitterated the same thing.  It went something like, "I tried so hard to be everything he wanted me to be, that I lost track of who I was, and I stopped existing." 

Move on toward you own life, Kiddo - your OWN life.  And you GO girl!!


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